Commerce and Labour Expenditures Act, 654
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
In order to save the Republic from default, the following changes are being made in the laws concerning the Ministry of Commerce and Labour.
ACTIONED on 18 August 2023, 11 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Abstain.
Article One - Reduction of Funding
- 1.1 - Section 2.3 in the The Business Competition Act (Inter) regarding the Better Business Council is repealed.
- 1.2 - The financing of the Technology and Innovation Grants Act (635) is reduced from 400 million Florins per quartile in Section 1.3 to 100 million Florins per quarter.
- 1.3 - Section 1.4 in the Mining & Energy Expansion Act regarding renewable energy subsidies is repealed.
Tabled by von Zeppelin, MGA, CKA, as an independent member's bill.