Legislative Archive
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Specific Resolutions which serve to create new or amend existing legislation shall be located here.
669-672 Term
Singular Acts
- The Drug Enforcement Act 669
- Public Transportation Reorganization and Coordination Act
- Emergency personnel protection act
- Nomination of Nicholas Olson to the rank of Admiral and Chief of the Admiralty
- Nomination of Rudolf Buch to the position of Chief of the General Staff
- Modern Labour Act (669)
- The Firearm Database and Registration Act 669
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Amendment: The Controlled Substances Act (Inter) 669
- Amendment: Technology and Innovation Grants Act, 669
Shelved Legislation
- Boosting Opportunities for Notable Excavation Services (BONES) Act, 669
- Advancing Kodiak Transportation and Heritage Act, 669
666-668 Term
Singular Acts
- Posse Comitatus Act (665)
- Robotics and AI Technology Research Act (665)
- Emergency Bridge Investment Act
- War Time Service Act (666)
- The National Railroad Act (667)
- Reonstruction Incentive Scheme (666)
- Veteran Affairs Act, 667
- Emergency Health Investment Act
- The Kodiak Prison System Expansion Act 668
- Post-War Reconstruction and Education Reintegration Act, 668
- Restructuring and Rebasing Act, 668
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Welch Tax Reform Resolution, 666
- Small Business and Employee Owned Business Taxation Act
- The Pay Your Own Way Tax Reform, 667
- Amendment to National Defense Authorization Act, 643
- Resolution for No-Confidence Vote on the Chancellorship and his Government
- Resolution for a National Victory Day and Civil War Remembrance Day
- Standing Rules Refinement Resolution, 668
Shelved Legislation
- Investigation into the deaths of Commune protesters during KNF rally in Luton (666)
- Resolution against Communist and Anarchist ideologies (666)
- Resolution to Establish An Investigation of Political Extremism and Economic Origins
- Prison Expansion Act, 668
663-665 Term
Singular Acts
- National Organ Donor Act, (665)
- Kodiak Lives! Act (663)
- The Food, Occupational Health, and Safety Administration Act
- The Crime Reduction Act
- Protection from Workplace Injury Act (663)
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Amendment to the Kodiak National Rights Act (663)
- The National Defense Authorization Act Amendment
- Amendment to The Prison Reform Act (652)
- Resolution to Amend the Nuclear Power Act, 644
- Amendment to The Policing Act, 645
- Amendment: The Advanced Education Act (664)
- Amendment: The Individual Income Tax Act (630)
- Resolution to Investigate Foreign Assistance to Internal Dissenters, (664)
- Resolution to Establish the Meritorious Awards of Kodiak
- Resolution to award FM Falkenridge the Guelderlaand Award
- Investigation Into Non-Participatory Civilian Deaths During Astroberg Uprising (665)
Shelved Legislation
660-662 Term
Singular Acts
- Hospital Transparency Act (660)
- Medically Necessary Elective Surgery Act (660)
- Medical Euthanasia Act (661)
- Stem Cell Research Act (661)
- Medical Licensure Act (663)
- Sensible Claims Act (663)
Multiple Act Resolutions
Shelved Legislation
657-659 Term
Singular Acts
- Kodiak State Railway Act, 657
- Sex Work Act, 655
- The Kodiak Bank Act, 657
- Space Partnership with Joint Research Institutes Act, 658
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Transportation Expenditures Act, 654
- Social Services Expenditures Act, 654
- Commerce and Labour Expenditures Act, 654
- Emergency Education Appropriations Act
- Defense and Immigration Expenditures Act, 654
- Amendment to The Policing Act, 654
Shelved Legislation
- Debt Ceiling Act, 654
- Amendment to the executive chancellor act (inter)
- Emergency Banking Affairs Act, 657
- The Regional Flag Resolution, 658
654-656 Term
Singular Acts
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Amendment: The Advanced Education Act
- Military Funding Arrangement Act
- An Amendment to The Business Competition Act, 654
Shelved Legislation
651-653 Term
Singular Acts
- Kodiak Universal Rights Act, 650
- National School Bus Act, 650
- Hiring Subsidies and SME Loans Act 651
- Reconstruction Incentive Scheme, 650
- Protected Witness Service Act, 650
- Prison Reform Act (652)
- Resolution to Join the Assembly of Nations, 652
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Economic Recovery Package, 651
- The State Enterprise and General Communications Resolution, 652
- Taxation Revision Resolution
- The Nation of Promise Resolution, 652
Shelved Legislation
648-650 Term
Singular Acts
- The Vacant Land Exploitation Act (644)
- Disability Support Act, 645
- Child Safety and Health Act, 648
- Kodiak on Rails Act, 649
- The Micro-Enterprises Act, 649 (REPEALED by the Taxation Revision Resolution)
- The Better Bus Act, 649
- Repeal of the Treaty of Demkodia
- Electoral Protection Act (650)
Multiple Act Resolutions
- Labor Reform Resolution, 645
- Amendment to the Children and Dependents Act, 645
- Resolution to Repeal the Kodiak Security Service Law, 643
- Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, 643
- Resolution to Amend the Felony Act
- Amendment to the Skilled Workers Incentive Scheme, 644
- Amendment: The Firearm Regulation Act (Inter)
- SAFE Act Amendment, 644
Shelved Legislation
645-647 Term
New Legislation
- Kodiak Social Security Act, 644
- The Kodiak Security Service Law, 643 (Res)
- Anti-Corruption Resolution, 645