Mining & Energy Expansion Act
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Proposed as part of the Economic Recovery Package, 651
The Mining and Energy Expansion Act has PASSED by a vote of 9 Aye, 7 Nay and 2 abstaining
AMENDED by the Commerce and Labour Expenditures Act, 654.
Article 1:
- 1.1 - The Ministry of Commerce shall issue a government subsidy to mining companies to hasten the establishment of long-term rare earth metal mining operations in the Darrent. They will also issue subsidies for the research and development of renewable energy infrastructure.
- 1.2 - A total of 1,200 million florins shall be allocated quarterly by the Ministry of Commerce to fund these mining subsidies.
- 1.3 - These mining subsidies shall first and foremost go towards establishing proper ventilation and waste disposal systems on mining sites and facilities.
- 1.4 - Renewable energy consists of wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear power. This funding will only be used to create renewable energy facilities, by any legal means.
Written and Proposed by Erich Crysler, MGA, Independent