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[[File:President Kryos' Car 663.webp|275px|thumb|right|President Kryos' car after his attempted assassination]]
*'''November 25''' -
:* The strike in [[SkjokaladeSjokalade]] escalates with strikers aligned with the 'People's Vanguard' destroying a gas power plant, plunging the province into a blackout. A post office in the province was destroyed.
:* President [[User:Lies Kryos|Kryos]] meets with striker leaders to negotiate an end to the strike. He was subjected to a failed assassination when his car was blown up, leaving his driver dead. Kryos was left with severe burns and extensive trauma. He also went into a coma.
*'''November 27''' -
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:* Chancellor Maltravers declares a state of war against the Commune.
*'''December 26''' - Josef Kovac, MGA introduces the [[Declaration of War Against the Kodiak Commune (663)]]. It is passed 11:7 in the General Assembly on March 27, 664.
*'''December 28''' - Kodiak Commune gainsforces gain considerable ground in SkjokaladeSjokalade, and capturescapture military hardware from the Kodiak Army.
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:* Commune forces attempt an assault on Kavergrith province. The Kodiak Army pushes them back and reclaims the village of Mollyrood.
:* Chancellor [[User:Edmund_Cosmo_Maltravers|Maltravers]] introduces [[The National Defense Authorization Act Amendment]] to the General Assembly. It is passed 16:3 in the General Assembly on June 3.
:* Kodiak Commune fast cruisers attack naval forces off the coast of SkjokaladeSjokalade. The Kodiak Navy loses two destroyers, the KNS Valiant and the KNS Guardian. The Heavy Cruiser KNS Godsith suffers heavy damage. 23 Kodiak sailors died in the battle.
[[File:Commune soldiers in Crystal City 664.jpeg|275px|thumb|right|Commune soldiers in Crystal City]]
*'''March 1''' - [[User:Lies Kryos|President Kryos]] exits his coma sustained after his attempted assassination.
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*'''April 8''' - The leaders of Kodiak and the Commune enter into a three day ceasefire to aid in the evacuation of civilians and government forces from Crystal City.
*'''April 27''' - Josef Kovac, MGA tables the [[Resolution to Investigate Foreign Assistance to Internal Dissenters, (664)]]. It is passed in the General Assembly on July 2.
*'''May 1''' - Chancellor Maltravers orders the removal of troops from SkjokaladeSjokalade.
*'''May 10''' - Defence Minister [[User:Aargh|Fjord Montgomery II]] makes a visit to the front.
*'''June 7''' - The Kodiak Commune captures the entirety of SkjokaladeSjokalade.
*'''June 11''' - The Kodiak Commune forms the People's Council, a legislature made of delegates from SkjokaladeSjokalade. Among the first decisions made by the Council was to nationalise industry of the province.
*'''June 30''' - The Government of the United Kingdom declares its support for Kodiak.
*'''July 4''' - The Empire of the Walbard Union declares its support for Kodiak.
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[[File:Kodiak Soldiers in Crystal City.jpeg|275px|thumb|right|Victorious KodiakerKodiak soldiers in Crystal City]]
*'''January 1''' - [[John Edwards]], MGA introduces an [[Investigation Into Non-Participatory Civilian Deaths During Astroberg Uprising (665)|investigation into civilian deaths in the Astroburg Uprising]]. It was passed 10:6 in the General Assembly on June 2.
*'''January 3''' - The Kodiak Army alongside troops from the Empire of the Walbard Union, regain control of [[Crystal City]]. The Commune government hastily evacuated the city. In the retreat, Commune forces sabotaged key infrastructure such as the airport and seaport as well as placing traps.
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*'''July 17''' - Heavily Armed Commune supporters attack and seize the Graz Convention Hall, at the time hosting a National Unity Party fundraiser. The initial attack cost the lives of six and wounded twelve. Some attribute the attack as a retribution for the capture of Patrick Barber. Other protestors gathered in the city square.
*'''July 18''' - Additional police were called in to defend the Seathenia Provincial Courthouse from the protestors.
[[File:Kodiak Police in Graz 665.jpg|275px|thumb|right|KodiakerKodiak Police outside Seathenia Provincial Courthouse]]
*'''July 19''' -
:* Armed protestors in Graz fired at police and attempted to gain control Seathenia Provincial Courthouse. Local businesses were also targeted.
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:* Around one hundred were killed in the attack. The following are the most notable of the confirmed dead: [[User:Rakkeyal#Edmund_"Eddie"_Marwood_(612_-_665)|Edmund Marwood]], Minister for Industry and member for Pine Ridge, Peter Ashford member for Graz-Central, Charles Reddington III, member for Beauclarke, Eleanor Hargreave-Smythe, member for Budd, Reginald Fortesque, member for Grey, Beatrice Winterbourne, member for Grey-South, and Arthur Ravenscroft, member for Staro.
:* Graz was put under curfew.
*'''July 27''' - The Kodiak Navy sinks the Commune's fast cruisers off the coast of SkjokoladeSjokolade. The Navy sustained 769 casualties including 184 dead and lost three destroyers. The recently refurbished KNS Godsith was also heavily damaged. From the captured sailors, more that fifty were from the People's Republic of Wintercrest.
*'''August 9''' - Chancellor Maltravers meets with the families of the victims of the attacks of July 19.
*'''September 5''' - Commune supporters march into [[Bethaven]], but are repelled the Bethaven Militia, a citizens militia. Bethaven Town Market was destroyed in the fighting.
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*'''April 9''' - The Kodiak National Front is formed in Graz. They vow to fight against vigilante militia groups and government inaction in Seathania.
*'''April 16''' - The Kodiak National Front is integrated into the Kodiak Army. The move was criticised by the KWP as they viewed it as hypocritical. They also questioned the legality of the decision, as it was enacted without the approval of the Assembly.
*'''June 11''' - Commune rebels gain further ground in Graz. Rumours circulate of a sweeping offensive in SkjokaladeSjokalade by Field Marshall Falkenridge.
*'''July 9''' - Minister of Transportation [[Joe Fala]] calls for negotiations between the Commune and the Kodiak government. He is met with backlash from the Chancellor and members of the NUP as it opposed the government's stance of no negotiation with the terrorists.
*'''July 31''' -
:* A KNF Rally is held in the town of Luton, Seathania. It is attended by Minister of Law and Order [[María Sanz-Cortés]] and Colonel Jessica Sinclair of the Kodiak Army, commanding officer of the KNF. Commune supporters embedded themselves into the crowd and began to heckle. KNF soldiers attackedretaliate, them resultresulting in the deaths of seventy-two protestors.
:* MGAs including President Williams and former president Kryos decry the use of the KNF as law enforcement.
*'''August 1''' - Transportation Minister Fala calls for an investigation into the suppression of the Commune protests of July 31.
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*'''August 31''' - Treasurer [[User:Rakkeyal#Richard_Henry_Welch,_III_(###_-_)_(Active)|Welch]] proposes an [[Investigation into political responsibility for communist activity (666)]] to protest Williams’ proposed investigation.
*'''September 10''' - The KNF breaks through Commune lines in central Graz. They suffer 350 losses, around 5% of their total forces.
*'''September 19''' - Former minister [[Sergei Urisko]] is found dead in a secluded cabin in the western provinces.
[[File:Kodiak Army Convoy Sjokalade.jpeg|275px|thumb|right|A destroyed Kodiak Army convoy in Sjokalade]]
*'''October 11''' - Law and Order Minister Sanz-Cortes introduces the [[Resolution against Communist and Anarchist ideologies (666)]]. It is defeated 19:14 on April 13 667.
*'''October 27''' -
:* Transportation Minister Fala is dismissed and Health Minister Kovac resigns from their ministries. Fala was dismissed by Chancellor Maltravers due to conflicting views on the government's handling of the Commune. Kovac then resigned in protest.
:* President Williams announces the disintegration of the DPPK-NUP coalition
:* Maltravers hastily appoints Law and Order Minister Sanz-Cortes as acting Health Minister.
*'''October 29''' - Joe Fala files an amicus brief with the High Court to challenge the KNF's response to protest at Luton.
*'''November 1''' - Jacob Sandford is appointed acting Transportation Minister.
*'''November 11''' - KNF forces launch a major assault on Commune held Graz. The attack is successful, with he majority of the city being retaken.
*'''November 25''' - [[John Edwards]] is discovered to have been making multiple visits to [[User:Rakkeyal#Patrick_"the"_Barber_(595_-_)|Patrick Barber]] whilst the latter is in prison.
*'''December 1''' - Field Marshall Falkenridge launches his major southern offensive to the west of [[Crystal City]]. It results in stalemate, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties.
*'''December 9''' - [[User:AntilleanMan|Felix Hurst]] launches the Kodiak Children's Fund, a charity to aid children affected by the rebellion.
*'''January 2''' - Former Health Minister [[Josef Kovac]] is killed in a suspected deliberate collision in Rykkburgh. Many believe the crash to be a terroristic plot by the Commune.
*'''February 17''' -
:* Kodiak National Front forces retake Graz CBD.
:* Police and SBI launch a series co-ordinated raids against Commune supporters and terrorists in Godsith and Seathania.
:* Felix Hurst introduces the [[War Time Service Act (666)]] to reintroduce war time conscription. It is passed
[[File:Kodiak Soldiers Seathania, Dec 666.webp|275px|thumb|right|Kodiak soldiers escorting Commune POWs in the town of Carnsby, Sjokalade]]
*'''February 19''' -
:*[[Vikstein|Tobias Virsturm]] introduces a [[Resolution for No-Confidence Vote on the Chancellorship and his Government]] against the [[User:Edmund_Cosmo_Maltravers|Maltravers]] Administration.
:* Chancellor Maltravers resigns in protest. Deputy Chancellor [[User:AntilleanMan|Felix Hurst]] becomes Acting Chancellor.
*'''March 27''' -
:* The Vote of No-Confidence goes to vote. The vote is contested by the NUP who see it as a power grab by the President.
:* The death of Josef Kovac is ruled an event of domestic violence. The driver of the vehicle that struck Kovac was with his wife, who he was attempting to harm. Kovac was not the intended target.
*'''April 2''' - President [[User:Jack Williams|Williams]] is arrested by the State Bureau of Investigations on charges of Conspiracy to commit Treason and Conspiracy to Sedition. This was over wiretapped phone conversations Williams was having with Commune Foreign Affairs Minister Markus Rivera discussing a Commune favoured negotiated end to the war.
*'''April 7''' -
:* Field Marshall Falkenridge launches a major offensive in Sjokalade. It is a major victory with the destruction of effective Commune resistance.
:* Commune forces surrender
:* Acting Chancellor Felix Hurst announces his post-war reconstruction plan.
*'''May 5''' - Acting Chancellor Felix Hurst is removed from office after [[Resolution for No-Confidence Vote on the Chancellorship and his Government|Vote of No Confidence]] passes 20:16. He is replaced by then President [[First Williams Cabinet|Jack Williams]].
*'''May 8''' - Protestors clash throughout the nation in response to the Vote of No Confidence.
*'''June 7''' -
:* A shadow cabinet is formed, headed by [[User:AntilleanMan|Felix Hurst]] as Leader of the Opposition.
:* DPPK Member [[User:Edmund_Cosmo_Maltravers#Josceline_Fitzmaurice_Sassoon|J.F. Sassoon]] defects to the NUP.
*'''June 20''' - The General Assembly disapproves of Williams' Cabinet, 17:16.


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