Resolution to Declare War with TGN, 645
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
REPEALED by Treaty of Taiping
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly
PASSED on 03 Septembver 2022 with 18 AYE, 7 NAY, 1 ABSTAIN
RECOGNISING that a state of armed conflict exists between the Kingdom of the Great North and the Serene Republic of Kodiak and making provisions to prosecute the same
WHEREAS the Kingdom of the Great North has committed numerous acts of unprovoked aggression against the Government and People of the Kodiak Republic
HEREBY declares that a state of conflict between The Great North and The Kodiak Republic, which has been thrust upon the latter, does exist and empowers the Executive Chancellor to take all necessary measures empowered to him under the Constitution of the Seventh Republic to employ the full defensive might of the Army, Navy, and Air Forces and other resources to bring the conflict to a quick and successful termination.
Proposed to the Assembly by Chancellor Oskar Luchens, Q2 645.