User:Hazgarz aka Kallamaya

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki


A list of characters played by me.

Luik Oule (Active)

Luik Oule's official Presidential photo. Known to be a disruptive force in traditional politics, he has only been seen in a 3-piece suit at his inauguration, for which the attire was required.

Ascending to power in 649 following the former President Mattias Reke's unexpected retirement, he has since been the President of Kallamaya and the Delegate of the Federal Republic of Kallamaya to the Serene Republic of Kodiak. A member of the DZP (Demokratik Zocalizt Partij - Democratic Socialist Party) at home, he is a member of the KWP (Kodiak Worker's Party) in the Kodiak Assembly.

A relative newcomer to politics, he is the youngest person and first second-generation immigrant to hold the office of President. He first became involved in politics shortly after the end of the Independence War. At 12, he joined the DZP's youth wing, the NRV (Nuuma Ruodt Voikkimi - Red Youth Force).

After 2 years of organizing and participating in rallies and other activities, he was elected by his peers to serve as the Red Youth Force's advisor to the Party proper at 14, becoming the youngest person to hold the position. Shortly before becoming an adult, he announced his intention to step down from his leadership position and seek membership in the DZP.

Once he became 18, he became a member of the DZP and contested for the representative of his home district, Takkoun-4 in the 646 General Election. A notoriously conservative district, he rallied the youth vote and leveraged the political apathy of older, generally more conservative voters to narrowly win the seat. Quickly rising through the ranks of the DZP, he became a political star almost over night. After being re-elected in the 648 general elections, he was appointed to the position of Vice President, a position which serves to replace the President until the next election in case of death, incapacity to govern, abdication, or impeachment. In 649, as Mattias Reke's abdication, he fulfilled his role as Vice President, becoming the interim President of Kallamaya.

In the 650 General Election, he ran to keep his seat as President. Although the DZP lost a majority in the Assembly for the first time since the country's founding, he managed to hold on to power in a close run-off between him and Conservative Party candidate Yulla Torresu. In an interview with the National Public Radio Service in 648, he was asked why he, at such a young age, was able to have such a successful political career. He responded, "I really think it's because the young people of Kallamaya want a voice. We're tired of hearing, 'you're too young', then getting brushed aside."

At his Presidential inauguration, he promised to "represent the Kallamayan people in Kodiak to the best of [his] abilities, and to follow [his] conscience, not traditions".

Mattias Reke (Retired)

WIP... coming soon.

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