Treaty of Taiping
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Treaty of Taiping
The treaty of peace between the Kodiak Republic and the Great North and the associated reparations and protocols hereby agreed on behalf of the parties.
BEARING IN MIND the lasting ceasefire of 646 and negotiations graciously hosted by mutual allies within THE UNITED REGIONS ALLIANCE;
RECOGNISING the difficult claims and circumstances leading to the action of war between these PRINCIPLE STATES beginning in February of 645 and continuing until the present;
DESIRING that both PRINCIPLE STATES prefer to replace this state of war with a lasting and durable peace;
HEREBY BIND the parties below to the maintenance of this peace.
- The Honourable JOHN EDWARDS, Executive Chancellor of the Most Serene Republic of Kodiak;
- The Honourable AARON BARCKA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Most Serene Republic of Kodiak;
- Doctor ERICA SCOTT, Public Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Most Serene Republic of Kodiak;
- The Honourable PATRICK BARBER, President of the General Assembly of the Most Serene Republic of Kodiak;
- His Majesty AZELL IV of House ELLENBURG, King of the Great North;
- The Right Honourable Sir JOSEPH of BETHOD, Grandmaster of the Northern Knights;
- The Right Honourable Sir BALCO of ARCADION, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Great North.
Article I - Demands Upon the Republic of Kodiak
- 1.1 - The State of War shall from this moment be terminated.
- 1.2 - The Republic of Kodiak shall pay to the Kingdom of the Great North a sum of 150 billion Kodiaker Florins before the conclusion of the year six hundred and forty nine.
- 1.3 - The Republic of Kodiak shall endeavour, by private commerce and public industry, to begin the process of bauxite extraction within the Province of the Darrent before the conclusion of the year six hundred and fifty two.
- 1.3.1 - Upon commencement of this operation, a time of five years shall be allotted for the development of these industries.
- 1.3.2 - Upon the completion of this five year time limit, an amount of no less than thirty percent of all gross revenue of the sales of extracted bauxite will be payable annually to the Kingdom of the Great North for a period of no less than ten years.
- 1.3.3 - The Republic of Kodiak may choose to purchase the Northern Interest in extraction at any time within the five year time limit for a price no less than 250 billion Kodiaker Florins payable immediately upon activation of this clause.
- 1.4 - The Republic of Kodiak shall ensure to maintain the demilitarisation zone as outlined in Article III.
Article II - Demands Upon the Kingdom of the Great North
- 2.1 - The State of War shall from this moment be terminated.
- 2.2 - The Kingdom of the Great North shall evacuate all military equipment and personnel from the occupied regions of the Darrent before the conclusion of the year six hundred and forty nine.
- 2.3 - The Kingdom of the Great North shall end the funding of sympathetic secessionist political organisations within the Darrent.
- 2.4 - The Kingdom of the Great North shall ensure to maintain the demilitarised zone as outlined in Article III
- 2.5 - The Kingdom of the Great North renounces all claims to the Kodiaker Darrent.
Article III - Boundaries and Borders
- 3.1 - The Boundaries of the Province of the Darrent shall be located to the centre of the river Darrent and in the west beyond the source of the Darrent return to the demarcations present during the international quarantine prior to year six hundred and twenty.
- 3.2 - Maritime boundaries shall draw a straight line, 240 degrees from the line of the 59°42′N parallel, the location of the centre of the river Darrent within the Darrent Estuary.
- 3.3 - A demilitarisation of an area 50 miles to either side of the river Darrent between both the Republic of Kodiak and the Kingdom of the Great North shall be enforced for a period of twenty years.
- 3.4 - The Sovereign Borders shall be closed until such a time as the governments of both the Republic of Kodiak and the Kingdom of the Great North mutually agree to their re-establishment.
Article IV - Guarantors of the Peace
- 4.1 - The Republic of Kodiak is authorised to enforce the provisions of this treaty with military force.
- 4.2 - The Kingdom of the Great North is authorised to enforce the provisions of this treaty with military force.
- 4.3 - The following members of the United Regions Alliance are authorised to enforce the provisions of this treaty with military force;
- 4.3.1 - The Republic of Anteria
- 4.3.2 - The Kingdom of the Conch
- 4.3.3 - The Confederation of Good Hope
Article V - Signatories
The Most Serene Republic of Kodiak
The Great Northern Kingdom of Ellenburg
SIGNED this first day of December, six hundred and forty eight (2022).