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Reonstruction Incentive Scheme (666): Difference between revisions

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

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=== Article 2 – Incentive ===
2.1 – Eligible citizens engaging in construction work directly related to reconstruction efforts will receive a bonus payment of 1000₣1000 florins per quarter for each quarter engaged in reconstruction work.
2.2 – This payment is to be received by their employer and included in the workers pay at the end of each quarter.
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3.3 – Sjokalade reconstruction projects.
3.4 – Any post conflict reconstruction project in the nation designed to repair or replace damaged infrastructure.
=== Article 4 - Type of work ===
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5.1 - The Scheme will be managed by the department of Commerce and Labour. Workers who believe their employer has withheld their payment may lodge a complaint with the department for investigation.
5.2 - Employers found in breach of payment guidelines will be fined ƒ50₣50,000 per worker.
=== Article 6 – Cessation ===
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=== Article 7 – Funding ===
7.1 - The Reconstruction Incentive Scheme is to be funded at ƒ1₣1,000,000 Florins per quarter.


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