The Ministry of Defence and Foreign Affairs Policy Reviews

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Public Secretary's Notes: Below are a collection of policy possibilities within the Ministry of Defense and Immigration - as priced per quarter.

Existing Policies

Armed Forces Expenditure

Note: A modern, well equipped army, navy, and air force can cost an absolute fortune, and many people feel that the money could best be spent elsewhere. Others (especially patriots) would argue that you cannot put a price on freedom and security, and also point out the huge benefits for our businesses, technology and employment figures.
Present Policy: Ceremonial (650 million)
Possible Range: Ceremonial (650 million - 1,500 million) - Defensive Only (1,500 million - 3,500 million) - Light Support Force (3,500 million - 5,500 million) - Modern Military (5,500 million - 7,500 million) - Innovative Military (7,500 million - 9,500 million) - Overwhelming Firepower (9,500 million - 10,500 million)

Refugee Policy

Note: Most countries accept that they have a moral responsibility to take in migrants from disaster zones or war-torn countries, but there is strong debate on how loose these restrictions and limits should be, especially if climate change and other factors lead to a large rise in global refugees.
Present Policy: Warzone Refugees Only (50 million)
Possible Options: Total Ban (20 million) - Warzone Refugees Only (50 million) - Warzones and Natural Disasters (65 million) - Warzones, Natural Disasters, Religious and Political Persecution (85 million) - Any Legitimate Grievance (110 million)

Citizenship Testing

Note: Citizenship tests are a way of ensuring that people migrating to our country have a demonstrable understanding of our culture and history. This lessens the chances of a clash of cultures for newcomers to the country, encourages integration and reassures patriotic members of society that they need not fear immigration.
Present Policy: Medical Necessity of Mother
Possible Options: Simple Common Sense Questions - Common Sense Questions and Simple Civics Questions - 8th Grade Values and Civics Exam - 12th Grade Civics and History Exam - University Level Examination on History, Culture, Government Philosophy, Entertainment, and National Trivia.

Immigration Regulations

Note: Rules on who is, and who is not permitted to migrate to the country. The official rules will have little impact on illegal migration, but nevertheless can have a big impact. Some believe immigration will boost the economy, but those on low pay are often concerned about the competition for jobs.
Present Policy: Exceptionally Restrictive
Possible Options: Exceptionally Restrictive - Language, Skills, and Education Minimums - Skill Shortage and Labour Visas - Simple Criminal Checks - No Restrictions

Border Police

Note: Without some kind of customs checks at the borders, your country is open to the problem of mass illegal immigration. Some people argue that these immigrants cause crime, others that they take jobs away from your own citizens. Border controls can be effective in reducing illegal immigration.
Present Policy: Universal Passport Checks (40 million)
Possible Options: Randomised Passport Checks (5 million) - Universal Passport Checks (40 million) - Passport and Biometric Scanning (80 million) - ..and Armed Border Guards with Dogs (115 million) - ..and Universal Retinal Scanning and Storage (155 million)

Join the United Regions Alliance

Note: The United Regions Alliance (URA) is an intergovernmental military and political alliance of nations. Created after the Great War in response to future threats from around the globe, the alliance requires that member states come to the aid of any other member who may come under attack. Higher levels of involvement will boost relations with allies, but may weaken our military capabilities as we find ourselves involved in inter-military cooperation exercises and obligations.
Present Policy: Full Membership
Possible Options: Full Membership - Minor Contributive Member - Major Contributive Member - Participate in Active Operations

Possible Policies

International Arms Exports

Note: While controversial, some countries may begin selling weapons to the highest bidder as a source of revenue. Lower levels of this practice involve selling only allies while high levels open the floodgates to sell to anyone who has the cash. Liberals dislike the idea of spreading more weapons of war. Patriots are opposed to selling state weapons as well, except for when it comes to allies perhaps. The more advanced our military, the more money we can make!
Possible Income Range: 450 million+
Possible Policy Range: Allies Only - Allow Sale of Small Arms - Sell Only to Internationally Recognised States - Sell to All Organisations

Fully Re-join the Assembly of Nations

Note: The Assembly of Nations is an intergovernmental organisation whose primary purpose is to further human development and keep peace throughout the globe. The organisation is supported through the financial contributions of its many nation-state members. The funds that we contribute will go towards assisting developing countries, enforcing human rights laws, and maintaining global stability.
Possible Range: Full Membership (100 million) - Contributive Membership (500 million) - Join Economic Council (1,700 million) - Rotating Security Council Member (3,800 million)

Develop Coast Guard

Note: Border walls cannot work in an ocean, so the equivalent means of deterring crime and illegal immigration for nations with extensive coastline is to invest in patrol boats that intercept and send back any ships carrying illegal immigrants or illicit substances.
Possible Range: 130 million - 1,300 million

Border Wall

Note: The ultimate anti-immigration policy is to build a physical wall around the country to keep illegal immigrants out. This can be ruinously expensive, but it is a bold and visible example of a government's commitment to border defense.
Possible Range: 275 million - 2,750 million

Citizenship by Investment

Note: Where immigration causes concern about an influx of low paid workers, or those who may be dependent on the state or otherwise represent a drag on resources, citizenship may be granted to those immigrants who have considerable personal wealth, and thus can prove they will not be a burden. This may appear to be unfair to the majority of would be immigrants without such means.
Possible Income Range: 40 million+
Possible Policy Targets Top 20% - Top 10% - Top 1% - The 1% of the 1%

Dedicated Diplomatic Corps

Note: Going beyond just having an ambassador and a secretary in a foreign country, employing a full Diplomatic Service may be more expensive, but in the field of international diplomacy, you need to stay on top of things in order to get the best deals for your country and to keep everyone involved and happy. It may take some time to get working effectively, but it will boost foreign relations.
Possible Range: 20 million - 90 million

Drone Warfare Policy

Note: Global terrorism threatens our country. Drone strikes on foreign grounds are a safe way to prevent terror organisations from reaching their full potential. Patriots are calling for surgical strikes on terror leaders while liberals regard those as unethical.
Possible Range: Surveillance Only (50 million - 250 million) - Military Infrastructure Focus (250 million - 550 million) - High-Value Surgical Strikes (550 million - 900 million) - Pre-Emptive Targeting (900 million - 1,100 million)

International Aid Funding

Note: Some foreign countries have very poor economies, poor education or food shortages, and it can be argued that relatively rich nations such as ours have a moral duty to help them. Others may argue that the first priority of any nation is to its own citizens, and if those citizens wish to help, they can do so individually through charities.
Possible Range: 100 million - 1,400 million

Foreign Investment Restrictions

Note: With foreign investment comes foreign influence. Where such influence is seen to be unwelcome, restrictions can be put in place to stem foreign investment. This curtailment of a global free market is generally unpopular with capitalists, but supported by patriots, who are against any foreign influence exerted on their nation.
Possible Range: Restrict Hostile Nations - Restrict Non-Allies - Restrict All Foreign Investment

Importation Tariffs

Note: Cheap imports can be damaging to the economy because local companies cannot match the lower salaries paid by foreign competitors. Import tariffs help to protect local manufacturers from 'unfair' competition. This does go against real free-market economics though, and can be seen as being unfair to foreign countries, possibly sparking retaliation.
Possible Income Range: 0 million+
Possible Policy Range: 0% - 200%

International Fusion Research Fund

Note: Participate in an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project with the goal of creating a commercially viable fusion power plant. Nuclear fusion is safer and more efficient than fission. While expensive, this research will contribute to technological development and energy efficiency. Environmentalists are traditionally wary of atomic energy.
Possible Range: 2,300 million - 4,800 million

Conscription and Mandatory National Service

Note: Compulsory military service for some citizens where they are taught the basics of how to defend this country from attack has some benefits. For example it would allow us to have a smaller regular army. However, there are concerns about forcing people to bear arms against their will.
Possible Range: Mandatory Basic Combat Training (55 million - 120 million) - Six Month Contracts (120 million - 240 million) - Twelve Month Contracts (240 million - 360 million) - Two Year Contracts (360 million - 480 million) - Citizen Reservists (480 million - 600 million)

Sanctions on States Developing Nuclear Weapons

Note: Nuclear weapons are a strict negative for humanity and the planet. However, economic, political, and military conflict can result in some nations pursuing a nuclear weapons program. To reduce nuclear proliferation and prevent development of other weapons of mass destruction, we can enact sanctions against any nation currently researching a nuclear weapons program. This will be only as effective as our reputation on the world stage allows.
Possible Cost: Free

Develop Nuclear Weapons

Note: Nuclear Weapons are the ultimate deterrent against serious military action against a nation. Although there is no reliable defense against nuclear attack, the threat of a retaliatory strike is enough to deter aggression from nation states. To be absolutely sure of a reliable second strike capability, nations that can afford them will opt for nuclear-armed submarines on constant patrol, undetectable by enemy forces, or in theory, space-launched weapons.
Possible Options: Short Range Bomber Delivery (270 million) - Long Range Bomber Delivery (420 million) - Short Range Missiles (550 million) - Mid-Range ICMB (700 million) - Submarine Launched Missiles (850 million) - Submarine Launched Long-Range MIRVs (1,000 million) - Orbital Launch Vehicle (1,200 million)

Skilled Immigration Incentives

Note: Around the world, there is brilliance hidden behind every corner. By setting up an immigration incentive scheme for exceptionally talented individuals, we can utilise the full-breadth of human capital available to us internationally. Foreign nations will likely disapprove of these measures at high levels, as it will remove skilled individuals from their national talent pool. Patriots are also unlikely to approve of importing foreign workers for the express purpose of out-working local citizens.
Possible Range: 500 million - 2,200 million


Note: A new age calls for a new military branch. By creating a space force, we will be solidifying out claim to space as well as future proofing our armed forces. As more and more nations move upwards, it is likely terran rivalries will follow them. Our space force may consist of military satellites, sensor equipment, asteroid interception tools, and even potentially space-combat vessels.
Possible Range: Symbolic Force (400 million - 500 million) - Weapons Research (500 million - 1,400 million) - Satellite Defence Systems (1,400 million - 3,200 million) - Sub-Exospheric Aircraft (3,200 million - 5,700 million) - Militarised Spacecraft (5,700 million - 7,700 million)

Join International Space Research Organisation

Note: We're going to need all the help we can get if we're going to push humanity towards its rightful place among the stars. However, most countries struggle to find the funds to bring about a successful space program. By sharing research and technology we could access greater opportunities for innovation and minimise development costs. However, this may preclude us from ever maintaining a meaningful technological advantage.
Possible Options: Selective Participation - Non-Compete Agreements - Partner with Joint Research Institutes - Open-Source All Space Research

Tourism Media Campaign

Note: Tourism is not only a source of income for many people and businesses, it also strengthens foreign relations. This campaign will run in foreign countries, showing our most beautiful places, important sights to see, wonderful people to meet, tasty beers to drink and maybe even throws in a few free tickets to museums and shows, all in the hopes of attracting more people to visit us.
Possible Range: 25 million - 60 million

Deploy Troops to Secure Foreign Kodiaker Interests

Note: While some may suggest struggling nations need aid to stabilise their governments, there are others who believe that we could likely benefit from ongoing civil strife in some foreign nations. By choosing sides in conflicts, aiding our allies abroad, and capturing strategic assets in these areas, we can use our military might to exact an economic and political advantage. Expect the international community to dislike this course of action. Our effectiveness will be determined by the strength of our military-industrial complex.
Possible Options: Minimal Intervention - Moderate Intervention - Partial Occupation - Total Occupation

Deploy Troops to Stabilise Crumbling Foreign States

Note: There always exist states on the verge of total political collapse. To enforce order and stability in these regions and ensure the protection of their citizens, we must deploy our military as a policing force. This troop deployment will aim to stabilise local governments, train foreign troops, and invade areas held by hostile guerilla forces. Our effectiveness will be determined by the strength of our military-industrial complex.
Possible Options: Minimal Intervention - Moderate Intervention - Partial Occupation - Total Occupation

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