Resolution against Communist and Anarchist ideologies (666)
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
A resolution to define an active philosophical and policy position of the government of the Kodiak Republic.
REJECTED on 7 MAY 2024 with 14 AYE, 19 NAY, 1 ABSTAIN.
The General Assembly of the Kodiak Republic,
DEFINES, for the purpose of this resolution, “communism” as an ideology and system of organization built on the foundations of violent authoritarianism and state-controlled economic organization, anti-democratic one-party rule, forced economic equality, and censorship of political and civil rights with the purpose of a forced overhaul of society as a means of enshrining said system and its party;
ALSO DEFINES, for the purpose of this resolution, "anarchism" as an ideology which aims, through violent means, to overthrow the state and replace it with a system lacking of any organized system, as a means of "total freedom";
RECOGNISING that both communism and anarchism are a combination of each's political foundations named above but is not defined by the presentation of a single listed ideal;
FURTHER RECOGNISING communism and anarchism are complex political ideology often used as a pejorative against left-leaning individuals;
DEFENDING the right of individuals to hold complex opinions inclusive of those here to be condemned;
NOTING that communism and/or anarchism shares a number of uncontroversial ideals with many political ideologies, including but not limited to, socialism, strong central governance, economic interventionism, internationalism, and libertarianism;
1. DECLARES that the Kodiak Republic proscribes the ideals of communism and anarchism;
2. CONDEMNS all governments and organisations which support a communist and/or anarchist ideology as defined in this resolution in name or in action;
3. DENOUNCES political parties and political organizations founded for the advancement of communism and/or anarchism using violent means;
4. REQUIRES the executive of the Kodiak Republic proscribe relations with any body within two degrees of a communist and/or anarchist organisation or government EXCEPTING intergovernmental organisations purposed to the advancement of peace and diplomacy.
Authored by María Sanz-Cortés, Minister of Law and Justice, sponsored by Alexander Paramount, Minister of Social Services.