Post-Commune Healthcare Reconstruction Act

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

An act to reallocate funding into the healthcare sector to support those affected by the war and start a national reconstruction project of healthcare buildings and institutions.

Article 1 - Amendment to The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635)

Original text

1.5 - The funding for the operation of emergency departments, as well as the transition period, shall be set at ₣1,000,000,000 per financial quarter.

Amended text

1.5 - The funding for the operation of emergency departments, as well as the transition period, shall be set at ₣1,250,000,000 per financial quarter.

Article 2 - Civil War Victims Support Program (CWVS)

2.1 - A new healthcare program, managed by the State Health Service, shall be formed and named as Civil War Victims Support Program. (CWVS for short)

2.2 - The CWVS shall act as a program for any civil war victim who requires such medical care..

2.3 - "Civil war victim" is defined as any Kodiak citizen who resided during the civil war or resides, after 2 years of the end of the civil war (ended in April 7th 667), who has suffered any physical or psychological injury during said period while residing.

2.4 - The CWVS shall offer its services for any public or private healthcare institution.

2.5 - The CWVS will act as financial support and provider of access for any medical treatment, mental health counseling and therapy, rehabilitation services and medication. The amount of financial coverage provided to the people will vary depending on the property and monetary damage, urgency of the injury and to those economically disadvantaged.

2.5.1 - To any injury that could be considered death threatening or fatal if untreated, and to those who do not have the resources or access to obtain the necessary treatment, all costs will be covered by the CWVS.

2.5.2 - To any injury that could be considered severe or could cause disability to the victim if untreated, and to those who do have the resources but would be significantly harmed financially after obtaining the proper treatment, 65% of the costs will be covered by the CWVS.

2.5.3 - To any injury that doesn't pose an urgent threat or disability, and to those who have no problem involving access or having the resources to access the proper treatment. 25% of the costs will be covered by the CWVS.

2.6 - All injuries that would be counted under section 2.5.1 and exceptional cases under section 2.5.2 will be treated with urgency. Meanwhile, those who fall under section 2.5.3 and those who are able to wait without causing further harm or injury under section 2.5.3 will have to follow the same queue by the healthcare institutions.

2.7 - The Ministry of Health and Education will be granted 1,05 billion florins per quarter for the financial support operations of the CWVS.

Article 3 - Healthcare Infrastructure and Institutions Reconstruction

3.1 - 1,05 billion florins per quarter of the new State Health Service shall be put to use to rebuild any health infrastructure and buildings damaged or affected by the Civil War. New materials for the purpose of providing better proper health services in public hospitals and healthcare offices and will also be provided if possible during the time of reconstruction.

Authored by María Sanz-Cortés, Minister of Health and Education.

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