Emergency Defense Spending Resolution, 645
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
An emergency Act to provide a wartime increase in funding to the Armed Forces to sustain the ability of forces to resist The Great North's aggressive war. Amends Title 6 of the Kodiaker Law Code with the addition of the following provisions.
PASSED on 17 September 2022 with 14 Aye, 2 Nay, 0 Abstain.
Article 1: Budgetary Programs
- 1.1 - Authorizes 150,000,000 florins of emergency spending per quarter for personnel costs.
- 1.1.1 - Increase the pay of all ranks involved within the Theater of Conflict.
- 1.1.2 - Offers incentive pay to all wartime volunteers
- 1.1.3 - Grants Government Life Insurance Payout to families of the deceased.
- 1.2 - Authorizes 500,000,000 florins of emergency spending per quarter for ground equipment procurement.
- 1.3 - Authorizes 250,000,000 florins of emergency spending per quarter for Drone procurement.
Article 2: Foreign Legion
- 2.1 - Authorizes the recruitment of foreign nationals the volunteer to fight for the Kodiak Republic within an organized Foreign Legion under the command of the Supreme Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Kodiak Republic.
- 2.2 - Members of the Foreign Legion shall be entitled to all pay and benefits of Kodiaker soldiers.
Article 3: Drone Warfare
- 3.1 - Establishes the Republic's Drone Warfare Policy as "Military Infrastructure Focus"
- 3.2 - Authorizes the weatherisation of drones
- 3.3 - Authorizes the procurement of weaponised drones
Article 4 - Automatic Repeal
- 4.1 - These articles would be repealed in the event of the repeal of the war resolution upon The Great North.
Author: Mr. Heimdallr, MGA, (PPK) Minister for Defense