Kodiak Public Servants
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Shown below are the current Public Service Department Heads, and the pool of replacement candidates. Be aware that disruptions to the public service can decrease a government department's effectiveness. An experienced and effective minister can implement better run, cheaper policies faster, while an inexperienced and ineffective minister will do the opposite. Secretaries who feel their lobby groups are being harmed or ignored are more likely to purposely embarrass the government, while happy secretaries will provide extra political power to the sitting government, allowing the General Assembly to amend or enact more legislation in a year.
Last Updated 639 - March 2022
Cabinet Chiefs
Erica Scott
- Public Secretary of Defence and Foreign Affairs
Educated in Foreign Policy, Social Services Policy, Law and Order Policy
Public Service Experience 10/10
Managerial Effectiveness 10/10
Lobbying on behalf of
State Employees, Poor
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 0/10
Timothy Nelson
- Public Secretary of Justice, Law, and Order
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Foreign Policy, Social Services Policy
Public Service Experience 6/10
Managerial Effectiveness 4/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Socialists, State Employees
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 0/10
Benjamin Bailey
- Public Secretary of Commerce and Labour
Educated in Health and Education Policy, Tax Policy, Economic Policy
Public Service Experience 7/10
Managerial Effectiveness 6/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 0/10
Sally Young
- Public Secretary of Revenue and Treasury
Educated in Tax Policy, Law and Order Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 10/10
Managerial Effectiveness 10/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Motorists, Youth
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 0/10
Ida Washington
- Public Secretary of Health and Education
Educated in Health and Education Policy, Economic Policy, Foreign Policy
Public Service Experience 10/10
Managerial Effectiveness 9/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Commuters, Capitalists
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 3/10
Darrell Thomas
- Public Secretary of Social Services
Educated in Social Services Policy, Foreign Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 7/10
Managerial Effectiveness 7/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Parents, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 6/10
Gloria Parker
:Public Secretary of Transportation
Educated in Social Services Policy, Transport Policy, Health and Education Policy
Public Service Experience 6/10
Managerial Effectiveness 5/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Patriots, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 0/10
Available Public Service Executives
William Wood
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Foreign Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 8/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Parents, Capitalists
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 6/10
Erica Martin
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Tax Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 2/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Civil Liberals, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 2/10
Jennifer Parker
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Tax Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 4/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, Parents
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 2/10
Andre Edwards
Educated in Health and Education Policy, Law and Order Policy, Economic Policy
Public Service Experience 3/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, Conservatives
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 2/10
Anne Gonzalez
Educated in Foreign Policy, Tax Policy, Transportation Policy
Public Service Experience 3/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Ethnic Minorities, Religious
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 4/10
Kevin Clark
Educated in Social Services Policy, Transportation Policy, Economic Policy
Public Service Experience 1/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Parents, Youth
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 5/10
Henry Torres
Educated in Health and Education Policy, Transportation Policy, Economic Policy
Public Service Experience 4/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 3/10
Kathryn Mitchell
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Foreign Policy, Economic Policy
Public Service Experience 3/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Environmentalists, Middle Income
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 5/10
Melanie Phillips
Educated in Law and Order Policy, Transportation Policy, Social Services Policy
Public Service Experience 2/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, Motorists
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 4/10
Paul Brown
Educated in Transportation Policy, Tax Policy, Health and Education Policy
Public Service Experience 3/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Parents, Conservatives
Likelihood of Political Embarrassment 2/10
Claude Martin
Educated in Transportation Policy, Tax Policy, Health and Education Policy
Public Service Experience 3/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Middle Income, Trade Unionists
Likelihood of Political Embarrrassment 2/10
Oscar Bailey
Educated in Transportation Policy, Law and Order Policy, Health and Education Policy
Public Service Experience 4/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Parents, State Employees
Likelihood of Political Embarrrassment 4/10
Annabelle Hayes
Educated in Transportation Policy, Law and Order Policy, Foreign Policy
Public Service Experience 1/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Capitalists, State Employees
Likelihood of Political Embarrrassment 4/10
Leonard Hayes
Educated in Transportation Policy, Low and Order Policy, Foreign Policy
Public Service Experience 1/10
Lobbying on behalf of
Socialists, State Employees
Likelihood of Political Embarrrassment 4/10