Democratic Party of Kodiak
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
(Redirected from The Democratic Party Kodiak)
We are committed to improving the lives of the people of Kodiak by introducing new social programs developing new taxation plans and supporting Kodak's working people
we believe the ultra-wealthy have strangled the working class. we would propose to raise taxation on citizens who make over 1,000,000 florins a year and lower taxes on people making under 400,00 florins a year.
we believe that every company that has over 100 workers should be encouraged to have a union. this would also include government agency's and recuse forces such as the police. we also believe that the minimum pay of workers should be dependent on how much the company makes a year
we believe that everyone should have a choice to join the military so any form of conscription should be banned. we also believe that the way to advance our military is to develop new technology and training techniques
we believe that we should supply our police with riot gear and both lethal and not lethal weapons as well as a book of Kodiak law. we believe that we should have a mandatory screening process and at least two years of training to become a member of the Kodiak police and their should be a list of excluded groups that would disqualify a individual from serving in the police. including and not limited to militia groups and white supremacy groups
we believe that the Kodiak republic should allow all refugees who have wars or life threatening events currently in their homeland into the country same goes for asylum both are immediately denied if the refugee or asylum seeker is engaged currently in criminal activity
we believe that all citizens of the Kodiak republic whose income is under 600,000 florins a year should be able to be covered by a universal health care plan that would cover all expenses related to medical bills
all citizens of the Kodiak republic should be recurred to go to a school private or public. we also believe that the government should give scholarships to Kodiak citizens that do not already have a stable collage fund