Material Modernization Act 652

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

An act to modernize the Kodiak civilization.

PASSED on DD/MM/YY with ## Aye, ## Nay, ## Abstain

Article 1 - Establishing the National Material Advancment Administration (NMAA)

1.1 - Establishes the National Material Advancment Administration (NMAA) under the Ministry of Commerce and Labour.

1.2 - The NMAA will manage research for efficient building materials.

1.3 - The Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall be allocated 85 million florins quarterly to fund all activities of the NMAA.

1.4 - The NMAA will be coordinated by a board of 15 members, appointed by KISRA.

1.5 - The NMAA will, apart from recieving funding, be politically fully indipendent and neutral.

Article 2 - Projects of the NMAA

2.1 - The NMAA's main goal is to create a cheap, environmentally friendly building material.

2.2 - The NMAA shall subsidize both public and private institutions and companies.

2.2.1 - Every quarter 50 million florins shall be dedicated to subsidies for private companies and institutions.

2.2.2 - 15 million florins will be dedicated quarterly to subsidies for governmental institutions.

2.3 - The NMAA will be allowed to sell the materials at a set price determined by the board.

2.4 - The NMAA will dedicate 20 million florins quarterly to the construction of efficient, nature-friendly housing.

Article 3-Taxing and subsidizing of private companies

3.1 - A company is eligible to be subsidized when approved by the NMAA.

3.2 - After said approval the Corporation Tax Rate of the company shall be set at 22% (instead of the standard 25%) of total reported gross profitable revenue in addition to being subsidized.

Written and Proposed by Emile, DPPK.

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