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===We believe in a free market and a more free people. We will build a powerhouse of a an economy with an unrestricted market with a life of luxury for those who earn it and no sympathies for those who don’t.===
==Our Policies==
=== Economy ===
*Lower taxes on corporations.
*Lower taxes for corporations and ordinary people, especially income tax.
*ReinstitutingRestoring the gold standard to maintain a more stable currency.
===Workers Rights===
*Workers should be able to form unions, a happy worker force is a productive workforce.
=== '''Employee rights''' ===
*Minimum wage should be enforced as you need to have people be able to buy the products they’re making.
*All kodiak citizensWorkers should be givenable ato freeform educationunions, untila gradehappy 12,workforce preparingis them to entera theproductive workforce.
*Further educationThe minimum wage should be easilyenforced attainablebecause assumingpeople youmust havebe able to buy the fundsproducts they produce.
* Workers should have the right to work overtime.
===Social Welfare===
* Employees should be informed about the hourly rates and bonuses they are entitled to during the interview.
*We believe social welfare should be removed excluding for parents who need financial help to raise their child.
=== Education ===
*Healthcare should be not be a concern of the state, letting private companies handle the work allowing tax dollars to be sent to more important matters.
* All Kodiak citizens should be provided with free education up to the 12th grade, preparing them to enter the labor market.
*Immigrants should have an easy time entering Kodaik, only needing a background check, any heinous crimes committed within five years not allowing them in, and a basic education excluding children and refugees.
* An Education Voucher worth half a month's tuition will be available for each student attending a private school.
===Military and defense===
* Over time, we plan to reduce funding for public schools while reducing taxes so that parents can send their children to school.
*The kodiak should have a standing army of volunteers, excluding war time were all able body people should server a 12 month mandatory service, this conscription could be substituted for a amount of money deemed reasonable.
* Only one or two free schools in the region remain in use, for students with a very bad financial situation.
* Further education should be completely privatized.
=== Social Welfarecare ===
* We believe that social welfareservices should be removed, excludingexcept for parents who need financial helpassistance to raisefor their child's schooling, and veterans.
=== Healthcare ===
*Healthcare shouldHealth becare should not be a concern of the state, lettingallowing private companies handleto thedo much more efficient and better organized work, allowing tax dollars to be sentspent toon more important mattersthings.
=== Immigration ===
* Immigrants should have easy access to Kodiak, needing only background checks to apprehend murderers, rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, etc. at the border, and basic education to the exclusion of children.
* Any immigrant staying in Kodiak for more than a month should have a Work Certificate, issued at the time of employment, which also allows you to obtain a passport.
=== Military and defense ===
* Kodiak should have a standing army of 1% of the population, excluding wartime, where all physically fit should do 12 months of mandatory service.
* Kodiak should have an anti-missile shield, a defensive fortification system and modern equipment.
* Better to have a few well-equipped soldiers than an army of musketeers.
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