Political parties in the Kodiak Republic

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Political Parties have been legal in the Kodiak Republic since the year 639, after a decision by the Seathenia Provincial Court declared political organisation a right under Article 4 of the Constitution. Attempts at official parties existed prior to this ruling, but none held any meaningful influence. Only the DLPK existed both before and after the ruling, but was disbanded after poor electoral performance in 642.

Current Political Parties

- Name Abbr. Ideology Leader Founded
The Kodiak Environmentalist Party KEP Ecopolitics
Brook Vonz 673
The Kodiak Social Democratic Party KSDP Techno-Progressivism
Social Democracy
Jack Benjamin 639
The Kodiak Workers Alliance KWA Council Socialism
William Barber
Joanna Sousa
The National Unity Party NUP Conservative Democracy
Social Capitalism
Christopher Blackadder 639

Former Political Parties

- Name Abbr. Ideology Leader Years Active Reason
Strategic Homeland Reform &
Innovation Movement Party
SHRIMP Libertarian Capitalism
Antonio Recio Rufián 668-676 Implicated in the Insurrection of 676
The Conservative Alliance Party CAP National Populism
Malia Marshall 675-676 Implicated in the Insurrection of 676
The People's Socialist Vanguard PSV Revolutionary Socialism
William Barber 671 - 673 Merged into the Kodiak Workers' Party to create the Kodiak Workers Alliance
The Kodiak Social Alliance KSA Social Democracy
Daniel Anderson
Paul Mores
663 - 668 Merged into the Democratic Progress Party of Kodiak to create the Kodiak Social Democratic Party
The Centrist Kodiak Alliance CKA Radical Centrism
Immanuel von Zeppelin 651 - 658 Dissolved voluntarily.
The Chest and Co Sponsored Political Office CACSPO Classic Liberalism
Yungly Shaon 639 - 653 Deregistered for lack of membership.
New Economy for the Generation of Kodiak NEGK Eco-Socialism
Gustave Bernier 648-650 Forcibly dissolved for faking memberships.
Together For Freedom TFF Capitalism
Phil Kirk 648 - 649 Merged into the NUP.
New United Economy and Trade for Kodiak NUETK Vanguardism
Leon Aguilar 648 - 649 Merged into the NEGK.
The Soldiers and Isolationists Party SIP Isolationism
Leonidas Agiades 644 - 644 Dissolved when leader arrested for illegal activities.
The Kodiak Environmentalists Party (644) KEP Ecopolitics
Erin Lezi 644 - 644 Dissolved voluntarily.
The Alliance for National Democracy AND Centrism
Andrew Summersons 640 - 644 Forcibly dissolved for faking memberships.
The Jacobin Club TJC State Capitalism
Weebus Mobius 640 - 643 Dissolved voluntarily.
The Democratic Labour Party of Kodiak DLPK
(now NUP)
Social Democracy
Social Liberalism
Wesley Karlsson 638 - 642 Dissolved voluntarily.
The Progress Party (No Platform) TPP Unknown P. Moo Nike 637 - 637 Dissolved voluntarily.
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