Talk:The Anti-Welfare Act

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Text Channel 📜-anti-welfare Discussion over the topic of removing or reducing funding for all areas of welfare. Search

Welcome to #📜-anti-welfare! This is the start of the #📜-anti-welfare channel. Discussion over the topic of removing or reducing funding for all areas of welfare.

Edit Channel March 10, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/10/2022 @Assembly Member A resolution proposed by @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co up for discussion regarding the funding for welfare programs in Kodiak. (edited) The Kodiak Republic Wiki The Anti-Welfare Act A resolution to decrease spending in all areas of welfare for the Kodiak Republic.

The Republic of Bohama — 03/10/2022 Denied [10:39 PM] If this pass we leave the republic

Patrick Barber — 03/10/2022 the Kodiak Workers' Party also declares against this bill. I will add to my reasoning at a later moment. (edited)

Geo — 03/10/2022 The Republic of Piehu supports the resolution only partially (edited)

Patrick Barber the Kodiak Workers' Party also declares against this bill. I will add to my reasoning at a later moment. (edited)

Patrick Barber — 03/10/2022 Our people struggle already with problems of poverty and homelessness, and these issues are already entirely at the feet of the capitalist and corporatists class. We lack educated and skilled workers and lack access to affordable and modern healthcare facilities. And the member looks at these problems and believes we should have more of this? Not acceptable. I, and I encourage others as well, must vote to rip up this bill. There is no salvageable aspect. (edited) March 11, 2022

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 03/11/2022 My country lives with high welfare status, agreeing to this would make my nation collapse even

H. Alinov Esq. (Yilmiz)(AND) — 03/11/2022 We also, in united voice with the workers and the lower class, reject the consideration and passage of this bill. As reasoned by the honourable member from the KWP, the object of this bill will exacerbate the plight of the poor and homeless. In favour of sustainable and progressive development in our society, which enables and empowers our people to live in dignity, any funding reduction to existing welfare programs must be accompanied by a funding increment in upskilling and education of the lower class with the aim of improving their living standards and quality of life. As such, we seek clarification from the proposer of this bill to explain the rationale of their bill, its follow-up if it was passed, and its compliance with the Constitution of the 7th Republic. We argue that the passage of this bill, and its impact on the lower class and the poor, is inherently discriminatory to these segments of society, and thus will be in violation of Article 4.3 of the Constitution. Thus, any explanation from the proposer must also address how this bill will not be discriminatory. (edited)

@H. Alinov Esq. (Yilmiz)(AND) We also, in united voice with the workers and the lower class, reject the consideration and passage of this bill. As reasoned by the honourable member from the KWP, the object of this bill will exacerbate the plight of the poor and homeless. In favour of sustainable and progressive development in our society, which enables and empowers our people to live in dignity, any funding reduction to existing welfare programs must be accompanied by a funding increment in upskilling and education of the lower class with the aim of improving their living standards and quality of life. As such, we seek clarification from the proposer of this bill to explain the rationale of their bill, its follow-up if it was passed, and its compliance with the Constitution of the 7th Republic. We argue that the passage of this bill, and its impact on the lower class and the poor, is inherently discriminatory to these segments of society, and thus will be in violation of Article 4.3 of the Constitution. Thus, any explanation from the proposer must also address how this bill will not be discriminatory. (edited)

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 03/11/2022 Correct, its very discriminatory to the lower class and homeless if multiple changes to the proposed bill are not done (edited)

Zoque Fotekh — 03/11/2022 The Pikhyrian Protectorate also opposes this bill. All points of Article 1 would inflict upon the citizens of the Protectorate and that of the greater Kodiak Nation severe financial distress. Is the member for Chest & Co suggesting we allow our most unfortunate and at risk citizens to starve to death? From a purely statistical standpoint, it would place a massive strain on our already struggling health system as the impact of homelessness and malnourishment floods our hospitals. It will force many to beg on the streets, in turn negatively affecting our tourism industry.

Zoque Fotekh — 03/11/2022 By reducing our funding, as outlined in Article 3, the member would cripple the opportunities for retraining for affected citizens, thereby removing opportunities to escape the welfare system they may be trapped.

The reduction in Healthcare appears to have no connection the rest of the bill other than to further negatively impact the entirety of the Kodiak Nation and it purpose in this bill is a mystery.

The second Article proposing a solution to this proposal by allowing private corporations to operate as a welfare system makes no sense. By what process are they going to fund a welfare system? The recipients are unlikely to be employed therefore unlikely to be able to contribute to the companies involved? What is the incentive for companies to operate a welfare system for non-employees? Is there to be a corporation set up to manage welfare? If so, how is it funded? Where does its capacity to fund welfare come from?

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 As the leader of the CACSPO I vote to pass the bill as it would increase money for the government to pay for infrastructure and to lower income tax. All and all a good bill -dumbass who proposed it in a haze of anti poor people

Geo The Republic of Piehu supports the resolution only partially (edited)

Geo — 03/11/2022 1.1 - Removing all welfare for the lower class and unfortunate. 1.2 - Remove food stamps use. 1.3 - Remove government funded retirement funds.

2.1 - Allow private companies to fund any reduced welfare labeled in this document

3.1 - Reduce college student grants by ~35%. 3.2 - Reduce public school funding by ~25%. 3.3 - Reduce Healthcare funding by ~15%.

The Most Serene Republic of Piehu accepts the resolution parts 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 since they are workable with to an extent and our national policy has been to try to keep welfare at bare minimum and only for the poor , since poverty has been eliminated in our nation we already have 0 welfare spending now and have no issue whatsoever with others following suit based on proper assessment of their own socio economic level of development; since not all nations are as rich as ours.

We completely reject the 3rd section as a whole since it's not only impractical but destructive in nature and sounds moronic. The constitution binds government to provide for it's citizens access to services that are essential to life and basic human dignity thus government shall not undermine their public sector undertakings , there are private run services alongside public ones but nothing more shall be accepted. Education and Healthcare are key to this duty that government has been endowed with by the means of constitution and it's guaranteed rights to the people.

As for retirement funds, it's the moral duty of the government as an institution to provide for the great men and women who keep this great institution up and running.

We do however support use of private entities for providing retirement services if they can outperform government ones whereby people voluntary opt for that option but we shall not under any circumstances force our peoples away from public retirement to private one. (edited) [1:26 AM] The Serene Republic would request removal of the whole 3rd Section of resolution and a second consideration, if possible the removal of 1.3 aswell.

Failure to remove third section will have dire economic consequences for nations in the whole region , may lead to the richest nation leaving the organisation and region itself and might prompt the region's 1st and 8th Military Powers into considering course of actions that would be undesirable for rest of region. (edited)

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 Revised version of the anti-welfare act

Authorized by the CACSPO

1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps

2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly

3.1 - Reduce college student grants by ~5%. 3.2 - Reduce public school funding by ~5%. 3.3 - Reduce Healthcare funding by ~8%. (edited)

Geo — 03/11/2022 The Serene Republic would provide untethered support only and only if the 3rd section was completely eliminated (edited)

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 The Second revised version of the anti-welfare act

Authorized by the CACSPO

1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps

2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly 2.2 - Private healthcare companies will not be taxed

Geo — 03/11/2022 The Serene Republic's delegation is curious as to why the proposal would add section 2.2 which creates unfair tax regime which is by nature opposed to our national policies [1:40 AM] Every business needs to pay 15% tax regardless of kind of service or goods Unless it's NGO charity or Strategic Industrial Sector (edited) [1:43 AM] The Delegation would request that removed

And if not removed than be changed to Private Healthcare can be made eligible for a temporary tax cut given it's service record , performance is exceptional and is recognised by the Ministry of Health

@Yungly, CEO of Chest and co The Second revised version of the anti-welfare act Authorized by the CACSPO 1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps 2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly 2.2 - Private healthcare companies will not be taxed

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 03/11/2022 Rich get richer eh? And poor even worse than they were? Most countries still have an amount of poor and homeless, while the rich basically enjoys their life, the poor suffer even more (edited) [3:44 AM] And proposal 2.1 would make it even worse [3:45 AM] Possibly making the private companies even more powerfull

Wesley Karlsson (New Asden) — 03/11/2022 I don’t particularly like the idea of getting rid of all welfare… From my understandings Kodiak is already in severe poverty

Geo — 03/11/2022 Ye most of Kodiak is has low income

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 Third version the anti-welfare act because i need votes Authorized by the CACSPO

1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps

2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly 2.2 - Private healthcare companies will not be taxed

Zoque Fotekh — 03/11/2022 What is meant by "retirement" in 2.1? As in retirement funding like a pension? Or retirement housing as in Aged care? [8:26 PM] Also, have I missed something? What is the CACSPO?

@Zoque Fotekh Also, have I missed something? What is the CACSPO?

Patrick Barber — 03/11/2022 its his company/party

@Patrick Barber its his company/party

Alexander Mondo (Karr) [DLPK] — 03/11/2022 comparty

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 yes, my political comparty


Zoque Fotekh — 03/11/2022 Got it.

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/11/2022 I really do enjoy seeing a party like this, which is much different than any other ones we have seen/created

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/11/2022 I did it because no could stop me March 12, 2022

@Yungly, CEO of Chest and co Third version the anti-welfare act because i need votes Authorized by the CACSPO 1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps 2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly 2.2 - Private healthcare companies will not be taxed

Geo — 03/12/2022 Remove 2.2 or change it a bit like I said cuz in current form it's kinda stupid xD Like u need to have a common tax base for all services Can't just create holes in the tax code like that lol [1:18 AM] Also why not remove 100% welfare for all companies and rich individuals too

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Zoque Fotekh — 03/12/2022 "Found" a totally unbiased newspaper clipping...



@Zoque Fotekh "Found" a totally unbiased newspaper clipping...

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/12/2022 this was my intention March 14, 2022

Zoque Fotekh — 03/14/2022 Considering the state of dissent amongst the population as highlighted in the recent defence proposal, I would add to this debate that the government should avoid any policy that is so clearly amoral and likely to alienate a large proportion of the population. To further question the obvious and destabilising nature of this proposal, The Protectorate will be starting a regional investigation into CACSPO's activities within the Protectorate, questioning foreign influence. (edited)

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 03/14/2022 The CACSPO is a privately funded political party, sponsored by the company Chest and co, a Kodiak based company (edited) March 18, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/18/2022 Representing the PPK, while we support the ideas of competition in the economy, we do not see many benefits to the overall nation through this bill. The resolution seems to push Kodiak back and doesn’t solve more pressing issues. March 24, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 03/24/2022 @Assembly Member I will be putting this resolution to vote: April 8, 2022

Please continue discussion of this resolution until this time. Any changes must be made before the voting deadline.

@Yungly, CEO of Chest and co Third version the anti-welfare act because i need votes Authorized by the CACSPO 1.1 - Removing 25% welfare for the lower class 1.2 - Remove food stamps 2.1 - Allow private companies to provide retirement for the elderly 2.2 - Private healthcare companies will not be taxed

Geo — 03/24/2022 Piehuan deligation would request removal of point 1.1 , 1.2 , 2.2 (edited)

Patrick Barber — 03/24/2022 I, and the workers party, will vote against this bill regardless of the changes proposed. It is antithetical to the needs of the workers, the needs of Kodiak, and the needs of humanity generally.

9 April 8, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein)



EasyPoll BOT

— 04/08/2022

@Assembly Member (edited) Question How do you vote regarding the resolution



Final Result

▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 13%]
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░ [12 • 75%]
▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 13%]

16 users voted


Poll already ended (6 days ago)
Anonymous Poll
allowed choice
No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: tGVjRb2cZH



1 April 11, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 04/11/2022 @Assembly Member this resolution did not pass! [1:19 PM] I will be archiving the discussion and will delete this channel in 24 hours

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 04/11/2022 B(

Romulus Katzenwald (Lovendara) — 04/11/2022 Sad [5:35 PM] Though I respect the dedication of making a resolution that is at high risk of being turned down by the general assembly

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