Talk:Kodiak For The Unions Act (665)

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Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/17/2024 8:38 AM

Tabled by Jack Williams, MGA, as an independent resolution. An Act creating the Kodiak Trade Unions Association and provides trade union subsidies. Voting is set for 24 March. The Kodiak Republic Wiki Kodiak For The Unions Act (665) An Act creating the Kodiak Trade Unions Association and provides trade union subsidies. Braughn F. G. Kryos


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— 03/17/2024 8:38 AM

Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/17/2024 8:39 AM

@Assembly Members, this bill is now open for debate. Dr Edmund Cosmo Maltravers — 03/17/2024 8:41 AM President,

I support this act. Wayhe — 03/17/2024 8:41 AM I like the idea, but I'd put some protections against monopolisation. (The best example is the modern FDA, which is funded by those which it is supposed to regulate) R. Henry Welch, III [NUP] — 03/17/2024 8:42 AM As Edmund Marwood: I would just note that the Kodiak Federation of Industrial Unions is an already extant non-governmental organisation which exists to represent unions at a national level. As Edmund Marwood: aside from that, I don't believe it is in the interests of the government to have a specific role in authorising or establishing a national body of unions as it was my undrestanding unions are meant to be run by their members, not created by state power. Wayhe — 03/17/2024 8:44 AM A good alternative could be instead of nationalising unions to instead encourage more non-government organisations to be created through some means (like lowering the entry barrier into the business) R. Henry Welch, III [NUP] — 03/17/2024 8:45 AM As Edmund Marwood: additionally while there is nothing procedurally incorrect about granting money to a labour organisation, I don't feel that there is any particular reason why the state should subsidise labour lobby organisations when it has no precedent for subsidising any other lobbying organisations - there's no offer to provide funding to the Chambre of Commerce, for example. Wayhe — 03/17/2024 8:46 AM When I think about it, I agree with this 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝕭𝖔𝖞 — 03/17/2024 9:13 AM Full Support this act, no more excuses Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/17/2024 12:27 PM Give me a moment. I will address everyone once I am home. Ends Phone Call Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/17/2024 12:53 PM Members, for several months I have been in constant conversations with my former Port workers Union and the concerns I have been hearing is the authorities over the port businesses are starting to get their hands into in the unions. Michael Winslow, president of the Port Workers Trade Union in San Chico had to fight for his position as the presidents before him were corrupted by these port authorities who were paying them money to accept pay cuts and hour increases that were deteriorating the morale of the workers. Winslow and me spoke multiple times and there is a request from him and the union to establish a state created nationalized union that isn’t corrupted by owners. Something I also believe that is needed. This union will created entirely to be ran by union heads who will work together to bring better benefits, better wages, and better work environments to their workers at home.

In order for the organization to be effective, there is a need for subsidies. These funds will help the organization do what it’s created to do. I have worked hard to make sure this bill was created. Now I am willing to make compromises like protections against monopolization or protections against corruption by business owners. Please let me know. Josef Kovac — 03/17/2024 10:18 PM Despite the fact that I wholeheartedly support labour unions, I agree with Mr. Marwood. It is improper to grant government funding to any lobbyist organization, no matter the righteous of the cause. John Edwards [KWP] — 03/18/2024 3:49 AM The recent and ongoing troubles demonstrate a significant decline in workers rights in the nation. Supporting our unions will go a long way towards preventing further future escalations. María Sanz-Cortés [NUP] — 03/18/2024 11:08 AM You can't make the government pay for union expenses and not expect that it will turn them into another group of bureaucrats, giving out taxpayer money for things like these will only harm unions in the long run, I believe there are other ways of helping them and this is not one of them. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 4:36 PM I understand the opposition with spending funds for these unions. However I disagree. The creation of this organization will use these subsidies to provide better benefits, even get to provide more wage payments to cover what workers believe they are being shorted. I believe the trade unions are being misrepresented by the other national union organization and this organization will create new and improved support for our trade unions who are being suppressed and having their benefits being taken away. I fully believe that this bill is needed. This funding is needed for these workers. Wayhe — 03/18/2024 5:51 PM Why are you assuming that they will use these subsidies to provide better benefits? Historically speaking, usually the private sector has done much better in this regard than the government. Also, making government be involved with everything only makes the problem of bureaucrosation worse. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 5:55 PM

spits out coffee I'm sorry, did you just say that historically speaking, the private sector has done a much better job of providing benefits? If the private sector had their way, workers would still be working for .10 florins per hour, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week with no health insurance, workers compensation, job security, or paid time off. It is the Kodiak government that has been highly instrumental in ensuring and defending the rights of the working class. In the past decade, we have seen the introduction of worker's compensation, increased workplace protection, the expansion of paid time off, the increase of the minimum wage, the restriction of the definition of overtime, and the expansion of both maternal and paternal leave. None of these things were initiated or supported by the private sector. That is a ridiculous argument against the introduction of subsidies, no matter your stance on their implementation. R. Henry Welch, III [NUP] — 03/18/2024 6:51 PM As Edmund Marwood: I suppose if we do found a state-funded organisation to control the unions, it also means that the next government will be responsible for appointing its board of directors. It would greatly expand the powers of the Ministry of Industry. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 6:52 PM

I share the concerns of others with the funding of a national state-controlled union. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 6:53 PM State funded, not state-controlled Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 6:55 PM

You propose that the state fund a national union, a organization that seems to negotiate for and run every other trade union's business, but have basically no control over the actual functions of the union? That's a lot of trust you are putting in a large union to function perfectly and in the Assembly to approve such a plan. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 7:00 PM State will fund and organization where members are to be appointed to the board of directors by their trade unions. These members are to help move funding to their respected unions to provide the services outlined in the bill. The state will not control what the organization does. Unless yall are wanting some type of section for that to happen. But then we would be stepping into a more communistic approach which I’d rather not Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 7:08 PM I will be making edits to the bill tonight. Make a couple amendments to the bill to give more specifics and address issues Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 8:31 PM

Can you point to a specific reason as to why the current trade unions cannot function as they are with this additional funding, no intervening "national union" necessary? Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 8:31 PM

That's the opposite of communism. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 8:33 PM Well my biggest change is this.

Instead of creating a new organization. I’d change it to where we provide subsidies to the existing organization, Kodiak Federation of Trade Unions. No new organization. Just funding for the current one so that it can help give more benefits and also add on to the wages that are currently given to union members Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/18/2024 8:33 PM

That is more acceptable. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/18/2024 8:36 PM I decided this was the best course of action considering the immense backlash on the creation of a new organization. I also plan on reviewing other comments and seeing if I can flesh out the bill more to compromise with them. Alexander Paramount (NUP) — 03/18/2024 9:33 PM I like this idea more, I support this change Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:05 AM The bill has been Changed Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:09 AM Mainly these benefits will be required by this law to be provided Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:10 AM I really doubt that the government knows whats best for people. It will end exactly like welfare did. Have you ever heard of a welfare trap? (I think thats how its called) Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:11 AM I have heard what you are talking about Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:17 AM Yes. What you are speaking of is pretty much slavery, which had ended quite a long time ago. We have left the system of lords and peasants a few generations ago, which makes this irrelevant. Do you know who made the 5 day work week? Henry Ford. Why? Because workers were more efficient with said 5 day work week and after it got popular in the industry, which later made it into government and into law. It's the private industry making the inventions and then making it into government, not the other way around. If you think there was no health insurance, workers compensation and all that in the past, you're wrong. Back in the day, there used to be fratelnal societies, which were much better than the current welfare system. I myself are only scratching the surface of the topic, so I can provide resources if you want to know more. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:19 AM I have a bill on my table that I am drafting regarding the Monopolisation and regulating and prohibiting it It will be an extensive bill Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:20 AM This is just an indirect way of taxing people. There are no "free" things that you get, which of course the people have to pay with their taxes. My problem is also that through the addition of limiting factors (like making a business extremely complicated and expensive) has put many forced monopolies in place. If said restrictions were not in place, you wouldn't need all of those. Company treats you badly? Just find a better one. There used to be a lot more businesses, which made the opportunity of getting a job easier. Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:20 AM I guess this is the best you can do in the modern times. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:20 AM ((I'll be referencing many different IRL Anti-trust bills from the US and overseas)) Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:21 AM But said bill needs to be extremely cautious and lenghty in order to just not replace one monopoly with another. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:21 AM Which I'll make sure of But lets get back to the bill at hand here. Wayhe — 03/19/2024 11:23 AM As myself and others said before, I do support the thought process of the bill, but not the bill itself. Making government peek into every single thing is not a good idea for many reasons. I will provide more details if someone wants me to. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/19/2024 11:56 AM This bill only provides Subsidies to the Union organization while also recognizing it Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/23/2024 11:16 PM

If there is no further debate, this bill will proceed to vote tomorrow. R. Henry Welch, III [NUP] — 03/24/2024 12:20 AM I urge members to vote against this bill. A waste of public funds that we should subsidise the efforts of one lobbying organisation (or any lobbying organisation) just because some members of the assembly happen to agree with their efforts. its a slippery slope to start doling out cash to our friends just because we like the cut of their gib. Jack Williams (DPPK) — 03/24/2024 4:20 AM I urge members to vote yes on this piece of legislation. This funding will be a pathway for better benefits, wages, and opportunities for all union workers in all industries. Union workers are slowly being stripped of their benefits and wages by big corporations as the economy grows and this funding will help balance these economic changes for the better. EasyPoll BOT

— 03/24/2024 9:07 PM

Question Does the General Assembly approve of the Kodiak For The Unions Act (665)?

Choices 🇦 Aye 🇧 Nay 🇨 Abstain

Final Result 🇦 ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ [11 • 39%] 🇧 ▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ [13 • 46%] 🇨 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [4 • 14%] 27 users voted


alarm_clock: Poll already ended (7 days ago)
spy: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
lock: No other votes allowed

Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: ce22d154 Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/24/2024 9:08 PM

@Assembly Member, voting for this bill is now open and will remain open for 72 hours. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/27/2024 9:31 AM

@Assembly Member, only one day remaining to vote on this bill. Braughn F. G. Kryos OP

— 03/31/2024 6:45 PM

With 11 ayes, 13 nays, and 4 abstains, the Kodiak For The Unions Act (665) has failed to pass. This debate will be archived shortly.

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