Talk:Resolution against Fascist Ideologies (634)
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 25/10/2021
Proposed to the assembly for debate; a resolution against the political ideals of fascism. This resolution was written by @Ulrykk von Guelderlaand as an independent member's action. @Assembly Member's are able to freely comment now. グィネヴィア — 25/10/2021 Hmm I'm fascist Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 25/10/2021 I think you'll need to be more specific; as the resolution is against organisations for the advancement of fascism, not against individuals グィネヴィア — 25/10/2021 Oh my bad Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 25/10/2021 feel free to quote any particular part of the resolution you think should be changed, and why you think so グィネヴィア — 25/10/2021 I think we should increase our production at manufacturing I look at the graph my manufacturing company are two or three times higher than Kodiak average one Or we could um, make people tax even? Like closing the wealth gap I have successfully managed to tax my citizens at like 3.9 time like at poor
Look at the graph I think we should focus at industry sector and mining It's just my point of view Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 25/10/2021 There are policy reviews surrounding commerce and mining; if you would like to propose a law regarding that, you are encouraged to do so. You can DM it to me in notepad/word form, or send me a google drive link (whatever works best for you) and I can Table it to the assembly on your behalf. However, this thread/channel in particular will be about the resolution against fascist bodies. I am happy to help you draft a bill in 🎇-ga_president Tim/Vikstein — 26/10/2021 Is the point of this resolution to just describe and condemn fascism in the Kodiak Republic? Could this be taken a step further and condemn nations or regions that subscribe to this form of government/ideology? Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 26/10/2021 HEREBY 1. DECLARES that the Kodiak Republic proscribes the ideals of fascism; 2. CONDEMNS all governments and organisations which support a fascist ideology in name or in action; 3. PROHIBITS political parties founded for the advancement of fascism; 4. REQUIRES the executive of the Kodiak Republic proscribe relations with any body within two degrees of a fascist organisation or government EXCEPTING intergovernmental organisations purposed to the advancement of peace and diplomacy.
Its my reading that this does condemn fascist governments. Tim/Vikstein — 26/10/2021 Ah I did not catch part 4s language correctly I’m in support of the resolution Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 26/10/2021 if anything strikes you let me know. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand
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— 26/10/2021
Zoque Fotekh — 27/10/2021 General support from me. Grand Duchy of Lovendara — 27/10/2021 I vote in favour of this legislature Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 29/10/2021 @Assembly Member I want to ask that any other comments be made within the next couple of days, or I will bring the resolution to a vote. Martang B. Eðeltreow — 30/10/2021 It looks alright to me, I think. The caveats seem appropriately careful. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 30/10/2021 Thanks. I appreciate your input. Galvazinger — 31/10/2021 It is alright for me too Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 31/10/2021 Thanks everyone @Assembly Member This is a formal note that the resolution will be up for vote in 24 hours unless a specific request is made to amend the proposal. If you have any comments you'd like to make, please make them before the vote. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/11/2021 pm!activate fashbash Pollmaster BOT
— 01/11/2021
>> fashbash Poll Question Do you approve of the Resolution against Fascist Organisations? Roles Assembly Member Anonymous True Deadline 05-Nov-2021 22:50 GMT You have 1 vote:
- regional_indicator_a: Aye
- regional_indicator_b: Nay
- regional_indicator_c: Abstain
Image React with ❔ to get info. It is not a vote option. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 01/11/2021 @Assembly Member Speaking on the resolution is now ended. Please vote now. The Greatest of All Time — 02/11/2021 a Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 02/11/2021 you just have to click on the emote below the box its an automated system. But thank you for your participation. It will confirm your vote when its made Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — Today at 14:09 The vote is confirmed Affirmative, 11 Aye, 1 Nay, 1 Abstain