Stability and Freedom Enhancement (SAFE) Act, 644
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Stability And Freedom Enhancement (SAFE) Act (644)
An act to punish and combat acts of terrorism within the borders of the Republic.
PASSED 02 October 2022, 5 Aye, 2 Nay, 2 Abstain.
AMENDED 27 January, 2023 by the SAFE Act Amendment, 644
Article I: Organizations
- 1.1 - Creates the Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) subordinate to the Ministry of Law and Order. The CTS shall act as the direct action force to subdue threats to the republic in the event local police are unable.
- 1.2 - Creates the Republic Terrorism Screening Center (RTSC) subdorinate to the Ministry of Justice. The RTSC shall be an instrument of the courts to handle legal issues involving charges of terrorism or espionage.
- 1.3 - Organizes the Special Court of Appeals (SCA) to handle appeals to cases involving terrorism or espionage.
Article II: Authorities
- 2.1 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of terrorism.
- 2.2 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of espionage.
- 2.3 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of treason.
- 2.4 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting terrorism.
- 2.5 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting espionage.
- 2.6 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting treason.
- 2.7 - Authorizes the CTS the power to detain and question citizens of the Republic suspected of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
- 2.8 - Authorizes the CTS to conduct domestic surveillance of individuals of interest suspected of charges relating to terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
- 2.9 - Authorizes the CTS to conduct domestic surveillance of individuals of interest suspected of collusion, aiding or abetting suspects of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
- 2.10 - Authorizes the RTSC to issue warrants for surveillance of individuals suspected of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
- 2.11 - Authorizes the RTSC to issue warrants for surveillance of individuals suspected of collusion or assisting in terrorism, espionage or treason.
- 2.12 - Authorizes the RTSC to hear cases related to charges of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
- 2.13 - Authorizes the Chancellor to approve pardons to charges of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
Article III: Funding
- 3.1 - The CTS shall be quarterly granted 267 million florins or 6.5% of the police fund of the Ministry of Law and Order.
- 3.2 - The RTSC shall be quarterly granted 304 million florins from the Intelligence Agency fund of the Ministry of Justice.
- 3.3 - The SCA shall be quarterly granted 3 million florins from the State Courts fund of the Ministry of Justice.
- Authored by Chancellor Oskar Luchens, MGA, Archeron of the National United Party.
- Co-Authored by Simon Kalimeno of the National United Party.