Standing Rules Refinement Resolution, 668

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Revision as of 13:06, 23 June 2024 by Silmjlc (talk | contribs) (Update Article 3 for Presidential right to deny and propose Article V.)

A resolution to refine and clarify the standing orders of the General Assembly.
APPROVED on <Date> with N Aye, N Nay, N Abstain.


RECOGNISING that the Standing Rules and Procedures of the General Assembly represent the rules of order of the General Assembly;

NOTING that the rules of order were approved by the General Assembly and represent the will of the General Assembly on its proceedings;

ACKNOWLEDGES that some articles within the rules of order require clarification within the spirit of intent;


AMEND the Standing Rules and Procedures of the General Assembly

Amendment to Article II

Clarifies that all resolutions or proposals for debate and vote must be presented in to the President's office.

Original Text

2.2 Discussions involving the President of the General Assembly may be put in the #ga-president channel of the discord.
2.2.1 This can include ideas for new resolutions, resolutions to present to the General Assembly, or issues needing the president's attention.

Amended Text

2.2 Discussions involving the President of the General Assembly may be put in the #ga-president channel of the discord.
2.2.1 All resolutions or proposals intended for debate by the General Assembly must be presented to the President in the #ga-president channel.

Added Text

2.2.2 Resolutions in this context include all debates that require a General Assembly vote for passage, such as bills, resolutions, treaties, and motions.

Amendment to Article III

Clarifies proposal procedure and drops a set voting date - strictly requiring a motion to vote.

Original Text

3.1 All members may create their resolutions and present them to the President of the General Assembly.
3.2 The President of the General Assembly will create a new forum thread in the #proposals forum on the Discord to present resolutions.
3.2.1 The President will set a date for voting to proceed, and will allow for a motion to change the voting date if necessary. Motions to vote require at least one member to second before the date can be changed.
3.4 Proposals must be discussed in the General Assembly for at least 72 hours. The President may make a motion to move the proposal to a vote after this period at their discretion.
3.4.1 The motion requires at least one member to second.
3.4.2 If no motion is made, the voting date set by the President will automatically propose for voting to proceed.

Amended Text

3.1 All members must create their resolutions and present them to the President of the General Assembly.
3.2.1 The President will allow for a motion to vote by a member of the General Assembly during debate, as well as hear any objections to a motion. A successful motion to vote requires two members to motion to vote before the President may move proceedings to a vote. The President may deny a motion to vote to allow for legitimate debate to be heard, or if the President deems that not enough time has been made available for debate.
3.4 Proposals must be discussed in the General Assembly for at least 72 hours before a motion to vote may be made.

Removed Text

The following text is redundant after the proposed amendments and is to be removed:

3.4.1 The motion requires at least one member to second.
3.4.2 If no motion is made, the voting date set by the President will automatically propose for voting to proceed.

Amendment to Article IV

Clarifies the intent of this article to cover all votes.

Original Text

4.2 Polls shall ask if the members of the assembly approve of the proposed legislation: [title]. There will be three options available: 1) Aye, 2) Nay, and 3) Abstain.

Amended Text

4.2 All votes in the General Assembly shall ask if the members of the assembly approve of the proposed [resolution]: [title]. Strictly three options will be available: 1) Aye, 2) Nay, and 3) Abstain.

Added Text

4.2.1 Resolution in this context is as defined in Article II, 2.2.2.

Creation of Article V

Allows for the GA to approve a suspension of specific clauses in the standing orders to enable special or alternate procedures.

5.1 The General Assembly is permitted to propose an override of specific clauses in these standing orders to apply to an ongoing debate.
5.2 The proposed clauses to override must be specifically stated, and reasoning provided, in a motion created by any member of the General Assembly.
5.2.1 At least two motions in support are required before the President may proceed to a vote.
5.2.2 The President may deny the motion should they deem that the motion does not provide sufficient reasoning or specificity of clauses to override, until provided.
5.3 The General Assembly shall vote on the override which shall follow procedures outlined in Article IV.

Author: Joanna Sousa, MGA of the Kodiak Worker's Party
Major Contributions: Tobias Virstürm, Minister for Revenue & Treasury, MGA of the Kodiak Social Democratic Party

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