Declaration of War Against the Kodiak Commune (663)

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Revision as of 03:31, 4 February 2024 by MivodHlaja (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''A resolution to strengthen Kodiak's response to the Southern Innsurection'' RECOGNIZING that southern Kodiak is under attack from a violent enemy force; UNDERSTANDING that said force has made its intentions against Kodiak clear; WE DECLARE that a state of war now exists between The Serene Republic of Kodiak and the Kodiak Commune; WE URGE all loyal citizens in the occupied regions to evacuate; WE REVOLK the citizenship of any person who has fought against the Kodi...")
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A resolution to strengthen Kodiak's response to the Southern Innsurection

RECOGNIZING that southern Kodiak is under attack from a violent enemy force;

UNDERSTANDING that said force has made its intentions against Kodiak clear;

WE DECLARE that a state of war now exists between The Serene Republic of Kodiak and the Kodiak Commune;

WE URGE all loyal citizens in the occupied regions to evacuate;

WE REVOLK the citizenship of any person who has fought against the Kodiak Armed Forces;

WE GRANT the Chancellor the power to take all necessary and prudent measures to liberate the occupied regions;

Tabled by Josef Kovac, MGA

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