The Kodiak Republic in 2021
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
![Population growth over 2021.](
Work to rebuild Kodiak began in March of 2021. Growth was slow throughout the summer period but Kodiak was able to take great advantage of the autumn growth period. This year was defined by rebuilding the systems of government and working to develop the community.
03 May 2021 - RP year 628
The official beginning of the Seventh Republic. Ulyrkk von Guelderlaand was selected by the Assembly of Nations as Provisional Assembly President. The Civil Service began to rebuild with help from the international community. AoN peacekeeping forces protected election booths to keep right-wing militias in check.
28 June 2021 - RP year 630
Ulrykk von Guelderlaand was elected first Chancellor of the Seventh Republic, with Amber Delcroix-Grey elected Assembly President. Martang Etheltreow was selected Chief Justice by the General Assembly. The Guelderlaand government passed landmark regional development and agricultural subsidies in an attempt to resolve ongoing unemployment and food-access crises. The Tax office was established with new revenues being used to fund families with children and dependents.
20 September 2021 - RP year 633
Albrect von Battenburg-Grafton was elected Chancellor with Ulrykk von Gulderlaand as Assembly President. Bills funding technology and innovation were passed, as well as the establishment of a universal emergency healthcare system. The highway department received a modest increase in funding while police funding was increased substantially this term. Fascist Organisations were banned by the Assembly. The Chancellor barely survived an assassination attempt by right-wing nationalists and the nation was managed by the cabinet for the remainder of the term.
13 December 2021 - RP year 636
Alexander Mondo was elected Chancellor with Ulrykk von Guelderlaand as Assembly President. No significant events occurred before the end of the year. See The Kodiak Republic in 2022 for more information.