633 General Election - 28 Sep 2021

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

The 633 General Election was delayed by eight days due to a flare up of the Kodiak Virus. Originally slated for 20 Sep, it was held on 28 Sep 2021. Incumbent Assembly President Amber Delacroix-Grey declined to run for a second term. Incumbent Chancellor Ulrykk von Guelderlaand stepped down as Chancellor to run as the only candidate for President of the Assembly. Defence Minister Albrecht von Battenberg-Grafton ran as the only candidate for Chancellor.

The election ran for seven days and was certified by Chancellor von Guelderlaand.

The election was run through the Pollmaster Software on Discord and the questions put were:

Do you approve of the election of Rykkland as Assembly President?
9 - Yes
0 - No
0 - Abstain

Do you approve of the election of Atlantica as Chancellor?
9 - Yes
0 - No
1 - Abstain

Chancellor Battenberg-Grafton was unable to propose a cabinet until 634, ultimately approving the following Ministers before the end of the term: Justice, Law, and Order and Defence and Foreign Affairs and Administrative Affairs: Held by Chancellor Health and Education: Alexander Mondo Treasury and Revenue: Mr. Great Transportation: New Asden

The next election was held on 13 Dec 2021 with nominations opening on 6 Dec 2021.

Battenberg-Grafton provided the below call to action for his campaign:
Salutations Kodiakers!

I am honoured to be up for consideration to be the 2nd Chancellor of our 7th Republic. It is my dream to continue making Kodiak into an independent community; greater than NationStates alone. I am hopeful the support and effort you all will show will continue to be at the forefront our Republic.

Community wise, it is my goal during my term to see the region increase the average participation of our members in the regional internal affairs such as the government's minister positions, and to see our average voting count reach to 10 members on each legistation.

Kodiak wise, as Chancellor, I am willing to continue my role as Minister with Porfolios of Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Law and Order unless a new member wishes to assume the mantle of responsibility. I encourage any and all members that would like to try out a government position to please express your interest and help us expand us in the right direction. It is my hope we will finally resolve to pass our Regional Constitution into formal acceptance moving us from a provincial government into a formal body of laws that are guarenteed by the people and our institutions.

Together I hope to deliver a plan to move Kodiak out of the myriad crises we face and into a stable future. Law and Order must be restored, government legitimacy must be built, public services shall be rebuilt, and well paying jobs will be our priority. Together we can make Kodiak a better place, and together we will.

I cannot do it alone, but I hope with your help and support we will succeed in advancing the progress we have made since the refounding of this Republic.

I look forward to reading the Report for 633AB of the Regional Situation and will post a detailed plan of action my government will strive for inorder to continue on the path of rebuilding our Republic from the chaos that engulfed us for decades.

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