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*'''November 19''' - [[User:Ardinem|Daniel Anderson]], leader of [[the Kodiak Social Alliance]], is poisoned in the KSA party room in Rykkburgh.
*'''November 22''' - Strikers in the southern provinces shut down key infrastructure such as the postal service, energy and the railroads. They demand more workers rights.
railroads. They demand more workers rights.
[[File:President Kryos' Car 663.webp|275px|thumb|right|President Kryos' car after his attempted assassination]]
*'''November 25''' -
:* The strike in [[Skjokalade]] escalates with strikers aligned with the 'People's Vanguard' destroying a gas power plant, plunging the province into a blackout. A post office in the province was destroyed.
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:* Chancellor [[User:Edmund_Cosmo_Maltravers|Maltravers]] introduces [[The National Defense Authorization Act Amendment]] to the General Assembly. It is passed 16:3 in the General Assembly on June 3.
:* Kodiak Commune fast cruisers attack naval forces off the coast of Skjokalade. The Kodiak Navy loses two destroyers, the KNS Valiant and the KNS Guardian. The Heavy Cruiser KNS Godsith suffers heavy damage. 23 sailors died in the battle.
[[File:Commune soldiers in Crystal City 664.jpeg|thumb|right|Commune soldiers in Crystal City]]
*'''March 1''' - [[User:Lies Kryos|President Kryos]] exits his coma sustained after his attempted assassination.
*'''March 3''' - Crystal City comes under siege by Commune forces, with them pushing into the city centre.
[[File:Commune soldiers in Crystal City 664.jpeg|thumb|right|Commune soldiers in Crystal City]]
*'''April 8''' - The leaders of Kodiak and the Commune enter into a three day ceasefire to aid in the evacuation of civilians and government forces from Crystal City.
*'''April 27''' - Josef Kovac, MGA tables the [[Resolution to Investigate Foreign Assistance to Internal Dissenters, (664)]]. It is passed in the General Assembly on July 2.
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*'''June 7''' - The Kodiak Commune captures the entirety of Skjokalade.
*'''June 11''' - The Kodiak Commune forms the People's Council, a legislature made of delegates from Skjokalade. Among the first decisions made by the Council was to nationalise industry of the province.
*'''July 9''' - Chancellor Maltravers places Deputy Chancellor [[User:AntilleanMan|Bill Simmons]] as Acting Chancellor due to OOC reasons.
*'''June 30''' - The Government of the United Kingdom declares its support for Kodiak.
*'''July 4''' - The Empire of the Walbard Union declares its support for Kodiak.
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*'''October 6''' - The Kodiak Army under Field Marshall Falkenridge recapture the village of Mollyrood. Patrick Barber, leader of the Commune, is captured in this assault. He is found severely beaten.
*'''October 10''' - Bernard Glocke, MGA [[Resolution to award FM Falkenridge the Guelderlaand Award|nominates Field Marshal Falkenridge for the Guelderlaand Award for the capture of Patrick Barber]]. It is passed 10:4 in the General Assembly on November 19.
[[File:Patrick Barber arraigned in Rykkburgh.webp|275px|thumb|right|Patrick Barber arraigned in Rykkburgh]]
*'''October 14''' - Minister for Industry, [[User:rakkeyal|Edmund Marwood]], is removed from the Assembly Chambers by the President. This is seen as silencing the opposition by the NUP, whilst the KWP defended the actions of President Kryos.
*'''November 6''' - The General Assembly confirms [[User:BenMarkerson|Alexander Paramount]], MGA as Minister for Social Services.
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*'''July 17''' - Heavily Armed Commune supporters attack and seize the Graz Convention Hall, at the time hosting a National Unity Party fundraiser. The initial attack cost the lives of six and wounded twelve. Some attribute the attack as a retribution for the capture of Patrick Barber. Other protestors gathered in the city square.
*'''July 18''' - Additional police were called in to defend the Seathenia Provincial Courthouse from the protestors.
*'''July 19''' -
:* Armed protestors in Graz fired at police and attempted to gain control Seathenia Provincial Courthouse. Local businesses were also targeted.
:* Military trainees were called in from local training facility.
[[File:Kodiak Navy sinks Commune fast cruiser.jpeg|230px275px|thumb|right|Commune fast cruiser sunk by KNS Godsith.]]
:* Around one hundred were killed in the attack. The following are the most notable of the confirmed dead: [[User:rakkeyal|Edmund Marwood]], Minister for Industry and member for Pine Ridge, Peter Ashford member for Graz-Central, Charles Reddington III, member for Beauclarke, Eleanor Hargreave-Smythe, member for Budd, Reginald Fortesque, member for Grey, Beatrice Winterbourne, member for Grey-South, and Arthur Ravenscroft, member for Staro.
:* Graz was put under curfew.
[[File:Kodiak Navy sinks Commune fast cruiser.jpeg|230px|thumb|right|Commune fast cruiser sunk by KNS Godsith.]]
*'''July 27''' - The Kodiak Navy sinks the Commune's fast cruisers off the coast of Skjokolade. The Navy sustained 769 casualties including 184 dead and lost three destroyers. The recently refurbished KNS Godsith was also heavily damaged. From the captured sailors, more that fifty were from the People's Republic of Wintercrest.
*'''September 5''' - Commune supporters march into [[Bethaven]], but are repelled the Bethaven Militia, a citizens militia. Bethaven Town Market was destroyed in the fighting.


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