633 to 635 Battenberg-Grafton Government
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
The Battenberg-Grafton government served for the years 633 through 635 (28 Sep 21 - 12 Dec 21). The era was defined by the assasination attempt against the Chancellor who miraculously survived, but was unable to recover by the end of the term. His cabinet managed the government by committee until the election in 636. Below are a collection of some of the news stories as presented by the Kodiak Broacasting Corporation.
- To view the resolutions finalised by the General Assembly during this term of government click here.
- To see information on the Genereal Election of 633 click here.
- Government Officials from this era may be seen here.
No Major Events
A group of religious extremists have taken a number of hostages in the San Chico Synagogue and are threatening to kill them unless demands regarding foreign policy are not met. The demands they make are not that extreme, but it might be a dangerous precedent to be seen to negotiate.
The government has elected to send in the police. The Chief of the NKP was quoted, "There is no negotiating with hostage takers. To do so would open the floodgates to total chaos. It is unfortunate for those citizens taken hostage, but we need to storm this building right now and try to get those people free. If that means shooting the hostage takers and losing a few hostages, that is a price we must be prepared to bear."
Religious organisations and civil liberties experts are appalled with the government's position, but the Chancellor has walked away with an increased popularity boast in national polling.
Stargazy Steelworks INC, one of the largest steelworks in the nation, has run into serious financial difficulties due to the skilled worker shortage and is on the verge of bankruptcy. The company executives think they can get new orders in and keep the company afloat if the government will provide and interest free loan to keep the running for the next few months.
The government has approved the bail out for Stargazy Steelworks with the Chancellor quoted this morning saying, "This company employs thousands of Kodiakers and there will be a lot of other businesses that provide services for them who will also be affected if this company goes under. We must consider the effect this will have on the local economy if we let this company close down. My government will provide this loan to defend the jobs and prosperity of Kodiak as well as the City of San Chico." Industrial unions are claiming a victory for their members while economists have decried this perversion of market forces.
Racial and religious tensions are on the rise after the newly completed Pentecostal Prayer Centre in downtown Astroberg was the victim of an arsonist this week. Another firebomb was discovered undetonated behind the alter of an Eastern Orthodox temple this morning with a mostly unintelligible note about unwelcome foreigners attached.
Also tonight, Minister Asden's new car emissions legislation has gone into effect. Business owner William Arnold explains that this policy has already been disastrous for their small classic car sale business. "We have been in business for just under thirty years but these emissions limits have made these classic works of art and engineering worthless. We will have to close, there is no way we can afford to install the conversion kits to meet regulatory standards. I believe I stand with many members of the public and the Duckburg Small Business Association when I say we will not be voting for this government in 636."
Concerns have been raised by a local not-for-profit family charity about the impact violent video games have on young people. The group describes these games as 'murder simulators' and they claim a link has been established between them and violent crime. They propose games exceeding a certain threshold be banned and that many others be restricted for adults 18 and older only.
The government has acquiesced to the concerns of the lobby group but have stopped short of restricting or banning the games. "Informed consumers will make the best decisions for their children and themselves, I am sure" Minister Great has been quoted saying, "and thus we shall establish a rating agency to assess, rate, and label these games before they will be cleared for sale in Kodiak." Parents organisations have reacted positively to the news, but the government has received a sternly written petition from a number of local high school student councils.
In other news, leaks from the Ministry of Defence show a rising membership in a communist terror group known as the "People's Brigade" over the last three years. They appear to be receiving funds from foreign governments and at least three caches of weapons have been discovered by intelligence agents last year alone.
The government announced today, after considerable public consultation and submissions from national and international health organisations, smoking in public shall be banned starting 1 July.
A whistle-blower from within the Kodiak Intelligence Bureau has informed us today of the previously unknown "Kodiak Militia". An organisation we now know is classed as a terror organisation consisting of hyper-conservative and nationalist members from the "Family Values Caucus" Lobby and Charity Group. While the Charity has distanced itself from the "militia", it is believed many members of the executive have been aware of its plans for some time. Links have been made to the church bombings last year.
Kodiakers everywhere are outraged to hear our national soccer team has been banned from participating in the international playoffs after a number of members have refused to apologise for using racial slurs against opponents in seven of the last eight games. The International Football Federation has resisted all pressure from the government to reconsider and is currently assessing the fines it will levy against the national club.
The conservative terror organisation the 'Kodiak Militia' has attempted an assassination attempt against the Chancellor Battenberg-Grafton. He has been severely wounded but is currently stable in hospital. The cabinet has promised to keep the nation running until his recovery, but the share market has nosedived with the news.
Public Secretary of Commerce and Labour Jacqueline Brown has resigned today in a scathing letter of government policy. Benjamin Bailey has been appointed in her stead but it will take some time for the department to recover from this.
No Major Events
No Major Events
A marked increase in illegal immigration over the last six months has triggered outrage amongst the conservative citizens of Kodiak. With Racial Tensions already high, the lack of border security has made an already bad situation worse.
The election approaches and Chancellor Battenberg-Grafton is still in hospital recovering from the assination attempt July last year. Health and Education Minister Alexander Mondo as well as Treasury Ministery Great have both delcared their intention to lead Kodiak in the next term, with Mr. Mondo the current frontronner in the polls.