Skilled Workers Incentive Scheme, 644
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Skilled Workers Incentive Scheme, 644
The Kodiak Republic is suffering from a crisis level shortage of Teachers. This proposal is aimed at addressing that shortage rapidly while simultaneously improving the Republic’s extremely low immigration levels by providing subsidised immigration costs of immigration for those who fulfil jobs that we are in dire shortage of. This will provide an influx of needed jobs without impacting on the jobs of working Kodiakers. Teaching in particular will help our own local workforce to train into needed job sectors faster.
PASSED 07 September 2022, 17 Aye, 1 Nay, 1 Abstain.
AMENDED 28 August 2023 by the Defense and Immigration Expenditures Act, 654.
Article 1 – Immigration incentives
- 1.1 - The Ministry of Immigration is directed to establish preferential status for immigrant applicants on the "priority industry list" outlined in section 1.3.1.
- 1.2 - The cost of immigration is subsidised for skilled workers in the fields listed in section 1.3.1.
- 1.3 - Fields of work targeted in this incentive are to be as follows:
1.3.1 - Priority Industry List
- Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
- Secondary education teaching professionals
- Higher education teaching professionals
- Nurses/Midwives
- Medical Practitioners
- Chemical Scientists
- Biological scientists
- Physical scientists
- Civil Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
- Programmers and software development professionals
- 1.4 - Priority consideration is to be given to professions according to shortage requirements. This is designed so that the Priority Industry List can be updated and modified as needed.
Article 2 – Assessment Panel
- 2.1 – A panel of assessors is to be formed to assess the Priority Industry List and the effectiveness of the program.
- 2.1.1 - Shortage requirements and priority consideration is to be determined by the assigned panel of assessors, based on the requirements of the nation and/or any crisis shortages in effect by the nation.
- 2.2 - Funding for the scheme shall be set at 150 million Florins per quarter
Article 3 – Qualifications and Background checks
3.1 - All applicants must possess qualifications from nations with training systems that have been approved by the assessment panel unless section 3.1.1 is applicable.
3.1.1 - Applicants that possess qualifications from nations that do NOT have training systems that are deemed adequate by the assessment panel shall be required to undergo retraining to Kodiak standards at their own expense.
3.1.2 - Retraining courses to be made available through tertiary education facilities.
3.1.3 - The assessment panel will have the capacity to add addendums to the approved nations list based on political factors, under the advice of the Department of Defence & Immigration.
3.2 - Applicants must undergo background checks approved by the Department of Defence & Immigration.
Written by Minister of Revenue and Treasury John Edwards, Kodiak Workers' Party.