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The Kodiak Commune: Difference between revisions

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

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*'''January 14'''
:* Former Kodiak Chancellor [[User:rakkeyalRakkeyal|PartickPatrick Barber]] defects to the Commune and assumes the role of Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
:* Commune forces attempt an assault on Kavergrith province. The Kodiak Army pushes them back and reclaims the village of Mollyrood.
*'''February 16''' -
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*'''January 1''' - [[John Edwards]], MGA proposes an [[Investigation Into Non-Participatory Civilian Deaths During Astroberg Uprising (665)|investigation into civilian deaths in the Astroburg Uprising]]. It was passed 10:6 in the General Assembly on June 2.
*'''January 3''' - The Kodiak Army alongside troops from the Empire of the Walbard Union, regain control of [[Crystal City]]. The Commune government hastily evacuated the city. In the retreat, Commune forces sabotaged key infrastructure such as the airport and seaport as well as placing traps.
*'''July 1''' - The Campaign Season for the General Election of 666 begins.
*'''July 17''' - Heavily Armed Commune supporters attack and seize the Graz Convention Hall, at the time hosting a National Unity Party fundraiser. The initial attack cost the lives of six and wounded twelve. Some attribute the attack as a retribution for the capture of Patrick Barber. Other protestors gathered in the city square.


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