Talk:National Defense Reserve Act (639)
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/13/2022 @Assembly Member A resolution to discuss regarding appropriations for national defense. Written by @Oskar Luchens (NUP), Assembly Member. The Kodiak Republic Wiki National Defense Reserve Act (639) A resolution to authorize appropriations for the coming fiscal periods for military activities of the Military of Defense, for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. In order to retain key defense capabilities of the Army in times of national emergency, a Reserve Army that c...
Wesley Karlsson (New Asden) — 03/13/2022
From my understanding Kodiak doesn’t have a “real” army. So this is basically a reserve army in a sense?
Patrick Barber — 03/13/2022 Just to clarify @Oskar Luchens (NUP) OOC: this is an increase of 15billion per annum to the general military budget? (edited)
@Wesley Karlsson (New Asden) From my understanding Kodiak doesn’t have a “real” army. So this is basically a reserve army in a sense?
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 03/13/2022 In accordance with the Defense White Paper of 630 the republic does have a standing army that is “underfunded and undermanned”. But it is still a full time force primary engaged in border defense.
@Patrick Barber Just to clarify @Oskar Luchens (NUP) OOC: this is an increase of 15billion per annum to the general military budget? (edited)
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 03/13/2022 Correct, a 1.5 billion increase to stand up, construct the necessary facilities, procurement of equipment and pay the salary for the reservist on assemblies and full time staff requirements.
@Oskar Luchens (NUP) Correct, a 1.5 billion increase to stand up, construct the necessary facilities, procurement of equipment and pay the salary for the reservist on assemblies and full time staff requirements.
Patrick Barber — 03/13/2022 Great, thanks for the clarification. the KWP will create a statement of its position within the next 24 hours March 14, 2022
Zoque Fotekh — 03/14/2022 Do we have an assessment of the threat these militia groups pose? An increase of 750% is a massive jump in funding. Surely increases in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism would be more appropriate. the scalpel vs the hammer.
@Zoque Fotekh Do we have an assessment of the threat these militia groups pose? An increase of 750% is a massive jump in funding. Surely increases in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism would be more appropriate. the scalpel vs the hammer.
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 03/14/2022 While CI and CT would be as you describe, the stated intent of the bill is to address a massive gap in retained capabilities of the Army. Currently at around 100,000 soldiers, at the end of their enlistments there is no follow on service to retain those skills for national emergencies. Perishable skills that would be better retained through regular short durations of refresher training.
The increase to spending being what it is not just to have a reserve, but to build the force, there is a lack of equipment for a large reserve at this time. Weapons, vehicles, and buildings will need to be created before the organized reserve comes into being.
The reserves are also necessary for internal unrest in the event the need for national emergency required the Army to fulfill civil support missions. Currently it would pose extreme danger to national defense to pull brigades off the border duties to deal with internal issues. [6:42 AM] Also regarding current spending, the last budget put Military spending at 2.1 billion
The Kodiak Public Service — 03/14/2022 The assessed threat from each of the current hostile domestic groups is exceptionally high. There are real and concrete threats from Religious zealots, Ethnic Nationalists, Violent Socialists, Environmentalists, and Racial Minority groups. A number of attacks have taken place, with the religious and nationalists being the most politically violent (the others are more generic riots). [6:44 AM] many of these groups are receiving support and funding from foreign powers as well as internally from ostensibly "non-violent" groups and lobbists [6:45 AM] The threat has been so high that foreign powers have taken it upon themselves to unilaterally drone strike terror cells in our nation without prior authorisation [6:45 AM] This has come with civilian collateral damage [6:46 AM] Some cite the total number of violent terrorists upwards of 20 thousand people
Zoque Fotekh — 03/14/2022 So an increase in defence spending is clearly required. I withdraw my objections. March 18, 2022
Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/18/2022 Speaking on behalf of the PPK, we are in favor of an expansion of our military. It creates jobs, can be used to improve infrastructure, and helps dealing with the unrest in our republic.
Alexander Mondo (Karr) [DLPK] — 03/18/2022 The PPK and the DLPK stand together in that regard. This legislation seems like a virtual no-brainer given our present situation.
Wesley Karlsson (New Asden) — 03/18/2022 Yes. The DLPK is in full support of this legislation
Patrick Barber — 03/18/2022 The Kodiak Workers' Party believes in the need for a strong proletariat which is trained to defend and maintain the rights and freedoms of international humanity. We support the expansion of the military. (edited) March 24, 2022
Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/24/2022 @Assembly Member I will be putting this resolution to a vote: April 8, 2022
Please continue discussion of this resolution. Any changes must be made prior to the voting deadline. March 25, 2022
Zoque Fotekh — 03/25/2022 No issues with it as it stands. A lot will will depend on its impact on the current crises. April 8, 2022
Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein)
EasyPoll BOT
— 04/08/2022
@Assembly Member (edited) Question How do you vote regarding the resolution?
Aye Nay Abstain
Final Result
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ [12 • 75%] ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 13%] ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 13%]
16 users voted
Poll already ended (6 days ago) Anonymous Poll allowed choice
No other votes allowed
Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: scFDxJntEE
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 04/08/2022 The Jacobin Club opposes this act, as it represents the rise of military pride authoritarianism in the region, Wich should never happen
Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 04/08/2022 CACSPO supports the act as it would create jobs at home to create the weaponry required to have a large standing army
Patrick Barber — 04/08/2022 Please don't comment on bills after the votes have begun