Talk:Resolution on the National Kodiak Police Budget
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Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 20/11/2021 TO BE DEBATED:
Proposed for debate to the General Assembly by @The Greatest of All Time, a resolution to amend the National Kodiak Police Act (Inter) [1] @Assembly Members are now free to comment. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand
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— 20/11/2021
The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 new budget is 4 billion anually basically in an effort to reduce crime and prevent losses of life and money to organized crime. Kala of Ravenfall — 21/11/2021 I don't think more police is the answer I think directly improving citizens' lives will reduce crime in and of itself diverting more funds to the poilice just ignores the whole reason people commit crimes in the first place Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 As a private-member (and not in my role as president) could I suggest that a better allocation of this funding might be towards addiction prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment? That still remains within the larger 'house' of crime prevention, but instead targets the health of a citizen instead of the behaviour. Grand Duchy of Lovendara — 21/11/2021 "Prevention is better than cure". You guys dont have to make too much effort on trimming the branches, uproot the entire system. Although, what's the population of Kodiak as of now? Because preventing crime is hard if the population is large Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 79 million Kodiakers, 22% under the age of 25, 8% over the age of 65. [2] New Asden — 21/11/2021 79 million isn’t a lot in my opinion. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 its 300% the population of australia, 110% of France, 95% of germany, or 115% of the UK. Its also equivalent to the total population of 39 of the American States combined. New Asden — 21/11/2021 It is but at the same time many country’s have a larger population. But then again a ton have less. I should’ve have said it wasn’t a lot, that it is kind of in between Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 What would be your preferred solution to these problems? Tim/Vikstein — 21/11/2021 Alternatively, we could do a multifaceted resolution, one funding community policing as well as social programs? Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 I will note that my administration from my term as chancellor last time around did implement a massive community policing policy. as well as massive increases to police funding Tim/Vikstein — 21/11/2021 Knowing this, I would be more in support of a resolution supporting social policies like rehabilitation Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 I will quantify it actually instead of using the word "massive". We increased police funding from 2 billion per annum to 5 billion per annum, split 60% on general police, and 40% on community policing, as well as established a large anti-drug police taskforce with another quarter billion per annum. The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 I actually think that would be great so 3 billion an annum for police and 2 billion for community policing? Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 Correct, that is the way it stands currently The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 And obviously better welfare and more jobs would help too but I think that deserves a different bill. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 We then have two options: we can continue to debate the merits of increasing the general fund from 3 billion to 4 billion as proposed in this resolution. Or we can close the resolution and await new bills regarding social services or education. The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 This policy is called police budget so I think your 60/40 split of police and community police should be debated under this and someone else may come up with the details of the social services and education policy Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 Info: within the confines of the simulation, the amount of funding allocated to community policing cannot be increased any further. It is already at the maximum effective funding. The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 so the maximum effective funding is reached before adding 2 billion? or after Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 info: There are two police services within the police service. There are the National Police, which constitute our full career police with truncheons and tasers who investigate crimes and arrest criminals, then there are community police, usually part time locals who coordinate neighbourhood watches, enforce traffic and general low level regulations, and provide simple first aid; who try to operate in such a way as to compliment the local community where a full uniform police officer would likely be a liability more than a help. Our community policing budget is at its maximum effective cost. The National uniformed police fund is at about half the maximum possible cost. The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 Then the increase to 4 billion it is for uniformed police? Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 That would be correct. It would also be in line with the request you made for the proposal as I read it. The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 Ok. Let the debate continue. Am looking forward to the Social Services and Education bill in 🎇-lobby Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 21/11/2021 Perfect. Thank you for your clarifications. I note to the Assembly the resolution proper is still to debate an increase in the General Uniformed Police funding from 3 billion per annum to 4 billion per annum Ulrykk von Guelderlaand
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— 21/11/2021
The Greatest of All Time — 21/11/2021 or 1 billion a quarter in other terms Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 28/11/2021 I would like to take the moment to ask any @Assembly Members to please make their opinions heard. If there are no changes or objections, I will put this piece up for vote in two days. Visduc — 28/11/2021 I have no objections. frenkimaster99 — 29/11/2021 I have no objections The Empire of Rheiland — 29/11/2021 bruh Grand Duchy of Lovendara — 29/11/2021 I am satisfied with the current conclusion Zoque Fotekh — 29/11/2021 No objections Taiping — 30/11/2021 No objections New Asden — 30/11/2021 No objections The Greatest of All Time — 30/11/2021 I propose Final Vote Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/12/2021 I'll get onto these tomorrow when I awake. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/12/2021 pm!activate polbud Pollmaster BOT
— 01/12/2021
>> polbud Poll Question Do you approve of the Resolution on the National Police Budget? Roles Assembly Member Anonymous True Deadline Poll is closed. Final Results of the Poll (Single Choice):
- regional_indicator_a: Aye - 12 Votes
- regional_indicator_b: Nay - 3 Votes
- regional_indicator_c: Abstain - 0 Votes
Image React with ❔ to get info. It is not a vote option. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/12/2021 @Assembly Members may now vote whether to accept the new national police budget. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/12/2021 you'll need to click the icon below the voting box or your vote will not be counted. If you are unsure if it has been counted, you can click the ? icon and it will tell you you need to use the vote box. please wait 10 seconds for your count to register with the server