Second Constitution of the Bromannikhan Kingdom

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

We the Citizens of The Last Kingdom declare, in Necessity to provide for our Wellbeing, Establish a better Democracy, create an Equal Environment, form a Greater Region, Empower the Populace, and Free the government from the binds of Inefficiency, do hereby Ordain this Document to be the reigning Civil Code of The Last Kingdom.

?? February 2008

ARTICLE 1 - The Legislature (Parliament)

I. The House of Commons

A. The Legislature shall be composed of one Body named The House of Commons
B. All Citizens Shall be a Member of the HoC.
C. All Citizens shall have Parliamentary and Voting Rights in the HoC, regardless position unless revoked temporarily by the Prime Minister or Permanently by Court Proceedings.
D. Parliament Shall be Led by the Chancellor.
E. The Chancellor shall be elected for Three (3) month terms on the first day of Every Season.

II. The House of Lords

A. The House of Lords shall be required to Ratify all HoC Legislation as well as foreign Affairs of Regional Importance
B. The Enactment of Foreign Treaties, Alliances, and Declarations of War shall be left to ONLY those in the HoL.
C. Lords shall be required to maintain presence in the HoC as well as the HoL as their Primary Duty to the Region.
D. There will be 4 Lords. The Chancellor shall also be a Lord, for a total of 5.
E. Lords shall serve for two month terms. Two Lords will be elected on the first of every Even Month. Two more on every Odd Month.
F. Lords are not higher citizens.
G. Procedure
1. Affairs shall require a motion and second for vote, and three (3) days of voting time.
2. If a Majority is achieved before 3 days time, Voting ends and the Executive Branch shall see to it’s execution.

ARTICLE 2 - The Executors

I. The Prime Minister

A. The Prime Minister is the Head of Government and State.
B. The Prime Minister leads the Executive Branch.
C. The Prime Minister is the World Assembly Delegate unless delegated to a created Subordinate Executive. In the case the Founder is Prime Minister, he shall be required to appoint a subordinate executive to the position of WA Delegate. The Subordinate may be a department Executive already. He may NOT be a Lord.
D. The Prime Minister is Responsible for overseeing the Execution of all Laws created by Parliament. The Prime Minister may Create any Offices as needed to provide for the Region as approved by Parliament.
E. The Prime Minister is Elected on the first of every January and July.
F. If a Prime Minister resigns, an election will be commenced by the Chancellor and the New Prime Minister shall complete the remainder of the Term.
G. The Deputy Prime Minister
1. The Deputy Prime Minister shall be an assistant to the Prime Minister, and shall be selected before Prime Minister elections as the running-mate for a Prime Minister candidate
2. Along with any duties ascribed to him by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister shall hold the specific duty of being Political Party Commissioner
3. The Deputy Prime Minister may be impeached through methods specified or by the Prime Minister.

II. Departments

A. Departments may be created by the Prime Minister at any time in his term.
B. Parliament must approve of all Creations and Appointments by majority vote to be taken immediately after the Prime Minister declares so.
C. Departments may be eliminated in the same manner.
D. The Prime Minister may fire any Executor he sees fit without approval.
E. There shall always remain Three (3) Default Departments.
1. A Department of State. Domestic Affairs are managed here.
2. A Department of War. The Military shall be run through this Department
3. A Department of Foreign Affairs. Amabssadors, Embassies, and Relations between foreign Regions shall be conducted here.
F. The Prime Minister may add to the Duties of the Departments as he sees fit to carry out his responsibility to Parliament.

Article 3 - Miscellaneous

I. Impeachment

A. A Government official may be Impeached if 4 citizens agree to the impeachment.
B. The Impeachment shall be set for vote by the Chancellor for 3 days in Parliament.
C. A majority shall expel the Official from office. A short election will be held at the discretion of the Chancellor. (Or Prime Minister if the CA is expelled from office)

II. Amendments

A. Amendments to the structure shall require a 75% majority in favor.
B. Amendments may be introduced like normal legislation
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