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(Created page with "Braughn F. G. Kryos OP — 02/13/2024 6:55 PM Tabled by Jack Williams, MGA, as an independent member's bill. An amendment to increase funding for the Kodiak Prison System to allow for more cell space and benefits for the prisoners. Voting is set for 18 February. The Kodiak Republic Wiki Amendment to The Prison Reform Act (652) Braughn F. G. Kryos OP — 02/13/2024 6:55 PM @Assembly Member, this bill is...")
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Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/13/2024 6:55 PM<br>
Tabled by Jack Williams, MGA, as an independent member's bill. <br>
An amendment to increase funding for the Kodiak Prison System to allow for more cell space and benefits for the prisoners.<br><br>
Voting is set for 18 February.<br>
The Kodiak Republic Wiki<br>
Amendment to The Prison Reform Act (652)<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/13/2024 6:55 PM<br>
@Assembly Member, this bill is now open for debate.<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
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— 02/13/2024 7:08 PM<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/13/2024 7:11 PM<br>
is this a new copy of this one?<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/13/2024 7:21 PM<br>
((Give me a second until I get home then I’ll give a run down of the bill)) <br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/13/2024 7:22 PM<br>
sure, it wasn't meant to be a detracting comment, I was just trying to get clarification as i'm multitasking and can't properly compare them<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/13/2024 8:11 PM<br>
Good Evening Assembly members. This amendment is pretty simple. @Edmund Marwood [NUP] to answer your question, this bill is nothing alike the other <br>one, it simply amends The Prison Reform Act with additional funding to prisons and their programs while giving an extra hour of free time and more foot room in the cells for the inmates. I believe we are in need of more funding for our state prisons and this is just the amendment to give <br>just that
Paul Mores - (KSA) — 02/14/2024 9:46 AM<br>
I support this bill. Prisoners also have rights and should recieve more space and less prisoners in their cell for privacy, though we could probably <br>spend less by changing a few things. Such as 5 prisoners in 15-20 squared meter spaces. ((But im not well versed in the Florins to Dollars so it might be inexpensive and im making a stupid point)) <br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 11:34 AM<br>
I totally get your point Mr. Mores, I believe that prisoners who are willing to rehabilitate and want to better themselves should be given more <br>benefits as their time wears down in prison.
Some day down the road, we can allow tier type cell blocks to allow good behavioral prisoners can be brought up to better tier type cell blocks that <br>give them more privileges.
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 12:56 PM<br>
I do think there is a philosophic issue with viewing our current prison system as rehabilitative simply because of its holding facilities. Prisons <br>that do not also offer job programs, psychiatric professionals, and excellent healthcare are not rehabilitative, but are simply just breeding grounds for future career criminals.<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 1:45 PM<br>
Mr. President, what would you like to do with that?<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 2:12 PM<br>
Most State prisons should offer those programs for prisoners <br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 5:03 PM<br>
I would like to explicitly fund and mandate these things in our prisons. We must ensure that the state has a better record of prisoners not re-<br>entering as felons for a second, third, or fourth time.
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 5:05 PM<br>
That may be better in another separate bill but we do explicitly fund these programs within this bill as stated in Article 6:<br>
6.2 - The Rehabilitation and Labour programs shall be funded by the Ministry of Education.<br>
6.2.1 - Program funding will be set at ₣450 million per quarter.<br>
Are you saying that we should give more fundign to the programs other than the prison for infrastructure and their budgetary costs.<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:01 PM<br>
I would imagine that, if (as ⁠🔆|ga_president⁠ suggests) you are highly concerned with crime reduction, it follows that you should be concerned with <br>ensuring that prisoners serve their term and return to society, never to return. Simply adding more funding to make the basic needs of prisoners more comfortable does not do this. <br>
Giving them more space is important, but what does it matter if the prisoners simply continually return?<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:05 PM<br>
True. So here’s an idea to add to the amendment. We reduce the funding towards infrastructure, reduce cell space back to 10. Then, add the reduced <br>funding to the programs’ funding and assure that we are investing into our prisoners’ rehabilitation? <br>
Or I would suggest just a general 50,000,000F to 75,000,000F addition to the rehabilitation funding and call it a day<br><br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br><br>
— 02/14/2024 6:06 PM<br><br>
I think adding space is important. I don't wish to discount that. <br><br>
But I believe that additional funds should be granted to ensuring the three things I mentioned, specifically, and other rehabilitation programs, <br><br>generally.
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:09 PM<br><br>
I think he's mostly saying that he wants clear lines in the bill that indicate that some of the funds need to go to programmes - that way state <br><br>officials don't just build big rooms and provide nothing else.
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:09 PM<br>
Precisely. <br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:10 PM<br>
it makes sense to think that some of the budget should go to programs, but if it isn't in the law, we can't really hold wardens responsible if they <br>act improperly
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:10 PM<br>
And not just some, but a significant portion more.<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:10 PM<br>
I agree, prisons are equally important for punishment as well as education.<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:11 PM<br>
Not the way I would put it, but yes. They are primarily for rehabilitation and social protection.<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:11 PM<br>
take the win lefty<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:15 PM<br>
Ok specifically regarding the funding in Article 6. Here’s my suggested change: <br>
400 Million Florins for infrastructure.<br>
650 million Florins for rehabilitation and other programs related to rehabilitation. <br>
Within Article 6, I will also add an additional sentence that states these funds are Specifically for the programs provided by the Ministry of <br>Health and Education.
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:15 PM<br>
per quarter or per annum?<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:15 PM<br>
Per annum<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:16 PM<br>
cool. I can agree to that. can we make the amounts per quarter in the law? <br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:16 PM<br>
You can agree to the adjustment if it’s “per quarter”<br>
@Edmund Marwood [NUP]<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:17 PM<br>
no I just mean, take the "1050 million per annum" and make it "262.5 million per quarter" <br>
100 million infrastructure per quarter<br>
162.5 million programs per quarter<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:18 PM<br>
I appreciate this. I may seek to further define this later down the line, but it will do nicely for now. <br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:19 PM<br>
So this.<br>
400 million infrastructure per quarter <br>
650 million programs per quarter<br>
Like that<br>
Edmund Marwood [NUP] — 02/14/2024 6:20 PM<br>
you said the numbers were per annum<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:20 PM<br>
No my bad<br>
It finally clicked<br>
I know what you mean now<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:20 PM<br>
650/4 (quarters) = 162.5<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:21 PM<br>
Correct, I was having a brain fart. (( also I’m driving so my focus is up and down))<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/14/2024 6:21 PM<br>
((Please focus on driving. Don't Discord and Drive™️))<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/14/2024 6:22 PM<br>
((Once I get home, I will revise it with the suggested changes))<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/15/2024 11:10 AM<br>
((Completely forgot about this last night due to Valentine’s Day plans, doing the changes rn))<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/15/2024 11:39 AM<br>
@Braughn F. G. Kryos @Edmund Marwood [NUP] The changes have been made<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/15/2024 12:23 PM<br>
Dr Edmund Cosmo Maltravers Jr — 02/15/2024 7:17 PM<br>
I think reform to our prison system is a noble endeavour, I support this bill<br>
Neil O'Madow | Nalatia — 02/16/2024 2:04 AM<br>
Yes indeed it is<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/17/2024 9:48 AM<br>
I am open to taking motions for a vote on this proposal.<br>
Jack Williams (DPPK) — 02/17/2024 11:16 AM<br>
I motion to vote<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/17/2024 11:17 AM<br>
Any seconds?<br>
Dr Edmund Cosmo Maltravers Jr — 02/17/2024 11:21 AM<br>
I second<br>
Braughn F. G. Kryos<br>
— 02/17/2024 11:21 AM<br>
Motion accepted.<br>
— 02/17/2024 11:22 AM<br>
Does the General Assembly approve of the Amendment to The Prison Reform Act (652)?<br>
🇦 Aye<br>
🇧 Nay<br>
🇨 Abstain<br>
Final Result<br>
🇦 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ [17 • 85%]<br>
🇧 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 5%]<br>
🇨 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 10%]<br>
20 users voted<br>
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