Talk:Emergency Defense Spending Resolution, 645
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Patrick Barber — 02/09/2022
@Assembly Member
Tabled for consideration to the assembly:
Emergency Defence Spending Resolution, 645
An emergency Act to provide a wartime increase in funding to the Armed Forces to sustain the ability of forces to resist The Great North's aggressive war. Amends Title 6 of the Kodiaker Law Code with the addition of the following provisions.,_645
Proposed by Chancellor Oskar Luchens, NUP
Written by Minister for Defense Mr. Heimdallr, MGA, PPK
Voting is currently set for 23 September 2022
Hester Sirocco-Loren (Juliette) — 03/09/2022
1.2 - Authorizes 500,000,000 florins of emergency spending per quarter for ground equipment procurement.
Question for the Chancellor and MoD: Does ground equipment adequately cover things like supplies (other than weapons, vehicles, ammunition? Such as food, fuel, etc). To me, as of my current read anyway, does not make me think it does. If not we may need an allocation here. If the intention is to also cover basically everything an army needs (ie., supplies), then that is okay we might just want to call it ground equipment and supply procurement
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 03/09/2022
A fair point, the language will be clarified to be more inclusive of items.
Hester Sirocco-Loren (Juliette) — 03/09/2022
Regarding Article 2 - how many foreign volunteers would we hope to recruit, equip, and therefore utilise, as it seems like they aren't intended to be integrated into existing divisions (OOC: May or may not have the correct level of hierarchy here but you know what I mean ;) ). Or is this a case of - let's see how many we get and deal with the organisation issue as we go.
Will they remain after the current conflict or be disbanded?
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 03/09/2022
For number I don’t think we can put a certain number of foreign volunteers but if I had to take a guess probably maybe 5 to 12 thousand and as to weather they would remain after the war in all likely hood they would be disbanded
Hester Sirocco-Loren (Juliette) — 03/09/2022
Thank you for your answer Minister, I think for the moment I am happy to leave as is and allow the MoD flexibility on handling and managing the foreign volunteers - should they join.
Patrick Barber — 04/09/2022
As a voting member, I am not opposed to the provisions in this bill, but I think they should be temporary based on the state of war continuing to exist.
Reifyrm Visdvk [I] — 04/09/2022
I agree.
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 05/09/2022
Then what would you propose
Patrick Barber — 05/09/2022
I propose the bill be set to expire with the repeal of the war resolution
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 05/09/2022
Ok why would you want this to be temporary?
Patrick Barber — 05/09/2022
It directly states in the preamble it's emergency funding for the war. Why would it be permanent?
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 05/09/2022
Sorry was a bit confused yeah I don’t see that as unreasonable a can add it to the bill
Klaus Mikaelson — 08/09/2022
I second the motion from the President, just in case it is needed. 😛
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 08/09/2022
It’s added
Patrick Barber — 10/09/2022
As a member - I approve of the bill as it currently stands
Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 12/09/2022
If it please the assembly, I motion we move this to a vote. As there has not been any significant debate on the matter.
Jonn Stevens (PPK) — 12/09/2022
I second the motion
Patrick Barber — 12/09/2022
I will await 24 hours for any objections and then proceed to a vote.
— 14/09/2022
Do you approve this resolution?
🇦 Aye
🇧 Nay
🇨 Abstain
Final Result
🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ [14 • 88%]
🇧 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 13%]
🇨 ░░░░░░░░░░ [0 • 0%]
16 users voted
- alarm_clock: Poll already ended (6 days ago)
- spy: Anonymous Poll
- one: allowed choice
- lock: No other votes allowed
Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
Poll ID: 5oxQa7H4RY
Patrick Barber — 14/09/2022
@Assembly Member
Emergency Defence Spending Resolution, 645
An emergency Act to provide a wartime increase in funding to the Armed Forces to sustain the ability of forces to resist The Great North's aggressive war. Amends Title 6 of the Kodiaker Law Code with the addition of the following provisions.,_645
Is now up for approval. The poll shall run for 72 hours.