List of pre-Kodiak leaders

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

This article is about the the Praetorian Peninsula before the rise of the Kodiak Republic. For leaders after the Kodiak Revolution see List of chancellors of the Kodiak Republic.

The League of Olympiatus

The Olympiatic League was founded as a loose confederation of city-states on the Kodiak Penninsula. It was dissolved after peaceful assimilation into the Praetorian Empire. A full list of hegemons is unknowable, below is an incomplete list of some known leaders. Hegemons traditionally served 10 year dictatorships.


- Portrait Name
(Birth - Death)
Reign Notes
Károlos of Rykk-gi
(3?? - 3??)
 ??? - ???  Earliest known hegemon of Olypmiatus
Andreas of Kipos
(3?? - 4??)
 422 - 432 
Károlos of Rykk-gi
(386 - 449)
 432 - 442  Oversaw assimilation into the Praetorian Empire. Elected Consul of Praetoria.

The Praetorian Empire

Emperors prior to Marcus Aurelius are mostly unknown as the Empire was only a small regional power and much information was lost through internal civil strive. It is presumed most evidence of ancient Preatoria were purposefully destroyed by the Bromannikhan Dynasty after the civil wars of the 5th century.


- Portrait Name
(Birth - Death)
Reign Notes
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
(362 - 420)
 401 - 420  Died while on campaign in Westmoore.
Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus
(401 - 420)
420 Son of Marcus Aurelius. Ruled for only 150 days. Killed by Maximus Decimus Meridius in gladiatorial combat.
Lucius Galerius Aurelius Verus
(408 - 441)
420 - 441 Nephew of Commodus. First Emperor of the new republican era.
Lucius Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus
(418 - 450)
441 - 450 Son of Verus. Emperor during the Bromannikhan wars. Died in battle defending the Empire.
Lucius Virius Lupus Iulianus (Julian the Wolf)
(422 - 472)
 450 - 462  Brother of Claudius Pompeianus. Final ruler of Praetoria. Empire split between the Kingdom of Bromannikha and the Empire of Byzantium. Title of Emperor inherited by Alexandros of Byzantium.

The Kingdom of Bromannikha

The development of the Kingdom of Bromannikha heralded the age of feudalism in the Kodiak Peninsula. The weakness of David II resulted in considerable power being given to the Parliament and the Ministers of State. The Kodiak Revolution in 457 was begun after an attempt by David II to unilaterally restore the absolute monarchy.


- Portrait Name
(Birth - Death)
Reign Notes
1 David I "the Great" Bromannikha
(398 - 454)
 448 - 454  Founder of the Bromannikhan Kingdom. Often referred to as the Last Kingdom. Was previously a Consul of Praetoria before leading a revolt against Emperor Claudius Pompeianus.
2 David II "the Wicked" Bromannikha
(433 - 492)
 454 - 457  Dissolved Parliament, instigating the Kodiak Revolution. Faked his own demise in order to avoid dishonour of abdication. Was discovered impersonating a minor noble in the Kingdom of Equinox.
3 Agnovilin Bromannikha
(431 - 495)
457 Brother of David II. Abdicated in favour of noble titles elsewhere.
4 Hadisthe "the Deceitful" Vittoria
(434 - 494)
 457 - 460  Attempted to diplomatically resolve the Kodiak Revolution though concessions to parliament. King Hadisthe broke faith with the parliament and refused to accept forfeiture of his powers. Abdicated when incapable of quelling resurgent Kodiak Revolution.
5 Martin "the Vicar" Godsið
(420 - 498)
Lord Regent
 460 - 465  Worked diplomatically to combine the remnants of the Kingdom into the ascendant Kodiak Republic.
4 Hadisthe "the Deceitful" Vittoria
(434 - 494)
King (Titular)
 465 - 488  Returned to lead remnant loyalists outside the territory of the Kodiak Republic. Eventually subordinated to the Kingdom of Equinox.
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