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===Who We Are===
A Party that respects the interests of the common citizen.<br>
[[File:NUP party SymbolKup_new_logo.pngjpg|250px|thumb|right]]
Kodiak is a land of many rich histories, traditions, and cul-turescultures. We represent the broad spectrum of the every-man that is affected by the crisis our land is facing. We must combat these issues together but without sacrificing our Kodiaker identify and principals.<br><br>
The National Unity Party can trace its lineage back into the Bromanikan dynasty through its predecessor organiza-tionsorganizations, The College of Merchants and the Conservative Association. With members of the party being elected to both the House of Commons and representation in the Royal Council.<br><br>
With the fall of the monarchy, civil war, and national re-birth, the former parties eventually merged into the Unity Movement which aligned the various regional conservative and monarchist movements under a single banner.<br> <br>
The party has rebranded in recent years to become the National Unity Party with concentration on Center-Right policies to improve the Republic.
===Setting the Conditions===
Since the Revolution and the ensuring instability, our citizens have been able to fully innovate their true potential. We, the National Unity Party, seek to create the mod-elmodel environment for the individual citizen to prosper and create a better tomorrow.<br><br>
In order to create our model of success, the National Unity Party seeks to remove destabilizing elements affecting the Republic both internally and externally while also fuelingfuelling investment into the micro-economic front.<br><br>
To accomplish this, the party will explore a heighten defense spending priority with additional bills to solidify legal processes and national police authorities to counter domestic terrorists. Some examples of NUP policies to bring about our changes in the future.<br>
*National Defense Reserve Act– Passed 639
*The Water Act of 641 - Passed 641
*Small Business Investment Resolutions
Below are some examples of accomplishments by the NUP<br>
*Kodiak public works bills.
*Counter Terrorism Service organization
*[[Industrial Water Pollution Regulation Act (641)|Regulated and decreased pollution in our waterways]].
*Countering restrictions against innovative business practices.
*[[The Water Act, 641|Ensured our nation's water security, through regulating conservation and recreation, sewerage and a national reservoir system]].
*Re-establishment of the Kodiak Coast Guard
*[[National Defense Authorization Act, 643|Expanded the capabilities of the Kodiak Armed Forces with an expanded reserve and a re-established Coast Guard]].
*Educational reform to revitalize our shared Kodiaker identity .
*[[Kodiak_Social_Security_Act,_644|Introduced safety nets for the elderly, unemployed and disabled]].
*[[Stability_and_Freedom_Enhancement_(SAFE)_Act,_644|Formed the Counter-Terrorism Service to combat acts of terrorism within the Republic]].
*[[The Centralised Justice Act, 645|Centralized the Justice System by implementing a Federal Court System]].
*[[The_Nation_of_Promise_Resolution,_652|Expanded our diplomatic and international standing]].
* Saved the economy from total collapse under Chancellor [[User:rakkeyal|Ward]].
*[[Kodiak State Railway Act, 657|Established a national railway corporation to manage the operations of our nation's railroads]].
*[[Amendment to the Kodiak National Rights Act (663)|Expanded abortion rights for women]].
*Lead the nation through the [[The Kodiak Commune|Civil War]] under Chancellor [[User:Edmund Cosmo Maltravers|Maltravers]] and [[User:AntilleanMan|Hurst]].
*[[Resolution to Amend the Nuclear Power Act, 644|Expanded our nation's nuclear energy capabilities]].
*[[War Time Service Act (666)|Ensured our nation's safety during times of conflict]].
*[[Welch_Tax_Reform_Resolution,_666|Reformed the Tax Code to alleviate the tax burden and improve economic efficiency]].
==Policy '''(TO BE UPDATED)'''==
===National Defense===
Our nation must be able to protect itself from hostile powers in the region. Greater expansion of our defense capabilities is needed to reaffirm our na-tionalnational sovereignty.
Government manipulation of the mar-ketsmarkets remains one of the main drivers of our nation’s current crisis. We must create economic conditions through decentralized regulations that enable businesses to flourish without federal harrassmentharassment.
===Internal Security===
Counter-Terrorism against the militant forces of the leftist organizations and ultra nationalist need to increased. Overwhelming violence continues to be a massive drain our economic viability. Foreign influence is another danger which threatens to undermine our Kodiaker traditions.
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Latest revision as of 05:06, 8 June 2024

Tradition, Stability, Liberty

Who We Are

A Party that respects the interests of the common citizen.

Kodiak is a land of many rich histories, traditions, and cultures. We represent the broad spectrum of the every-man that is affected by the crisis our land is facing. We must combat these issues together but without sacrificing our Kodiaker identify and principals.

The National Unity Party can trace its lineage back into the Bromanikan dynasty through its predecessor organizations, The College of Merchants and the Conservative Association. With members of the party being elected to both the House of Commons and representation in the Royal Council.

With the fall of the monarchy, civil war, and national re-birth, the former parties eventually merged into the Unity Movement which aligned the various regional conservative and monarchist movements under a single banner.

The party has rebranded in recent years to become the National Unity Party with concentration on Center-Right policies to improve the Republic.

Setting the Conditions

Since the Revolution and the ensuring instability, our citizens have been able to fully innovate their true potential. We, the National Unity Party, seek to create the model environment for the individual citizen to prosper and create a better tomorrow.

In order to create our model of success, the National Unity Party seeks to remove destabilizing elements affecting the Republic both internally and externally while also fuelling investment into the micro-economic front.

To accomplish this, the party will explore a heighten defense spending priority with additional bills to solidify legal processes and national police authorities to counter domestic terrorists.


Below are some examples of accomplishments by the NUP


National Defense

Our nation must be able to protect itself from hostile powers in the region. Greater expansion of our defense capabilities is needed to reaffirm our national sovereignty.


Government manipulation of the markets remains one of the main drivers of our nation’s current crisis. We must create economic conditions through decentralized regulations that enable businesses to flourish without federal harassment.

Internal Security

Counter-Terrorism against the militant forces of the leftist organizations and ultra nationalist need to increased. Overwhelming violence continues to be a massive drain our economic viability. Foreign influence is another danger which threatens to undermine our Kodiaker traditions.


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