Talk:Minor Narcotics Amendment (642)

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Typn 2619 Text Channel 📜-kodiak_national_rights_act A resolution to define the rights of the people of Kodiak through a multitude of issues. Written by Yungly Shaon, MGA, CACSPO


Welcome to #📜-kodiak_national_rights_act! This is the start of the #📜-kodiak_national_rights_act channel. A resolution to define the rights of the people of Kodiak through a multitude of issues. Written by Yungly Shaon, MGA, CACSPO June 9, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 @Assembly Member A resolution to discuss regarding multiple national rights of citizens of Kodiak. Written by @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co, MGA, CACSPO The Kodiak Republic Wiki Kodiak National Rights Act (642) A resolution to define the rights of the people of Kodiak through a multitude of issues. 1.1 - Legalization of the sale, manufacture, and consumption of class E narcotics to people 18 and above. 1.2 - The following will be labeled as class E narcotics. 1.2.1 - Marijuana 1.2.2 - Nicotine 2.1 - Full legalization of same-sex marriage. 2.2 - Allow a...

[3:38 PM] I have set the voting date to start on 6/24/22. This can be changed upon request. Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/09/2022 Why should we allow the use of pure nicotine? Its already in ciggaretes, id find it useless to allow (edited)

[4:06 PM] Plus nicotine will make people addicted do it, causing many bad effects [4:06 PM] Same with marijuana

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 I would agree with the first point about maybe setting a limiter on the amount of nicotine. Too much can be fatal. I would disagree on the marijuana point. There is an argument to be made that it is safer for consumption than tobacco or alcohol New Asden — 06/09/2022 But… is it worth legalizing just for the sake of it? Yes, it is less dangerous than cigarette and other drugs, but it is still addictive. Maybe we need to set a legislation on what is considered a legal level of addictive substances Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 It’s also a substance that could be easily regulated and taxed progressively [7:43 PM] It may be one of the most used substances already, known to treat anxiety and real medical issues unlike alcohol and tobacco @Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) I would agree with the first point about maybe setting a limiter on the amount of nicotine. Too much can be fatal. I would disagree on the marijuana point. There is an argument to be made that it is safer for consumption than tobacco or alcohol John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 I would disagree with that argument. The mental health impact of marijuana is one that is overlooked. It is far more dangerous than nicotine or alcohol. [9:03 PM] But I absolutely agree with your point on nicotine. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 Mental health only for those that abuse it much like alcohol and tobacco. Thus why it should be regulated to prevent and provide resources to those that need it. [9:07 PM] Alcohol has never been prescribed to prevent chronic pain [9:07 PM] Neither has tobacco [9:10 PM] The alternative is a criminal substance that is illegally sold and can only increase unsafe consumption @Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) Alcohol has never been prescribed to prevent chronic pain New Asden — 06/09/2022 Well… in the US during the prohibition alcohol was a prescribed substance for the use of pain, but primarily for colds. But that lead to illegal bootlegging (edited) John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 Not medically. We usually self medicate it despite advice to the contrary. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 It has been used medically (edited) [9:11 PM] And prescribed medically in the US [9:13 PM] I don’t even use it personally, but I have seen it used to great success personally John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 I can support medical use. I have a number of patients on it at the moment for their Parkinsons (personally im of the opinion it hasn'tdone diddly squat for any of them but thats a small sample size). However Canniboid oil used for medical purposes is very different to recreational use. I could support controlled access for medical purpose but I cannot support recreational use. Once again I draw on my background in healthcare where I have seen too many young lives destroyed as they have started have schizophrenic episodes and I've had to coax them off the ceiling. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 I would agree, it can certainly lead to many issues, especially for the younger generation of individuals whose brains aren’t fully developed. However, if we go off lives destroyed by marijuana comparatively to alcohol, the latter is far greater and way more dangerous. Drinking alcohol has never produced medical benefits only drunken experiences which can lead to death. The difference is one is socially acceptable and regulated while the other is not. (edited) [9:22 PM] Alcohol has destroyed far more lives and I can speak to that personally. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 I would add, that although I do not have a personal medical background (besides basic buddy care and CPR/AED training) my family all works in healthcare as nurses, EMTs, and MDs and this discussion resonates the same opinion around my household (edited) John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 I don't necessarily disagree however the argument could be made that alcohol has destroyed more lives simply because it is more readily available. Whilst I do see alcohol induced dementia fairly frequently, it is usually in patients with a long history of alcohol abuse. I suspect (but admittedly have no evidennce for) that if marijuana was available to the same extent that we would see a greater impact. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 See I would agree in general. But a case can be made that since the criminalization of marijuana it is harder to diagnose issues pertaining to its use. I would propose that if this resolution has any chance of passing I would also like additional research done to understand the consequences of its use much like alcohol has had (edited) John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 I would agree with that. I can't help but feel that point 1 should be a separate bill as the debate around it is on a different basis to points 2 & 3, which I am wholly in support of. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/09/2022 Yes that’s something I addressed in 🎇-ga_president I believe that these are all separate issues that putting it all in one resolution can only lead to a failure in passing this one (edited) [9:45 PM] OOC: although this is more close to reality in how bills are passed John Edwards [KWP] — 06/09/2022 A thought I just had from the slightly more heartless side of my brain, would the recreational release of marijuana help to ease the number of riots in our nation? June 10, 2022 JChittyEutheriia — 06/10/2022 If it's illegal it's a black market item. Doesn't stop the sale, doesn't stop the use. It fills our prisons as a tax burden for a victimless crime. (edited) John Edwards [KWP] — 06/10/2022 That's true but it does drastically reduce its use. Patrick Barber — 06/10/2022 I would like to motion that we cleave article 1 as a separate resolution, specifically because it should be treated as an amendment to the Controlled Substances Act (Inter) (edited) Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 06/10/2022 What if we just include the amendment to the existing law within the text of this bill? And then also add it to the main law should this be passed. [9:01 PM] I think the precedent is there from the Police Funding bill back in 631 which amended other existing laws within it Patrick Barber — 06/10/2022 sure, the precedent exists to do that; I made the motion because I feel they are different debates (edited) Oskar Luchens (NUP) — 06/10/2022 I would agree they are different. But all three articles are amending different existing policies. Patrick Barber — 06/10/2022 Ok. I still motion Article 1 be cleaved into a separate resolution. Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/10/2022 If there is no opposition I will create a separate resolution for Article 1 from the rest of the resolution Patrick Barber — 06/10/2022 @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co ? June 11, 2022 Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/11/2022 sorry for the late response, but separating Article one from the rest of the bill would be good Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/13/2022 @Assembly Member An amendment to the Controlled Substances Act (Inter) to categorize certain drugs into a separate class. Written and proposed by @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co (edited)

The Kodiak Republic Wiki Minor Narcotics Amendment (642) An amendment to the Controlled Substances Act (Inter) to categorize certain drugs into a separate class. The Controlled Substances Act (Inter); This resolution aims to amend the Controlled Substances Act by adding an additional article under the Act which will define and include Minor Narcotics (Schedule E). 1.1 - Legalization of the sale, manuf...

Akecheta — 06/13/2022 I think that Minor Narcotics and Narcotics should both be in the same class. They are both Narcotics. Why separate them into different classes? [3:14 PM] Though for the "bigger" Narcotics, it should have more "regulations" on them than Minor Narcotics. Either that, or have the "regulations" more "severe". (edited)

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/13/2022 The purpose is not all narcotics are the same. Nicotine is considered a narcotic and so is methamphetamines. It would be considered 'minor' because marijuana and nicotine could be considered safer for use. (edited) [3:17 PM] It would be classified as a Schedule E (Class E) for the purposes of this resolution [3:19 PM] Although technically speaking the medical terminology for narcotic is for opioid based substitutes. So really the word narcotic is used incorrectly, it should actually be defined as "Drug/Substance" (edited)

Akecheta — 06/13/2022 this is why I don't speak on topics, i just observe because I have no clue what I am talking about..........

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/13/2022 All input is valuable! @Akecheta don't be afraid to speak on it. I was just giving a response based on what the resolution covers

New Asden — 06/13/2022 I do not approve the bill. Classifying tobacco with meth? [3:32 PM] And would this bill open and legalize black markets selling opioids?

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/13/2022 You may want to read it. The purpose was to separate nicotine and marijuana into a different class of drug. They are currently not listed in the Controlled Substances Act under any category @New Asden

New Asden — 06/13/2022 Ah okay. I’ll read it thoroughly

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 The bill would actually reduce black markets, if they're legal we can regulate them (edited) [3:36 PM] plus if they're legal they can be sold to help the economy

New Asden — 06/13/2022 So just tobacco and marijuana

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 yes

New Asden — 06/13/2022 Ah okay okay. Still not a complete yes but not a hard no

New Asden — 06/13/2022 There needs to be a section to make sure minors can’t get these substances @Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) All input is valuable! @Akecheta don't be afraid to speak on it. I was just giving a response based on what the resolution covers

Akecheta — 06/13/2022 Ok @New Asden There needs to be a section to make sure minors can’t get these substances

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 "1.1 - Legalization of the sale, manufacture, and consumption of Schedule E narcotics to people 18 and above." [3:54 PM] They can't legally @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co The bill would actually reduce black markets, if they're legal we can regulate them (edited)

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 And have bigger drug usage, higher death rates, bad look on us and even dumber people

New Asden — 06/13/2022 There needs to be a law making sure they don’t

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 It will cost us @Joshua Lopez (Slatium) And have bigger drug usage, higher death rates, bad look on us and even dumber people

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 how?

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 Glad you asked [3:55 PM] Let me tell you [3:56 PM] 1 in 10 people who use marijuana get addicted [3:56 PM] It can cause brain health issues [3:56 PM] Such as lower iq [3:57 PM] Which even after quiting marijuana don't come back [3:58 PM] Marijuana can cause mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and even suicide [3:58 PM] I can go on and on and on [3:59 PM] This is talking about marijuana [3:59 PM] Nicotine, in example I'll allow (edited)

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 Most of what you're describing happens when the user is underage and their brain is still developing, hence why we should restrict it to people 18 and older

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 Not true, however its worse for underage people [4:01 PM] 1-6 chance of addiction for underage people

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 and if you're going to try to tear down the marijuana part of the amendment why allow nicotine? sounds like your just against marijuana

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 I am just against marijuana [4:02 PM] Nicotine is already in ciggaretes [4:02 PM] Why stop it? [4:02 PM] If you think drugs will increase the rights of our people, then so be it [4:02 PM] Allow nicotine, easy [4:03 PM] Sounds like im a chain smoker (edited)

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/13/2022 I have already put my thoughts on this in the other discussion, but I fail to see how a regulated industry is worse than a deregulated one that is prolific in every major nation @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co Most of what you're describing happens when the user is underage and their brain is still developing, hence why we should restrict it to people 18 and older

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 And your restrictions won't stop people selling it to underage people

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 no, the people of Kodiak deserve to have access to substances that don't do extreme damage

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/13/2022 Marijuana does extreme damage to my opinion [4:05 PM] So does nicotine [4:05 PM] But its regulated enough @Joshua Lopez (Slatium) And your restrictions won't stop people selling it to underage people

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/13/2022 and having it illegal will stop it?

June 17, 2022

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Less addictive is still addictive

JOE — 06/17/2022 That's true but alcohol is more addictive and thats perfectly legal (edited)

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 I mean that stuff is deep set in tradition and if we criminalize that people would probably riot [12:37 AM] So we not only get a narcotics crisis, we also get a safety crisis, yay

JOE — 06/17/2022 But so is marijuana it has been used throughout history in traditional events and other things of the sort

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Pretty sure greek oracles or something inhaled sulfur or something for divine omens, are we doing that now [12:39 AM] Marijuana is less common in other cultures anyway, but alcohol is global maybe

JOE — 06/17/2022 Then your saying consume a beverage that can make you go nuts with one word if your drink too Mutch so your sulfer statement is irrelvent cause your comparing being so high your comparing seeing and hearing things to beating people (edited)

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 This should be a separate discussion lol, the amendment only mentions marijuana and nicotine I think

JOE — 06/17/2022 Yea [12:47 AM] I see why say get rid of nicotine it has no real use but inhaling cancer but marijuana has many heath benefits with little dangerous side effects

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Criminalizing nicotine could cause so many social repercussions [12:53 AM] Unless we fund like a ton of rehabilitation programs maybe [12:53 AM] And awareness campaigns [12:53 AM] That actually tell people why drugs are bad instead of going "drug bad here's how to obtain them"

JOE — 06/17/2022 It's better then slowly Killing people [12:53 AM] So yes that's the best way

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 But do we have the money and resources for those programs and centres and campaigns [12:56 AM] Can't employ people if we have no money, can't employ randos to go "drug bad kiddies" either

JOE — 06/17/2022 That is true well just have to find a way cause even if we leave it for the next few years or decades problems could happen like a entire next generation could already have cancer from second hand smoke

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Should I draft a bill on drug rehabilitation lol

JOE — 06/17/2022 Go for it

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 I'm more novelist than legal writer but I'll try my best Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein)


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— 06/17/2022

@Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) These are totally separate. I will refer to my previous statements regarding illegal drug deaths/risks. However I will add, looking through the Kodiak Law Code, even if this does not pass there is no current criminalization of either of these substances.

John Edwards [KWP] — 06/17/2022 You are absolutely correct. I had not noticed that it was missing from the Schedule A drugs. We do not in fact have any policy on marijuana or nicotine. I'm not sure what that means, simulation wise.

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/17/2022 I would just like to point out that Portland, Oregon recently conducted a grand experiment where they legalized all drugs and actually saw relative improvement in the city. Emergency services, even including ambulances, were used less since individuals did not have to turn to more dangerous alternatives to get drugs when they were illegal. One notable thing was that violent crime rate decreased dramatically. Just some food for thought.

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Oh you reminded me [7:30 PM] Legalizing drugs would also make drug users more likely to open up about what drug they took when receiving medical services [7:31 PM] Because if drugs are illegal they're gonna be afraid that the medics would report them to the police and stay quiet

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/17/2022 Exactly

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/17/2022 Then they proceed to die due to allergies or whatever [7:31 PM] But I'm still on the side of only medicinal uses so June 18, 2022

12131050849 — 06/18/2022 drugs other bad things should not be manufactured

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/18/2022 Certain drugs can be used for medicinal purposes [4:14 AM] Not to mention banning drugs outright without any sort of treatment program is just going to make black markets boom

@Jocelyn [AND] Legalizing drugs would also make drug users more likely to open up about what drug they took when receiving medical services

John Edwards [KWP] — 06/18/2022 That speaks more to decriminalisation than legalisation necessarily.

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/18/2022 The drugs involved in this amendment aren't criminalized right now I think

John Edwards [KWP] — 06/18/2022 Correct. But those opposed to legalisation may be more receptive to decriminalisation instead.

Jocelyn [AND] — 06/18/2022 Why am I advocating for a thing I'm not even supporting lol [4:35 AM] Medicinal good other bad [4:35 AM]

Searls — 06/18/2022

June 20, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/20/2022 Members of the Assembly, please see my proposed changes to the Minor Narcotics Amendment.

I hope that these changes will address some issues with the amendment as is, and instead allow for a more thorough discussion.

Minor_Narcotics_Amendment.docx 2.95 KB [5:52 PM] @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co please let me know if you wish for the changes to be added to the current resolution and I will update it accordingly.

@Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) Members of the Assembly, please see my proposed changes to the Minor Narcotics Amendment. I hope that these changes will address some issues with the amendment as is, and instead allow for a more thorough discussion.

Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 06/20/2022 These all look good


Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) @Assembly Member An amendment to the Controlled Substances Act (Inter) to categorize certain drugs into a separate class. Written and proposed by @Yungly, CEO of Chest and co (edited)

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/20/2022 @Assembly Member the Minor Narcotics Amendment has been modified. If you are not caught up with this, please review before the 24th of June when voting will begin.


Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/20/2022 I should note, Cannaboids and THC have the exact same chemical structure, the difference is the way the atoms are arranged. June 22, 2022

yugoslwv — 06/22/2022 Smoking industries must be shut

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/22/2022 I feel smokes should be allowed, while other narcotics should be used in medical uses as disscused before

yugoslwv — 06/22/2022 Active and passive smokers [10:40 AM] It's harming others who are nearby

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Like smoking [10:40 AM] ?

yugoslwv — 06/22/2022 The active smoker breathes in the mainstream smoke (MSS) during a puff, whereas the passive smoker inhales not only the smoke generated by the lit cigarette between two puffs (SSS) but also the smoke exhaled by active smokers (EXS).

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 I actually banned smoking. [10:41 AM] Yeah.

yugoslwv — 06/22/2022 Passive smoking Passive smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke, called secondhand smoke (SHS), or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), by persons other than the intended "active" smoker. It occurs when tobacco smoke enters an environment, causing its inhalation by people within that environment. Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability,...

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 That is true. [10:43 AM] Smoking has negative health effects, because smoke inhalation inherently poses challenges to various physiologic processes such as respiration. Smoking tobacco is among the leading causes of many diseases such as lung cancer, heart attack, COPD, erectile dysfunction, and birth defects. [10:43 AM] One reason i banned it. [10:44 AM] But i think i should unban it cause i did it in private too.

yugoslwv — 06/22/2022 Mixes in the air

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Yeah so i banned it. [10:44 AM] Cause i am not letting my citizens die of lung cancer , heart attack, COPD etc.

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/22/2022 I have smokes allowed in my country and cancer rates are quite low

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Hmm. [11:12 AM] My murder has gotten low cause i removed guns from citizens. [11:12 AM] only police and military.

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/22/2022 I hate smokes, yeah, but people are addicted to it, removing it would cause trouble, and people will illegally sell it (edited) [11:13 AM] It causes a lot of negative effects, but removing it wouldnt help much [11:13 AM] We should try to stop future smokers in even starting smoking

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 Why isn't smoking banned when it's clearly more dangerous to a person's long term health, but weed has restrictions on it, even though it is mostly harmless? The only reasoning for this is that weed is a drug. (edited) [12:52 PM] It just doesn't make much sense

@Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) Why isn't smoking banned when it's clearly more dangerous to a person's long term health, but weed has restrictions on it, even though it is mostly harmless? The only reasoning for this is that weed is a drug. (edited)

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/22/2022 I’m 100% in agreement. I have been arguing this the entire time of this resolution. The updated resolution was just to compromise with the others


@Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) Why isn't smoking banned when it's clearly more dangerous to a person's long term health, but weed has restrictions on it, even though it is mostly harmless? The only reasoning for this is that weed is a drug. (edited)

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Agreed. [2:03 PM] I banned smoking even in private.

@Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) Why isn't smoking banned when it's clearly more dangerous to a person's long term health, but weed has restrictions on it, even though it is mostly harmless? The only reasoning for this is that weed is a drug. (edited)

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/22/2022 Tehnically smokes are a drug too

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 I guess so. [3:29 PM] It should be a higher class drug than weed tho

Joshua Lopez (Slatium) — 06/22/2022 Smokes can kill you easier for sure, but weed has its health issues no one wants too

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 8.7 million people die each year due to tobacco, while a maximum of 30,000 people die from weed each year. Nobody has ever died from a weed overdose, so those 30,000 come from cannabis related accidents. It's almost like alcohol, which can make you more accident prone. The difference is, you can die from alcohol poisoning.

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 I have cannabis legal in my nation.

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 I actually banned it by accident

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Dang. [3:46 PM] I feel bad for you.

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 I thought the decision I was making was gonna do something else [3:46 PM] I just can't wait for the decision to ban smoking

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Yeah. [3:46 PM] I went through that. [3:47 PM] I banned smoking so people don't die.

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 Yeah lol

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 and i don't think all my citizens liked that.

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 I have no cancer deaths anymore

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 Me either [3:47 PM] still got heart diesses

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 06/22/2022 Lets move to 🎎-ns-general

Erin Levî III of Iraeli — 06/22/2022 i think cause i used a drug. June 24, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein)



EasyPoll BOT

— 06/24/2022

@Assembly Member The proposed resolution is up for a vote! (edited) Question Do you support the resolution?



Final Result

▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ [11 • 61%]
▓▓░░░░░░░░ [4 • 22%]
▓▓░░░░░░░░ [3 • 17%]

18 users voted


Poll already ended (an hour ago)
Anonymous Poll
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No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: A5oUxirXYH




Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 06/24/2022 @Assembly Member Voting on the proposed resolution will end in 3 days. New discussion on the resolution is now prohibited! June 26, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — Yesterday at 9:07 PM @Assembly Member the vote for this resolution ends in 15 hours. June 27, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — Today at 1:09 PM @Assembly Member The proposed resolution has passed. I will be adding this to the Kodiak Law Code and archiving the channel in 24 hours.

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