Mining & Energy Expansion Act
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Proposed as part of the Economic Recovery Package, 651
The Mining and Energy Expansion Act has PASSED by a vote of 9 Aye, 7 Nay and 2 abstaining
AMENDED by the Commerce and Labour Expenditures Act, 654.
AMENDED by the Ministry of Commerce & Labour Budget Adjustment Resolution (657).
Article 1:
- 1.1 - The Ministry of Commerce shall issue a government subsidy to mining companies to hasten the establishment of long-term rare earth metal mining operations in the Darrent. They will also issue subsidies for the research and development of renewable energy infrastructure.
- 1.2 - A total of ₣950 million florins shall be allocated quarterly by the Ministry of Commerce to fund these mining subsidies.
- 1.3 - These mining subsidies shall first and foremost go towards establishing proper ventilation and waste disposal systems on mining sites and facilities.
Written and Proposed by Erich Crysler, MGA, Independent