Talk:Reasonable Wage Act 653

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

The Reasonable Wage Act, 653 Klaus Mikaelson OP

— 04/16/2023 6:34 PM

Tabled by Braughn Kryos, MGA, as a Government Sponsored Bill.

The Reasonable Wage Act, 653 In order to establish a fair and beneficial workplace for all citizens of Kodiak, the General Assembly of the Republic of Kodiak hereby enacts the Reasonable Wage Act which shall Amend the Labour Act (Inter).,_653 Proposed by Braughn Kryos, MGA Voting is presently set for 30 April 2023 The Kodiak Republic Wiki The Reasonable Wage Act, 653 ACTION on ## MONTH #### with ## Aye, ## Nay, and ## Abstain. In order to establish a fair and beneficial workplace for all citizens of Kodiak, the General Assembly of the Republic of Kodiak hereby enacts the Reasonable Wage Act which shall Amend the Labour Act (Inter). Klaus Mikaelson OP

— 04/16/2023 6:34 PM

@Assembly Member Discussion is now opened Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 6:35 PM I am open to any direct questions about this bill and will answer any question asked in good faith promptly. Luke Rodriguuez — 04/16/2023 6:36 PM It is bad because if everyone is the same then inflation will make everyone the same but cheaper a country need poor people Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 6:37 PM I think you might misunderstand the meaning of this bill. This bill sets a minimum wage, not a universal wage for everyone everywhere. Luke Rodriguuez — 04/16/2023 6:37 PM Oh okay then it is fine Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 6:38 PM I would encourage members to read the bill in question before commenting. :) Aaron Tonnesen - New Asden — 04/16/2023 6:44 PM Wouldn’t an hourly minimum wage make more sense 80,000 F (I assume somewhere around $8,000 USD) annually seems like it could be simpler to break up into smaller portions, like almost all developed nations on earth Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 7:09 PM Article 4 establishes an hourly minimum wage. Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 7:10 PM You're right. Perhaps a bi-weekly organization? Aaron Tonnesen - New Asden — 04/16/2023 7:41 PM My bad. Completely read over that Alfonso Sadurin (DPPK) — 04/16/2023 8:10 PM May I suggest the following inclusions? @Braughn F. G. Kryos

4.4. Minimum wage shall be reviewed every three years by the Ministry of Labor, or oftener should extraordinary circumstances prevail, with consideration to the general economic outlook and inflation. 4.5 No future wage laws shall provide for wage rates lower than the statutory minimum wage rates prescribed by the General Assembly.

For amendments regarding workweek 1.2.2 Those who work overtime under extraordinary hours shall receive payment of 150% times the base wage rate for the extraordinary hours rendered for the said period. This basically gives workers who work overtime 125% premium which I think is reasonable. Mivod Hlaja [NUP] — 04/16/2023 8:28 PM I would also suggest the addition of hazard pay at the same rate as overtime. Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 8:42 PM I trust the GA can update the minimum wage without needing to be told to do so in a piece of legislation. And I question the constitutionality of banning the GA from making any laws of any kind. Considering the GA could just repeal this legislation, there's not really a way to say "hey, you can't make any laws about this in the future" Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 8:42 PM That's not quite how math works, but I understand what you mean and will edit accordingly. Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 8:43 PM Understood and added. Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/16/2023 8:53 PM I have made amendments to the article reflecting the discussion above. Sections added: Hazard pay, a section ensuring that workers who participate in any of the conditions outlined in the first article are ensured a stacking of their compensation (ie, someone working in all three conditions would receive 250% of their compensation) Alfonso Sadurin (DPPK) — 04/16/2023 10:27 PM I mean, it would compel the GA to review it every once in a while. Klaus Mikaelson OP

— 04/19/2023 10:21 AM

If there is no further discussion in 24 hours, this will go to a vote Braughn F. G. Kryos — 04/19/2023 10:23 AM I would like to support that motion. EasyPoll BOT

— 04/20/2023 9:27 AM

Question Do you support the Reasonable Wage Act of 653?

Choices 🇦 Aye 🇧 Nay 🇨 Abstain

Final Result 🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ [22 • 81%] 🇧 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 7%] 🇨 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [3 • 11%] 27 users voted


alarm_clock: Poll already ended (2 days ago)
spy: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
lock: No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: e0464ad6 Klaus Mikaelson OP

— 04/20/2023 9:27 AM

@Assembly Member voting is now opened. Klaus Mikaelson OP

— 04/23/2023 3:37 PM

With 22 votes in favor, 2 against and 3 abstentions, this is declared passed and will be archived in 24 hours

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