From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Our nation, now three years into the new Republic, stands solvent. The development of our regions has decreased unemployment substantially and our GDP is on the rise. Progress has been made on our standing national crises and the citizens of Kodiak are beginning to allow themselves to feel optimistic again. Chancellor-Elect Albrecht von Battenberg-Grafton shall replace Ulrykk von Guelderlaand as leader of the nation. The emergency powers resolution remains in force. Good luck to you.
The National Budget
Public Secretary's Summary - The National Budget has turned around significantly. We are running a surplus and this is not a good thing. The nation is still woefully under developed and sending Florins to international banks is a waste of financial potential. We have lowered the national debt by 20 billion florins. Twenty billion better spent on infrastructure, police, health, social programs, or education. Our interest rate will not be long guaranteed by the World Assembly, and we must invest now while we have the chance. I also note that internal corruption is still a major contributor to ineffective tax and spend strategies.
The National Debt
The National Debt stands at approximately ₣ 257.3 Billion
Our predicted Surplus this year stands at approximately ₣ 21.76 Billion
This will decrease the National Debt to approximately ₣ 235.5 billion
Our National Credit rating is currently guaranteed by our International Partners at AAA
Interest on the debt assessed at 1.70% and is expected to cost ₣ 4.4 Billion which represents 6.54% of the current budget.
Income Summary
Income Stream | Amount (in millions) |
Income Tax | 61,800 |
Corporation Tax | 12,160 |
Sales Tax | 4,600 |
Property Tax | 2,847 |
Capital Gains Tax | 2,814 |
Petrol Tax | 1,958 |
Unoccupied Home Tax | 1,081 |
TOTAL INCOME | 88,720 |
Government Borrowing | 0 |
Expenditure Summary
Expenditure | Amount (in millions) |
State Schools | 15,640 |
Children and Dependents Payment | 8,080 |
Agriculture Subsidies | 4,800 |
Rural Development | 4,800 |
Debt Interest | 4,360 |
Highways | 3,783 |
Organised Crime | 3,575 |
Science Funding | 3,494 |
National Police | 3,152 |
Alcohol Abuse | 2,761 |
Military Spending | 2,301 |
Intelligence Agencies | 2,266 |
Community Policing | 1,609 |
Ethnic Riots | 956 |
Street Gangs | 952 |
Prisons | 888 |
Inner City Riots | 852 |
Class Riots | 720 |
Environmental Riots | 445 |
Witness Protection | 402 |
Labour Rights Agencies | 272 |
Drug Enforcement | 184 |
Immigration and Borders | 168 |
Epidemic Response | 161 |
All Other Expenses | 103 |
The Political Situation
Public Secretary's Summary - Following on from the last report, we have made some headway into the crises plaguing the Republic. Investment in agriculture and development has made unemployment decrease from 40% to 30% with reason to believe it will continue to trend down and also totally eliminated the food importation crisis in only three harvests. Poverty is down and incomes in all brackets are up (skewed to the poor because of the massive increases in employment). International trade is returning and business confidence, while shakey, is generally higher. I urge you to continue to tackle problems with crime, education, and health.
Political Capital
Due to the effectiveness and loyalty of the Public Service to the government, we expect to be able to exercise 100 units of political capital each year this term.
National Emergencies with Changed Circumstances
Extreme Nationalism
(trending down quickly)
Caused by Lack of Education, National Patriot Organisations, High Unemployment, High Poverty
Increases incidence of Violent Crime, Racial Tension
Decreases Immigration, Tourism, Diplomatic Reputation
Street Gangs
(trending down slowly)
Caused by Lack of Police Funding, Homelessness, High Unemployment, High Poverty
Increases incidence of Conservative Identity, Petty Crime, Violent Crime, Ethnic Ghettos
Antisocial Behaviour
(trending down quickly)
Caused by Lack of Police Funding, Anti-Religious Sentiment, High Unemployment, High Food Prices, Alcohol Abuse
Increases incidence of Conservative Identity, Petty Crime
Inner City Riots
(trending down slowly)
Caused by Petty Crime, High Unemployment, High Poverty
Increases incidence of Petty Crime, Violent Crime
Organised Crime
(trending down barely)
Caused by Alcohol Regulations, Narcotics Regulations, Cryptocurrency Use, Illegal Immigration
Increases incidence of Government Corruption, Violent Crime, Crime
Narcotics Abuse
(trending down slowly)
Caused by Access to Narcotics, Lack of Healthcare, Low Police Funding, Prison Overcrowding, High Poverty, High Unemployment
Increases incidence of Homelessness, Healthcare Demand, Violent Crime, Petty Crime
Decreases Worker Productivity
Asthma and Respiratory Crisis
(trending down slowly)
Caused by Environmental Pollution, Automotive Use, Tobacco Exposure
Increases incidence of Healthcare Demand
Environmental Riots
(trending down)
Caused by Environmental Identity, Environmental Pollution
Increases incidence of Environmental Identity, Traffic Congestion
Decreases GDP
Media Monopolies
(trending flat)
Caused by Press Freedom, Low Business Competition Regulations, Internet Access
Increases Conservative Identity, Fake News, Political Instability
Class Riots
(trending down)
Caused by Low Police Funding, High Poverty, Low Economic Equality
Increases incidence of Socialist Identity, Violent Crime
Decreases Tourism
(trending down quickly)
Caused by Growing Population, Lack of Housing Stock, Property Tax, Narcotics Abuse, High Poverty, High Unemployment
Increases incidence of Street Gangs, Petty Crime
New National Emergencies
Kodiak Virus Flare Up
(trending up) Caused by High Poverty, Hospital Overcrowding, Fake News Increases Healthcare Demand, Mortality Decreases Health, Tourism, Productivity, Lifespan, Opinion of Everyone
Extant National Emergencies
Ethnic Riots
(trending up)
Caused by Violent Crime, High Unemployment, High Racial Tension
Increases incidence of Violent Crime
Decreases GDP, Immigration
Ethnic Ghettos (trending up)
(trending up)
Caused by Immigration, Street Gangs, Vigilante Mobs, High Racial Tension
Increases incidence of Political Extremism
Decreases Immigration, Civil Equality
Armed Crime
(trending up)
Caused by Liberal Firearms Policies, Low Civil Equality, Violent Crime
Political Extremism
(trending up)
Caused by High Press Freedom, Inter-Generational Wealth Inequality, Ethnic Ghettos, Low Political Stability, Fake News
Increases Fanaticism
Fake News
(trending up)
Caused by Lack of Education, Internet Access, Technology Access, Media Monopolies, Low Political Stability, Poor Diplomatic Reputation
Increases incidence of Political Extremism, Epidemic Spread, Racial Tension
Prison Overcrowding
(trending up)
Caused by Petty Crime, Violent Crime, Low Prison Funding
Increases incidence of Drug Addiction, Petty Crime
Alcohol Abuse
(trending down)
Caused by Low Police Funding, High Poverty, High Unemployment, High Alcohol Consumption
Increases incidence of Healthcare Demand, Violent Crime, Petty Crime
Vigilante Mobs
(trending up)
Caused by Low Police Funding, Ethnic Tension, High Petty Crime
Increases incidence of Conservative Identity, Violent Crime, Ethnic Ghettos
Hospital Overcrowding
(trending up)
Caused by Lack of Healthcare Services, Population Growth, High Healthcare Demands
Increases incidence of Epidemic Disease
Foreign Intelligence Interference
(trending up)
Caused by Low Political Stability
Increases incidence of Government Corruption
Illegal Immigration Crisis
(trending up)
Caused by Illegal Immigration
Increases incidence of Organised Crime
Technological Backwater
(trending up)
Caused by Low Technology Research, Low Science Funding
Decreases GDP
Insulated Economy
(trending up)
Caused by High Wages, Low Productivity, Corporation Taxes
Decreases GDP
Eliminated National Emergencies
Food Price Crisis
(Trending down quickly)
Caused by High Food Prices
Increases incidence of Petty Crime, Emigration, Poverty, Antisocial Behaviour
Demographic Concerns
Public Secretary's Summary - The considerable improvements to human development in Kodiak not-withstanding, the general populace is still quite angry. The nation has grown by approximately three million citizens over three years, with an exploding in farmers. Life expetancy is up slightly, and while unemployment has decreased, the number of retirees has increased by 300%. Extremism is down, as is poverty. If you had plans to win hearts and minds with social policies, now may be the time to do it.
All Citizens (79.3M ⇗ - 100% )
[Fanatically Opposed]
Angry about the Epidemic, Ethnic Riots, Violent Crime, General Crime, Low Human Development, Street Gangs, Government Corruption, Fake News
Traditional Conservatives (74.3M ⇗ - 93% ⇒ )
[Fanatically Opposed]
Angry about Ethnic Riots, Armed Violence, Inner City Riots, Antisocial Behaviour, Class Riots, Illegal Immigration, Street Gangs, Low Selective Schooling Policy
Pleased with Punishing Prison Policies, Current Abortion Policy, Representation in the Public Service Secretariat, Police Funding
Capitalists (45.2M ⇗ - 57% ⇗ )
[Strongly Opposed]
Angry about Class Riots, Low GDP, Insulated Economy, Corporation Taxes, Lack of International Investment, Low Selective Schooling Policy, Income Tax, State Schooling, Sales Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Property Tax, Debt Protection Regulations, Short-Term Loan Regulations,
Neutral to Government Debt Levels
Pleased with Labour Rights Policies, Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
National Patriots (42.2M ⇒ - 53% ⇘ )
[Strongly Opposed]
Angry about Low Military Spending, Foreign Interference, Illegal Immigration, World Assembly Aid, Current Refugee Policy
Pleased with Firearms Laws, Border Controls, Strict Immigration Rules, Castle Doctrine
Middle Class (40.3M ⇗ - 51% ⇗ )
[Mildly Unhappy]
Angry about Homelessness, Income Tax, Property Tax
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Religious (38.8M ⇗ - 49% ⇗ )
[Mildly Unhappy]
Angry about Education Secularity
Pleased with Abortion Policies
Poor (36.9M ⇘ - 47% ⇘ )
[Aggressively Opposed]
Angry about Class Riots, Homelessness, High Unemployment
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat, State Schooling, Debt Protection Regulations, Short-Term Loan Regulations
Socialists (34.0M ⇘ - 43% ⇘ )
Angry about High Poverty Levels, High Unemployment Levels, High Economic Inequality
Neutral to current Labour Rights Policies, Income Tax Rates, Property Taxes
Pleased with Capital Gains Taxes, Low Selective Schooling Policy, Corporation Taxes, Debt Protection Regulations, Dependent Care Act,
Motorists (32.6M ⇒ - 41% ⇒ )
[Moderately Unhappy]
Angry about Traffic Congestion, Oil Prices, Lack of Highway Funding
Neutral to Petroleum Taxes
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Parents (23.6M ⇒ - 30% ⇒ )
[Very Furious]
Angry about Hospital Overcrowding, Respiratory and Asthma Crisis, Narcotics Abuse Crisis, Firearms Legislation
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Farmers (23.3M ⇗⇗ - 29% ⇗⇗ )
[Very Supportive]
Pleased with Rural Development Act, Agriculture Subsidies
Commuters (23.1M ⇗ - 29% ⇗ )
[Moderately Unhappy]
Angry about Traffic Congestion
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Trade Unionists (19.3M ⇒ - 24% ⇒ )
Angry about High Unemployment Levels, Labour Rights, Private Healthcare Businesses, High Retirement Age, Private Utility Businesses, Private Schools, Industrial Automation
Neutral to Weekly Working Hours Policy, Public Railway Funding
Environmentalists (18.4M ⇒ - 23% ⇒ )
[Mildly Satisfied]
Angry about Environmental Pollution
Pleased with Petroleum Taxes, Limited Highway Funding, Low CO2 Emissions, Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactor Policy
Youth (17.6M ⇒ - 22% ⇒ )
[Mildly Unhappy]
Angry about Low Internet Speed, Alcohol Laws, Inter-Generational Wealth Inequality
Neutral to Narcotics Legislation
Pleased with Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Self-Employed (16.9M ⇒ - 21% ⇒ )
Angry about Sales Tax, Corporation Tax, Low Internet Speed, Capital Gains Tax, Debt Protection Regulations
State Employees (15.6M ⇒ - 20% ⇒ )
[Slightly Unhappy]
Angry about Lack of Science Funding, Prison Overcrowding
Pleased with State Schooling, Police Funding, Representation in the Public Service Secretariat
Ethnic Minorities (12.2M ⇒ - 15% ⇒ )
[Furiously Opposed]
Angry about Racial Tensions, Ethnic Ghettos, Strict Immigration Rules, Strict Border Controls
Pleased with Refugee Policies
Retired (6.3M ⇗⇗ - 8% ⇗⇗ )
[Very Unhappy]
Angry about Hospital Overcrowding, Armed and Violent Crime, Street Gangs, High Retirement Age, Property Tax
Pleased with Private Health Care Access, Private Pension Access, Dependents Care Act
Civic Liberals (5.2M ⇒ - 7% ⇒ )
Angry about Prison Overcrowding, Ethnic Ghettos, Homelessness, Gender Inequality, Strict Immigration Rules, Strict Border Controls, Abortion Bans, Firearms Controls, Punishing Prison Policies, Lack of Judicial Independence, Narcotics Ban, Castle Doctrine
Neutral to Refugee Policy, Alcohol Laws, Low Selective Schooling Policy
Pleased with Education Secularity, Press Freedoms, Community Policing, Executive Term Limits, Three Year Executive Term Length
Wealthy (2.0M ⇒ - 3% ⇒ )
[Aggressively Opposed]
Angry about Class Riots, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Low Inflation
Neutral to Income Tax Rate, Property Tax Rate