Talk:Resolution to Declare War with TGN, 645
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Patrick Barber — 31/08/2022
@Assembly Member
Presented by the Chancellor Oskar Luchens of the NUP. A resolution to declare an official state of war between our nation and that of the Ellenbergi Kingdom of the Great North. The expected date for a vote is 07 SEP 2022.,_645
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 31/08/2022
Mr. President, barring any objections from the Assembly, given the de facto state of affairs I motion to escalate this resolution to an immediate vote.
Joshua Lopez - Slatium — 31/08/2022
They are the ones who started it, not us, by supporting the rebels.
Patrick Barber — 31/08/2022
I acquiesce to the request, but one of the options will be to return to debate.
— 31/08/2022
Do you approve of the Delcaration of War?
🇦 Aye
🇧 Nay OR Return to Debate
🇨 Abstain
Final Result
🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ [18 • 69%]
🇧 ▓▓▓░░░░░░░ [7 • 27%]
🇨 ░░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 4%]
26 users voted
- alarm_clock: Poll already ended (6 days ago)
- spy: Anonymous Poll
- one: allowed choice
- lock: No other votes allowed
Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
Poll ID: jecLqgUvyv
Patrick Barber — 31/08/2022
@Assembly Member
The vote has been expedited by reasonable request of the Chancellor and shall last 72 hours.
Note that Nay and Return to debate are on the same line.