Kodiak Social Security Act, 644

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Kodiak Social Security Act, 644

A resolution aimed to combat the poverty crisis in Kodiak through a system of safety nets for the most affected demographics.
Passed 28 August 2022 - 22 Aye, 1 Nay, 2 Abstain
AMENDED by the Social Services Expenditures Act, 654.

Article 1 - State Pension for the Elderly

1.1 - Creates the State Pension Program
1.1.1 - Establishes the Age of Retirement at 68 years.
1.1.2 - All Kodiak Citizens over the age of 68 will be eligible for Social Security payments of a maximum of ₣1,500 monthly to be determined by the average of the last five years of income tax paid while the citizen was employed.
1.2 - Creates the Department of Pensions under the Ministry of Social Services to administer the pension program.
1.3 - Allocates ₣2,000M quarterly to the Department of Pensions within the Ministry of Social Security

Article 2 - Unemployment Payments

2.1 - Unemployed Kodiakers are eligible for unemployment payments of up to ₣400 biweekly for 18 months
2.1.1 - The Ministry of Social Services will be required to create an unemployment payment database
2.1.2 - Kodiakers will be able to sign up for the program via the database, and be able to see eligibility/payment status
2.1.3 - Unemployed Kodiakers that are claimed as a dependant do not qualify
2.2 - Grants the Ministry of Social Services an annual budget of ₣125 million quarterly for unemployment subsidies
2.3 - Creates the Department of Unemployment Benefits within the Ministry of Social Services to oversea the payment of benefits.

Article 3 - Compulsory Work-for-Welfare

3.1 - Enacts Work for Welfare Law
3.1.1 - Citizens must provide proof of attempts to gain employment to continue receiving welfare subsidies.
3.1.2 - Proof will be verified each pay period through the Ministry of Social Services’ Fraud Investigation Department.
3.2 - Creates the department of Welfare Fraud under the Ministry of Social Services to investigate all fraudulent acts related to State Welfare Subsidies.
3.3 - Grants a budget of ₣25 million quarterly to the Department of Fraud Investigation within the Ministry of Social Services

Proposed by Aaron Tonnesen, MGA. Member of the National Unity Party.

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