Resolution on Public Health and Tax

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

A resolution to nationalise all emergency departments extant within private clinics and hospitals within the Kodiak Republic.

RECOGNISING the obligation of the state over the wellbeing of its citizens;

NOTING the nature of first response and emergency care as unavoidable and often expensive;

FURTHER NOTING that the majority of for-profit healthcare is reliant on elective surgery and not emergency services;

OBSERVING that emergency care is often under-insured and also financially straining;

HEREBY enacts the following Bill as Act 4 within Title 2 of the Kodiak Law Code:

The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635)

An act to ensure affordable healthcare to every resident of the Kodiak Republic.

Article 1 - Nationalisation of Emergency Departments

1.1 - All emergency departments shall be owned and operated by the Ministry of Health, to be administrated by local offices within each constituency.
1.2 - Emergency care shall be provided free at the point of service for all citizens.
1.3 - This article does not prevent an insurance network to operate private intensive care and emergency follow up departments for residents and citizens who qualify for that network's private services.
1.4 - Provides for the transition from private to public ownership a transition period of three years from the passage of this act.
1.5 - The funding for the operation of emergency departments, as well as the transition period, shall be set at ₣1,000,000,000 per financial quarter.

Article 2 - Provision to Construct and Maintain Public Hospitals

2.1 - Local governments shall no longer be constrained from utilising public funds to build, staff, and administrate public health facilities.
2.2 - Any such facility shall, upon proper vetting by the Department of Health, be permitted to apply for a nationally funded emergency department to be funded under this act.

Article 3 - Obligation to Purchase Private Insurance

3.1 - All non-citizens residing in Kodiak for a period 91 days or longer are hereby obligated to purchase emergency services insurance from their choice of private insurer.
3.2 - Emergency care provided to a non-citizen shall be billed to that citizen at the internal cost rate to be covered by their insurer, or if uninsured, by the non-citizen personally.
3.3 - Residents who are citizens of any nation whose public health service maintains an agreement of reciprocity with the Kodiak Republic Department of Health are exempt from the demands of this Article.

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RECOGNISING the burden this undertaking will have on the national budget;

CONFIRMING the ultimate cost of national health will be decreased by the economy of scale available to the national government;

HEREBY amends Title 7, Act 2 The Individual Income Tax Act (630), Article 1:

":1.1 - Creates a progressive tax on all earnings by citizens of the Republic set at the median annual tax rate of 33%, and sets income tax brackets as follows:

1.2 – The first ₣15,000 of Income shall be tax free
1.3 - ₣15,000 - ₣30,000 shall be taxed at 18%
1.4 - ₣30,000 - ₣60,000 shall be taxed at 33%
1.5 - ₣60,000 - ₣120,000 shall be taxed at 45%
1.6 - ₣120,000 and over shall be taxed at 60%"


":1.1 - Creates a progressive tax on all earnings by citizens of the Republic set at the median annual tax rate of 35%, and sets income tax brackets as follows:

1.2 – The first ₣15,000 of Income shall be tax free
1.3 - ₣15,000 - ₣30,000 shall be taxed at 18%
1.4 - ₣30,000 - ₣60,000 shall be taxed at 35%
1.5 - ₣60,000 - ₣120,000 shall be taxed at 49%
1.6 - ₣120,000 and over shall be taxed at 65%"
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