Talk:Transportation Expenditures Act, 654

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Transportation Expenditures Act, 654 Slightly Toasted Cheesecake OP

— 06/07/2023 5:34 PM

Tabled by Immanuel von Zeppelin, MGA, CKA, as an independent member's bill. In order to save the Republic from default, the following changes are being made in the laws concerning Ministry of Transportation. Voting is presently set for the twenty first of June.,_654#Article_One_-_Reduction_of_Funding The Kodiak Republic Wiki Transportation Expenditures Act, 654 In order to save the Republic from default, the following changes are being made in the laws concerning Ministry of Transportation. ACTIONED on ## month ####, ## Aye, ## Nay, ## Abstain. Slightly Toasted Cheesecake OP

— 06/07/2023 5:35 PM

@Assembly Member Discussion is now opened for the Transportation Expenditures Act. This one may lead to a particularly fiery debate, so remember, you represent your constitutionality.

Alfonso Sadurin (DPPK) — 06/07/2023 7:40 PM I disagree with the repeal of the Bicycle Act as it could potentially supplement the decline in our highway constructions and bus expenditure. Furthermore, I also disagree with the drastic reduction in public transportation as it would unduly burden our less-fortunate commuters.

I fully support the significant reduction in the funds allocated for construction of highways since what we should be improving if the quality and access of our public transportation services.

Grant Shadbolt [CKA] — 06/08/2023 12:43 AM Quick notes: The Bicycle Act doesn't have a section 3.4, Section 2.3 of the National Highways Act is 2.5 million, not 2.5 billion

Grant Shadbolt [CKA] — 06/08/2023 12:48 AM I would also like to note that the National Highways Act specifically states that no new highways are to be considered by the assembly, and that the money allocated therein is for maintenance purposes.

von Zeppelin [CKA] — 06/08/2023 10:43 AM Article 3.4 exists, only she moved to Article 3.3. You can see for yourself.

Thank you for your attentive and thoughtful introduction to the subject of the discussion. The error, thanks to you, has been fixed.

Charlotte Groves (Juliette)[KWP] — 06/11/2023 7:55 PM I'll consider the cuts in context of the acts in question soon but I wanted to point out that there seems to be a typo in 1.1.2.

1.1.2 - Reduced from 2.5 million Florins per quartile in Section 2.3 to 300 million Florins per quarter.

I'm assuming 300 million is meant to be not 'millions'?

von Zeppelin [CKA] — 06/11/2023 10:15 PM Yes; redone.

von Zeppelin [CKA] — 06/30/2023 1:23 AM When will the Assembly resume its work?

W Magnus Ward (NUP) — 06/30/2023 1:26 AM before monday

Alvin M. Wesley (UKN) — 07/02/2023 9:32 PM I agree with this act We need to pay our debt, so by saving money by cutting expenditure, allowing us to pay our debt

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — 07/27/2023 8:39 PM If there is no further debate or objections, this proposal will be moved to vote in 24 hours.

von Zeppelin [CKA] — 07/28/2023 12:31 AM Yes.

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — 07/28/2023 12:32 AM You have a objection?

von Zeppelin [CKA] — 07/28/2023 12:33 AM No.

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — 07/28/2023 12:34 AM Ok then

EasyPoll BOT

— 07/28/2023 9:12 PM


Do you approve of the Transportation Expenditures Act, 654

Choices 🇦 Aye 🇧 Nay 🇨 Abstain

Final Result 🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ [9 • 47%] 🇧 ▓▓▓░░░░░░░ [6 • 32%] 🇨 ▓▓░░░░░░░░ [4 • 21%] 19 users voted


alarm_clock: Poll already ended (2 days ago)
spy: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
lock: No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: 77e68b4b

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — 07/28/2023 9:14 PM @Assembly Member voting is now open for the Transportation Expenditures Act, 645 and will be open for three days

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — 07/31/2023 8:34 AM @Assembly Member there are only 13 hours left on this poll remember to vote if you haven’t yet

Jonn Stevens (DPPK) — Yesterday at 10:16 PM @Assembly Member This poll has ended this vote passed by a margin of 9 for 6 against and 4 abstaining

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