Talk:Amendment: The Advanced Education Act (664)

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/04/2024 6:03 PM

Tabled by Jack Williams, MGA, as an independent member's bill. An amendment to add additional programs and funding in technical colleges. Voting is set for 10 March The Kodiak Republic Wiki Amendment: The Advanced Education Act (664) ACTION on ## MONTH ###. ## AYE, ## NAY, ## ABSTAIN. Amendment to add additional programs and funding in technical colleges. Braughn F. G. Kryos


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— 03/04/2024 6:03 PM

Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/04/2024 6:03 PM

The original text: The Kodiak Republic Wiki The Advanced Education Act (637) A resolution to increase spending for the purpose of education for the Kodiak Republic. PASSED 12 Feb 2022 - 15 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain. AMENDED by the Advanced Education Act. AMENDED by the Emergency Education Appropriations Act. Braughn F. G. Kryos


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— 03/04/2024 6:03 PM

Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/04/2024 6:03 PM

@Assembly Member, debate for this bill is now open. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/04/2024 6:08 PM This is a pretty straight forward amendment to the Advanced Education Act. It adds six new technical programs for Technical schools to give as options for their students. It also adds on funds to cover the cost for having these new programs added to Technical Schools. Thank you Dr Edmund Cosmo Maltravers Jr — 03/05/2024 4:44 AM As the Minister of Health and Education, I am supportive of this bill. I believe it's straightforward and there is little to debate. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/06/2024 3:22 PM I agree. Would we like to motion for a vote? Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/06/2024 3:39 PM

I would prefer that additional @Assembly Members would comment before this bill goes to vote. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/06/2024 4:01 PM Ok. I mean I agree with hearing more opinions. HelloIDied(First Peoples Con.) — 03/06/2024 4:11 PM I think it is an acceptable bill Neil O'Madow | Nalatia — 03/06/2024 4:13 PM I kinda like it too Liam Harrison [KWP] — 03/07/2024 2:42 AM This is a bill. This is an Assembly. I commend this bill to the Assembly. Alexander Paramount (NUP) — 03/07/2024 2:58 AM I mean, nothing to argue against? This bill is solid Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/07/2024 8:11 PM

Well, in that case, I'm happy to accept motions to vote now. Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 03/07/2024 8:16 PM I approve. I motion to vote. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/07/2024 8:17 PM

Any seconds? Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 03/07/2024 8:18 PM Point of Order; Can the author participate in a motion advancing his own bill? Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/07/2024 8:18 PM No I can’t. I apologize, I take back my second Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/07/2024 8:20 PM

After searching the Standing Procedures, there is no rule allowing or disallowing the author from participation. " Motions to vote require at least one member to second before the date can be changed." "3.4.1 The motion requires at least one member to second." Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 03/07/2024 8:21 PM Perhaps, but as the officer, surely best practice would be to request an other. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/07/2024 8:22 PM

Yes, I just wanted to clarify that it is not prohibited Liam Harrison [KWP] — 03/07/2024 9:31 PM I second EasyPoll BOT

— 03/08/2024 5:30 PM

Question Does the General Assembly approve of the Amendment: The Advnaced Education Act (664)?

Choices 🇦 Aye 🇧 Nay 🇨 Abstain

Final Result 🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ [14 • 82%] 🇧 ▓▓░░░░░░░░ [3 • 18%] 🇨 ░░░░░░░░░░ [0 • 0%] 17 users voted


alarm_clock: Poll already ended (3 days ago)
spy: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
lock: No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: 4f6bca0a Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/08/2024 5:31 PM

@Assembly Member, voting for this bill is now open and will remain open for 72 hours. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— Today at 9:10 PM

With 14 ayes, 3 nays, and 0 abstains, the Amendment: The Advnaced Education Act (664) is passed by the General Assembly. This debate will be archived shortly.

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