Emergency Education Appropriations Act
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
(Redirected from Health and Education Expenditures Act, 654)
An act to reduce overspending on education and improve budgetary balance.
PASSED on 16th of August 2023 with 17 Aye, 3 Nay, 4 Abstain.
Amends State-Funded University Education Act, 649
Article III
- 3.1 The Ministry of Education is granted a budget of ₣800 million Florins per quarter to fund state university tuition fees, and additional administrative on-costs calculated per student in consultation with the Ministry of Education and designated State Universities.
- 3.3 All citizens of the Kodiak Republic shall have all necessary tuition fees paid by the state if attending a State University for any undergraduate degree up to a period of four years.
- 3.5.1 - The Ministry of Education in consultation with State Universities may provide guidance on maximum placements available for undergraduate students based on available funding and national demand.
Article IV
- 4.5 A budget of ₣150 million Florins per quarter is available for state-funded scholarships and grants.
Amends The Advanced Education Act (637)
Article 2 - Technical Colleges
- 2.7 The Star Path State Technical College funding shall be set at 150 million florins per quarter.
Amends Nutritional Standards for School Meals Act, 649
Article 1: School Meals for All
- 1.3 The Ministry of Education will have a budget of ₣250 million per quarter to orchestrate catering and distribution per province.
Amends Kodiak Opportunity Grants Act, 649
Article III: Funding
- 3.1 The Ministry of Education shall provide funding of ₣200 million per quarter.
Amends State Education and Standards Act, 649
Article 8: State School Funding
8.1 Funding provided by the Ministry of Education is ₣7,200 million per quarter.