Archive of the Kyros Town Hall

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Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 03:10
Feel free to ask any questions of relevance to my campaign for Chancellor. I welcome questions of all sorts!
Braughn F. G. Kryos

changed the channel name: 
  1. VoteForKryos Q&A
— 29/04/2023 03:10

Reifyrm Visdvk [I] — 29/04/2023 05:20
What is your policy on the many varieties of cheese?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 05:36
Cheese is, at its heart, an agricultural product. As such, any industry which is based on agriculture needs our support doubly. The people of Bethaven, my constituency, rely on government subsidies because of the lack of ability to produce goods and sell them at acceptable rates. This is the case all over Kodiak. My goal will be to support these small businesses and ensure they have ample resources to add additional cheese to our growing domestic food market.

Thank you for your question!
Grant Shadbolt [CKA] — 29/04/2023 12:03
What is your opinion on so-called "fake" transparent images, which purport to be transparent, but in fact contain a grey-and-white chequered background?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 12:05
For the purposes of illustrating a point, they are an excellent tool. However, literal transparency will never amount to faked transparency in my government. There will be no dancing about the issues: clear, concise, and simple will be the order of the day. After all...
Socialist Gear — 29/04/2023 13:13
What is the greatest threat to our country?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 13:22
This is a simple enough question with a massively complicated answer. I shall attempt to be brief, concise, and clear.

If I were to sit down and rank the issues facing the Republic, the first would be our economic status. We are the laughingstock of the international economic community. We all hold an equal share in the responsibility for the economic trouble we are currently in. There are many reasons for this, which I do not have time to get into nor do I desire to assign any blame.

However, there is a plan in place to fix this threat. I have announced in my campaign that I will be focusing on labor unions, small and growing businesses, and our international trade sphere. Firstly, labor unions will be encouraged in companies that employ large numbers of Kodiakers. These unions will be empowered to negotiate fairly and equitably with their employers, but existing companies will be given the assurance of equitable negotiation. Secondly, small businesses will receive incentives to continue growing, such as tax breaks, employee credits, and appropriate subsidies. These investments from the government will earn a better economy for the future. Finally, I will fix our reputation on the international economic front by increasing our production of raw goods that can be sold on the international market, raising reasonable tariffs on imported goods to protect our domestic production from the over-flooding of foreign goods, and encouraging the exportation of our nation's plentiful natural resources to the nations that need them.

Thank you very much for your question and I look forward to your support in the coming election.
Socialist Gear — 29/04/2023 13:31
Why would the companies help the average citizen?
Wouldn't they just care about there profit?
Also will these jobs be low income or high income?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 13:38
Companies are created for the purposes of making profit; it is their purpose, much in the same way that your car is intended to drive you from point A to point B. However, that does not mean that companies cannot act in more than just profit, much in the same way that you car can have more than just tires and a driver's wheel. Companies incentivize brutal margins and backbreaking work from employees because they are taking advantage of workers. If those workers are given the rights to stand up for themselves, it is in the best interest of the company, including its profits, to negotiate. When faced with the specter of a strike or a picketing, companies will seek to protect their profits by negotiating with the workers. This is, to continue the metaphor, the AC system, the stereo, the heated seats, the environmentally friendly leather. Companies are intended to make profit, but that does not mean they cannot be incentivized into providing benefits, PTO, union equity, and safe, efficient workplaces.
However, my government will not attempt to bend any company's arm by force, but rather make sure we can appropriately negotiate a equitable situation for all involved. Tax breaks are a huge incentive for large companies; these will be tied to the offering of benefits and negotiating with unions.

Thank you for your excellent question.
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 13:43
Please clarify what you mean. Which jobs are you mentioning here? If you are responding to my economic plan, the goal is to expand the entire economy. If more higher paying jobs are opening to accommodate the rising professional class, that is a sign of a healthy economy. I would hope that every Kodiaker would have the opportunity to fill a high income job, but I imagine that the realistic fact is that these jobs will be a wide range of low-, moderate-, and high-income jobs.
Socialist Gear — 29/04/2023 13:43
I think it would be best to offer the Country high paying jobs
And to increase the minimum wage
So more people can afford basic needs
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 29/04/2023 13:45
Fortunately, the Reasonable Wage Act, which established a minimum wage universally, was just passed, authored by yours truly. This is the kind of legislation you can expect from me: establishing the economic rights of workers all across Kodiak.
Erich Crysler -- Alsozar [UKN] — 30/04/2023 00:51
How do you expect to balance the needs with the workers with international mega corporations? Of course the moral high road would be to always support the workers no matter what but in the context of our current economic woes do you find it necessary to take a more balanced, or even business-favored approach?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 30/04/2023 01:12
An excellent question, Mr. Crysler. As I have made it clear in my speeches the past few days, it is crucial for us to take the balanced approach. Our economy is in dire straights and the workers, above all others, feel the heat from this unfortunate and serious issue. This approach, what I am calling the Integrated Approach, will seek to promote businesses and the workers within them to elevate our workers' rights and benefits. Without a good economic situation, our workers will have nowhere to live, no food on their shelves, and no retirement savings. This is unacceptable. If I could achieve the goals of our party, to create an economy based around the rights of the unions and the workers, I would do that. If I could achieve the goals of our party by the enhancement of our economic standing internationally and domestically, I would do that. If I could achieve the goals of our party by the mandatory creation of unions for all industries, regardless of the companies' desire or need for them, I would do that. However, this is not the land of make believe where party ideology exists outside of fact. I am afraid that Mr. Corey and the NUP is currently stuck in that make-believe world. I, however, will seek to relate my policy to reality.

My goal, as your Chancellor, will be to continue the advancement of the rights of the worker through the joint advancement of company and employee alike. This is the essence of the Integrated Approach. We must seek to benefit the lot of the worker directly, through the ardent defense of unions, the establishments of extensive protective rights, and the creation of bodies tasked with enforcing these policies. We must seek to benefit the lot of the worker indirectly, through the implementation of tax breaks for corporations offering benefits, through the protection for and encouragement of small and growing businesses, and through the establishment of a prosperous economic situation.

Thank you for your question, Mr. Crysler.
Socialist Gear — 01/05/2023 07:51
Is the NUP bad?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 01/05/2023 08:14
What do you mean by "bad"?
Socialist Gear — 01/05/2023 08:18
Like are they good for the country?
Socialist Gear — 01/05/2023 08:37
Or are they bad for the country
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 01/05/2023 10:34
I'll try an answer that question without being overly partisan. I would like the answer to be taken in good faith as it concerns my views about my policy and the policy of the NUP.

Frankly, the NUP is untested and their policies are untested. This could mean one of two things: they are could fail utterly or they could be good. Only testing them out would work. I, for one, am unwilling to trust that the NUP has what it takes to rule. The NUP's economic policy, as with mine, is moderate in it's measure, but their policy concerning international standing, trade, and innovation is somewhat formless and undefined. The NUP has committed to support those sectors, but has given little in the way of actionable items. If the party provided some proof from the past concerning this willingness, beyond a number of failed bills and one or two successful ones, that might be different. My stance is simple and actionable: support corporations through supporting unions, empowering their mutual bargaining power, tying tax credits to benefit provision and efficiency advancements, providing small businesses with tax cuts, promotional assistance, increasing their defense against monopolies, increasing international trade be encouraging corporations to export our rich natural and mineral resources, providing the world with increased access to the Kodiaker work market by encouraging immigrants into skilled labor and small businesses, and introducing protective tariffs for sectors dominated by Kodiaker domestic production. These things are simple, tangible, and measurable.
The NUP has show tenacity in this election season. They have put forward a capable and strong candidate, one willing to rise above the direct badgering some members of his party are willing to stoop to. They have shown solidarity with their members and have taken an excellent opening with the DPPK's sudden departure from the current government. I do not believe that the NUP is bad for the country. But I do not think they are good. They are simply the other option. I think the Kodiak Workers' Party is the best choice for those looking out for the worker and the little guy, not just one or the other. The NUP seems willing to abandon the unions just because they are a small part of our economy; they are happy to let the KWP court more than just the "second largest employer" group.

The KWP is Comprehensive, Integrated, and Transparent. There's no better guarentee than that.
Grant Shadbolt [CKA] — 01/05/2023 15:19
(My question appears to have been missed, so I'll post it again)
What is your plan to sort out the government's books and address the debt crisis?
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 02/05/2023 08:21
I apologize for not answering sooner. I will formulate a proper response this evening.
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 03/05/2023 11:53
I lied, as I had work to do. But now, you get an answer.
Braughn F. G. Kryos — 03/05/2023 12:06
This is a serious issue, especially for the KWP. We are responsible in large part for the current government debt crisis. The budget has been over-drawn for some time, leading to massive debts and payments. Our current consolidated interest payment for the loans taken out stands at 9.2 billion florins, within the top 10 most expensive spending items. I would venture to say that is far higher than it should be. Government expenditure is well out of hand now and needs to be pruned.

How will this be accomplished? Unfortunately, a large part of the answer is one that no one will like: increased taxation and lowered spending.

Taxes on large businesses, the wealthy, and imports of various kinds might rise. Luxury goods might see increased excises. The common worker might see a slight increase to cover the difference, but hopefully nothing unreasonable. Our current progressive system works well, but may need some modifications. What exactly that looks like, I'm not sure yet. I have yet to have the opportunity to commission a report on the subject, but that will be among my first acts as your Chancellor.

Lowered spending, especially on state education, is necessary. Currently, state schools cost more than the next four items on the expenditure list combined, falling only a billion florins under "all other expenses". This ridiculous overspending is a serious breath of our duty to manage the taxes of our citizens. With the Advanced Education Act already passed and more legislation to focus the spending of the state towards necessary and efficient sectors, this will become less of an issue under my administration. Some other areas may see minor cuts, such as the military and rail funding.

The reduced spending and the increased taxation, along with other state revenue sources such as bonds, should provide us with enough spare budgetary money to provide much-needed business support and economic encouragement.

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