Business Aid and Loans

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Chapter Definitions

Businesses are defined as follows, based on the size of a business:[1]

Micro business or enterprise - defined as a business employing 1 to 9 employees.
Small business - defined as a business employing 10 to 49 employees
Medium business - defined as a business employing 50 to 250 employees
Large businesses - defined as any business employing more than 250 employees.
SMEs - Small to medium enterprises/businesses, including micro-enterprises.

Section 1 - Entrepreneurial Aide Agency

1.1 - The Better Business Council (BBC) is authorised to: [1][2]
1.2.1 - Provide Government loans for medium businesses, with a threshold of 5,000,000 florins annual income in the last financial year.
1.2.2 - Provide Government loans for small businesses, with a threshold of 1,000,000 florins annual income in the last financial year.
1.2.3 - Provide Government loans for start-up or micro businesses with less than 100,000 florins of starting capital.


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