Talk:Medical Licensure Act (663)

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Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/22/2023 8:58 AM

Tabled by Braughn F. G. Kryos, MGA, as an independent member's bill. An act to codify the licensure of medical doctors. Voting is set for 30 December. The Kodiak Republic Wiki Medical Licensure Act (663) ACTION by the General Assembly on ## MONTH 6##. ## AYE, ## NAY, ## ABSTAIN. An act to codify the licensure of medical doctors. Braughn F. G. Kryos


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— 12/22/2023 8:58 AM

Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/22/2023 8:58 AM

@Assembly Member, this bill is now open for debate and discussion. Fellow members, I am somewhat surprised at the lack of medical legislation in our nation. As I have reviewed the current legislation on the matter, I have found appalling lapses in our laws. This is one of them. The lack of a standardized process for the licensure of our medical professionals across the nation is dangerous at best and disasterous at worst. I hope that every member of the Assembly finds this legislation as necessary as I do. Daniel Evanston Anderson — 12/22/2023 9:29 AM I have no problem with this bill, full support Dr E.C. Maltravers Jr [NUP] — 12/22/2023 10:04 AM ((I will have a response soon, but I'm gonna type it up on Google docs first as I usually do.)) Dr E.C. Maltravers Jr [NUP] — 12/22/2023 10:26 AM Mr President, fellow Members of the Assembly,

I want to thank the President for introducing this bill to the Chamber. Whilst I am supportive in some areas, however, I feel as though there are some issues that I'd wish to raise.

Firstly, Article 1 Section 2 allocates the KMLB a sum of 50 million florins per quota, assuming that a quarter refers to a fiscal quarter (around 3 months according to my research) that means nearly 20 million Florins per year. That leads onto two questions I have for the Member for Bethaven: (1). Does the member believe that the Government will be able to afford this? (2). Does this estimate take into account inflation?

Alongside that, I am concerned with the rigid timeline presented in Article 1 Section 3. While the transitional period is undoubtedly necessary to bring current practitioners to the new regulations. Are we affording our medical professionals too much time to adjust without compromising the quality of healthcare services during this transition? Perhaps a shorter period may be more beneficial, perhaps I am overthinking.

Finally, the requirement for licence renewal every five years, stipulated in Article 1 Section 4, raises questions about its potential impact on the often demanding schedules of medical practitioners. Would these renewals take away from their time at all? Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/22/2023 10:38 AM

Thank you, Doctor. I will address these issues in turn.

I believe that 200 million florins yearly is an entirely affordable demand for the creation of an organization that would be responsible for the licensure of every doctor in our nation. Additionally, this bump in funding accounts for the additional staff required by the introduction of examinations and licensing facilities. As I do not foresee the KMLB requiring that each medical professional make a pilgrimage to Rykkburg every time their license requires renewal, locating facilities for testing and license issuance, as well as the employment of individuals for the administration of tests and the issuance of physical licenses, is included in the funding. Should the time come when the budget is considered too high for the needs of the KMLB, I would be happy to support a reduction. For now, the funding is necessary for the initial startup of the board. The estimate does not take any inflation into account as, again, should the funding require alteration, the Assembly is more than capable of alterations.

I believe that two years is sufficient time for individuals to make their necessary arrangements for licensure. Note that this grace period is only for current medical practitioners, not new practitioners. Given that the subnational governments presumably have some form of medical licensure currently, I do not believe that there will be any significant drop in the quality of medical practice by providing a two year grace period. Additionally, two years provides current medical practitioners that either cannot or will not come into compliance with the KMLB's regulations to locate a new medical practitioner and transfer their current patients to that individual. As I foresee that some practitioners may require additional training or education to come into compliance with the KMLB's regulations, I wish also to provide a period for such individuals to attain that additional training or education. I believe that five years is a thoroughly sufficient time frame for the renewal of licenses, especially considering the speed at which new procedures and medical practices are introduced and approved. Given this fact, I believe that a renewal of licensures every five years is sufficiently segmented as to not overly disrupt the practice of medicine while still enforcing the currency of a practice's procedures. Dr E.C. Maltravers Jr [NUP] — 12/22/2023 11:12 AM I have no further questions and support this bill. My questions are satisfied. Charlotte Groves (Juliette)[KWP] — 12/22/2023 11:02 PM Just me being pedantic but for 1.1.4 Curate and maintain a registry of medical doctors practicing within Kodiak.

We should also ensure that this information is publicly available as well, and easy for the public to look up the registration/license of a doctor.

In any case I support this bill, extremely important to ensure that medicine is practiced by licensed persons. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/22/2023 11:47 PM

An excellent point, thank you, Ms. Groves. Faralana — 12/23/2023 6:15 AM Fellow Members, I support this bill

To work in Health Care is a necessary public survice that all of us enjoy. And to protect the well being of the public to require licensure will raise the quality of health across the country.

But I would also like to propose an amendment to the bill. The amendment should cover basic requirements to get a license that the Licensure Board is not allowed to go under. The text is as follows.

2.3: All persons seeking medical license must obtain a 6 year degree in a medical field from an accredited university, including 4 years of experience at a licensed medical facility The KMLB should also have the power to give licenses to private medical facilities so the board should also have that power. I think another Article is needed to talk about private enterprise Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/23/2023 8:34 AM

It is my intent to leave the KMLB as much autonomy in the creation of licensure requirements as possible. This will ensure that those most qualified to determine what makes a doctor ready for independent practice are doing so with the most autonomy possible. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/23/2023 8:35 AM

As this bill is dealing with the specific issue of independent medical practice licensure, an article dealing with the licensure of private medical facilities would be misplaced. Josef Kovac — 12/25/2023 11:43 AM I have some complaints about the transitional phase. I believe that two years is far too much time to obtain a simple license. The transitional period should be changed to one year to obtain a license and two years for all other requirements. In addition, a transitional phase will be needed every time the KMLB issues a new requirement. I suggest half a year that can be extended to a full year by decision of the KMLB. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/26/2023 10:27 AM

Due to the fact that we have no idea what requirements the KMLB will impose for the licensure of doctors, I believe two years is the minimum time we can reasonably expect. I believe that, in the case where the KMLB's requirements are simpler, medical practitioners will take the initiative to attain their license. Additionally, as I have stated, it is also a time period to allow for doctors to find a replacement for themselves, if they do not plan on coming into compliance with the regulations.

As for requirements issued by the KMLB, considering that a licensure renewal is only required every five years, I believe that the time period there is more than sufficient for doctors to come under compliance before their license is renewed. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/30/2023 9:50 AM

As there has been no objections to the stated voting date and debate has naturally ended, I will present this bill to vote now. EasyPoll BOT

— 12/30/2023 9:51 AM

Question Does the General Assembly approve of the Medical Licensure Act (663)?

Choices 🇦 Aye 🇧 Nay 🇨 Abstain

Final Result 🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ [15 • 94%] 🇧 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 6%] 🇨 ░░░░░░░░░░ [0 • 0%] 16 users voted


alarm_clock: Poll already ended (9 hours ago)
spy: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
lock: No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: 763751c5 Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 12/30/2023 9:52 AM

@Assembly Member, voting for this bill is now open and will remain open for 72 hours. Please be sure to vote before the end of that period. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— Today at 7:04 PM

With 15 ayes, 1 nay, and 0 abstains, the Medical Licensure Act (663) is approved by the General Assembly. This debate will be archived shortly.

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