Talk:National Energy Act 641
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Patrick Barber — 05/08/2022 @Assembly Member Proposed to the Assembly by Kodiak Workers' Party leader @Patrick Barber - An act to nationalise electricity and natural gas storage, development, distribution, and allocation.
- Presented in my capacity as Community Director while @Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) is presently on a leave of absence.
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 05/08/2022 The honorable gentleman from the KWP has put forward this necessary motion that we in the National Unity Party believe to be as essential as the current water bill. In tandem these will give the central government the authority and powers it needs to address the ever increasing disaster. Only through strength of the core of government can we achieve our hope for a prosperous republic. While we may not agree on most issues. We stand together on both the Electric and Water issues.
5 May 11, 2022
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 05/11/2022 Section 2.3 has a type- "futrher" third word in
Patrick Barber — 05/11/2022 fixed
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 05/11/2022 I would have liked to have seen the inclusion of green energies within a national energy company
Patrick Barber — 05/11/2022 I can't disagree, but given the upfront cost of 20 billion florins and considerable ongoing costs as well as in the interest of maintaining stability for the workers throughout the transition from private to public ownership, we felt it was best to keep the functions of this bill as straightforward as possible
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 05/11/2022 Understandable, but if the money is being spent anyways... [10:38 AM] as for stability for the workers, any time off between jobs can be spent with free training in green, renewable energies that they'll be transitioning into
Patrick Barber — 05/11/2022 I acquiesce to the will of the assembly, but I don't believe adjusting power generation whilst changing the administration of the entire network is a recipe for network stability May 12, 2022
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/12/2022 I am more disappointed in the fact new safe nuclear energy was not included, or a system promoting the production of hydrogen to cheaply solve a bit part of the energy problem we are going through
@South Boston Irishmen (SBI) as for stability for the workers, any time off between jobs can be spent with free training in green, renewable energies that they'll be transitioning into
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/12/2022 Totally agree here [5:16 AM] Ecology requires quick action and radical measures. The world is reaching maximum temperatures never seen before and we are still paying for these dirty private and polluting enterprises that exploit the workers and our nature [5:17 AM] We must be more firm, hence, the Jacobin Club opposes this bill, in demand of more radical measures in this issue
Patrick Barber — 05/12/2022 I am disappointed it is the perspective of the jacobins that the power network should remain in the hands of capitalist profiteers, and will be sure to inform the unions of the party's position. [5:20 AM] I reiterate that it is my position that step one is to nationalise the power grid - both to increase public control and economic scaling. I am disappointed the honourable member is willing to scuttle the nationalisation of these essential services because it doesn't do more than what it was written to do, faster than it was meant to do it.
Patrick Barber — 05/12/2022 I conclude by noting that, if the members want to build a green energy policy, I am happy to be a part of that, but this bill is not a green energy bill. it is a public takeover bill. I continue to note that questions not-withstanding, I have yet to see a formal motion to amend, only the Jacobin's refusal to support.
H. Alinov Esq. (AND-Yilmiz) — 05/12/2022 The AND, by default, supports the passage of this bill on the belief that a centralised authority for energy can better ensure access to power by all Kodiakers.
However, the AND shares the concerns of the Honourable Members concerning the Bill’s non-inclusion of alternative energy sources that are more green. The AND submits that - as a point of compromise - that a Green Energy Office be set up within the proposed Department of Utilities Management to explore ways in which our national energy infrastructure can be diversified by adopting greener alternatives post-nationalisation. (edited)
@Patrick Barber I am disappointed it is the perspective of the jacobins that the power network should remain in the hands of capitalist profiteers, and will be sure to inform the unions of the party's position.
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/12/2022 We are very unpleased to hear we are being compared to capitalist exploitation. Our socialist beliefs seek the benefit of the people, specially the youth. By focusing on the future and green energy, we are buying Kodiak more time in this universe, and it's people too. We, at the Jacobin Club are not opposed to nationalisation of these assets or public ownership of them, we just need a larger focus on ecology, and radical change needs to be a reality
@H. Alinov Esq. (AND-Yilmiz) The AND, by default, supports the passage of this bill on the belief that a centralised authority for energy can better ensure access to power by all Kodiakers. However, the AND shares the concerns of the Honourable Members concerning the Bill’s non-inclusion of alternative energy sources that are more green. The AND submits that - as a point of compromise - that a Green Energy Office be set up within the proposed Department of Utilities Management to explore ways in which our national energy infrastructure can be diversified by adopting greener alternatives post-nationalisation. (edited)
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/12/2022 Now, this is an alternative us Jacobins can get behind. If we can ensure the future creation of a green energy bill that seeks rapid action in this department, we can accept the very beneficial nationalisation of these resources. We demand the creation of an important green bill to fully develop this new green future we need to build. If we can ensure the assembly's support for this future action, then we can agree to support this power bill. Ecology and the future of our youth goes first
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 05/12/2022 I believe I can speak for the NUP and it’s members when I say that we support this bill on its current scope to undertake a nationalization of the energy sector in order to curb the waste and inefficient state of our current system and operations.
While we do agree to the idea of green energy and supporting those endeavors raised by the honorable members of the assembly from the Jacobites and AND, we would not support those measures in this bill. On the basis of priorities, we must take action, however we must do so in a calculated manner that looks at resources available as well as the 2nd and 3rd order effects. If we expand the scope of the current bill, the cost for this current budget will likely be disastrous and if we don’t first bring our crumbling electric grid under control, we will be increasing the cost for green energy on the basis we are a nation in blackouts trying to build entirely new infrastructure.
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 05/12/2022 I will state that I am in favor of the nationalization of the energy sector, doing so should help to correct the unwillingness of private corporations to make serious changes for the betterment of the planet. While I understand that this bill was not intended to be a green energy bill, I would be happy to work with my friends from the Jacobin Club and the AND to propose a green energy-focused piece of legislation for the betterment of the region and the future. (edited)
New Asden — 05/12/2022 Although the DLPK does not stand hand in hand with socialism, we do however support this bill to grant basic human rights to the people of Kodiak. However, although it may not be at this transitional period, greener energy legislations need to be passed to help protect our already thinned natural resources May 13, 2022
Zoque Fotekh — 05/13/2022 The Protectorate supports this proposal. As members of the KWP we support the nationalisation of essential services.
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/13/2022 OCC: (Bootlikers)
@People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon OCC: (Bootlikers)
Patrick Barber — 05/13/2022 out of character comments can be made, with context added, in 🎇-lobby May 15, 2022
Patrick Barber — 05/15/2022 If there are no more comments or suggestions, voting will begin in two days. If there are specific amendments, please move to have them considered before that date. [5:36 AM] @Assembly Member May 17, 2022
perrysmarts — 05/17/2022 I have an amendment but it's going to sound a little outlandish if anyone is willing to hear it.
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 You can always propose the amendment for debate.
perrysmarts — 05/17/2022 Ok so if I read it correctly we are essentially nationalizing power assets right?
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 That's correct. Electricity and natural gas generation, storage, distribution, and administration [12:56 AM] As well as mandating meter measures
perrysmarts — 05/17/2022 I propose that we set up protocols in case of an event like a cyber attack on the power grid.
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 I think that is a good idea. I am not sure if this is the right bill for that or if we should write a new cyber securities bill. I invite other input. I'd imagine a good cyber security bill would cover water, energy, government databases, and telecommunications. [1:06 AM] I will be away from my computer for another two hours yet but I'll put the vote on this bill in pause until I can do some looking on what options we have. Of course other members are encouraged to state their views on it as well
perrysmarts — 05/17/2022 Sounds good.
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 05/17/2022 It could be it’s own bill for cyber security.
If we were to see riders on this bill I think it would be more along the lines of members advocating for their districts to have certain infrastructure constructed in their land in order to secure their approval
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 GM: I've checked the simulation and there are no vanilla policies that exist regarding sovereign cyber security. So that means we have two options - we can go ahead and add a security article to this bill without specific effect, or we can build our own cyber security bill and I can custom create the policy within the simulation.
imrudrajaiswal — 05/17/2022 There should inspection with any prior info [9:21 AM] The ones stealing the electricity must given shot dead, tortured, cutting all the body parts
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 05/17/2022 if cyber security is going to be a topic of discussion, I would think a separate bill would be best, there's certainly enough potential material to cover.
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 I motion then that we resolve to create a green energy bill and a cybersecurity bill and that we present this bill as is for passage. Are there any objections?'
New Asden — 05/17/2022 No objections (edited)
Romulus Katzenwald (Lovendara) — 05/17/2022 Nay
@Romulus Katzenwald (Lovendara) Nay
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 nay as in no objections? or nay as in you object?
Romulus Katzenwald (Lovendara) — 05/17/2022 No objections, pardon my mistake
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 thanks for clarifying. I'll leave the motion up for objections for 12 hours and if no objections we will open the vote
Patrick Barber
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— 05/17/2022
Patrick Barber — 05/17/2022 If there is an objection, we will have a division to (vote) on whether to vote or amend May 18, 2022
@Patrick Barber I motion then that we resolve to create a green energy bill and a cybersecurity bill and that we present this bill as is for passage. Are there any objections?'
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 05/18/2022 No objections to the green energy bill. If it is promised to be created, the Jacobin vote is assured
H. Alinov Esq. (AND-Yilmiz) — 05/18/2022 I am drafting the green energy bill as we speak. I hope to complete it by the end of the week if possible.
Patrick Barber — 05/18/2022 the KWP has promised to assist and support the AND in passing a green energy bill
H. Alinov Esq. (AND-Yilmiz) — 05/18/2022 The AND welcomes suggestions from the other parties as well to ensure its smooth passage in the Assembly.
perrysmarts — 05/18/2022 No objection.
Patrick Barber — 05/18/2022 With no objections lodged, the motion is carried without division. The vote will begin presently
Patrick Barber
EasyPoll BOT
— 05/18/2022 (edited)
Question Do you approve of the National Energy Act, 641?
Aye Nay Abstain
Final Result
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ [14 • 78%] ▓░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 6%] ▓▓░░░░░░░░ [3 • 17%]
18 users voted
Poll already ended (a day ago) Anonymous Poll allowed choice
No other votes allowed
Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: 9HuacibrDD
Patrick Barber — 05/18/2022
@Assembly Member
The vote is now live, debate is halted. You have 72 hours from this message to vote.
May 22, 2022
Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — Today at 2:04 PM @Assembly Member the resolution has passed [2:04 PM] I will be archiving the discussion and removing this channel within the next day