Transportation Budget

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Quarterly Budgetary Allocations

1.1 - ₣275 million - The National Highway System[1]
1.2 - ₣0.30 million- Department of Standards and Regulations - Investigations, policing, and regulation enforcement[2]
1.3 - ₣2500 million - National Rail Service - Admin, consturction, and maintainence[3]
1.4 - ₣300 million - National Motor Vehicle Service - Public Bus transport, procurement, maintanence, and salaries[4]
1.5 - ₣100 million - National Motor Vehicle Service - School Bus procurement, maintanence, and salaries[5]
1.6 - ₣40 million - Department of Bus Infastructure - Construction and Regulatory Enforcement[6]
1.7 - ₣3 million - The National School Bus Department - Admin[7]
1.8 - ₣150 million - Department of Cycling Infrastructure - Admin[8]
1.9 - ₣50 million - National Bicycle Service - Admin[9]


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